Atlanta burning tonight...

Some states actually passed laws allowing people to run over protestors
As crazy as this sounds, the inmates can’t run the asylum. I’m not advocating killing anyone but if someone is dumb enough to stand in the road with no regard for themselves and that’s the only thing separating me from death I won’t mash the gas but I won’t hit the brake either.
As crazy as this sounds, the inmates can’t run the asylum. I’m not advocating killing anyone but if someone is dumb enough to stand in the road with no regard for themselves and that’s the only thing separating me from death I won’t mash the gas but I won’t hit the brake either.
Yeah if it’s a downtown street you can just detour around but interstate? No way
Seattle has been a terror to live in since the start of June and it hasn't been because of the police. There is evil running loose in America, and it isn't the police. Our leaders better get it together, or we will get it together for them.

100 percent correct but those leaders have an agenda where most of the issues are
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I will say when it comes to uniforms I gotta give it to the lefties... all black military look is cooler than white izod polo and khakis but that tiki torch is a secret weapon!!
Well, the red corner definitely needs to work on the design of their hats. Shew!
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Call me crazy. Maybe, it just starts with being a little more courteous and inclusive. A little ‘pay it forward’ could go a long way right now. Just my opinion.
At Myrtle Beach this week a young white couple were approached by a large group of young black men who asked if they had a lighter. They then attacked the couple with the girl being undressed and the boy having his jaw broken in 4 places. They probably just weren’t courteous enough.
At Myrtle Beach this week a young white couple were approached by a large group of young black men who asked if they had a lighter. They then attacked the couple with the girl being undressed ant boy having his jaw broken in 4 places. They probably weren’t courteous enough.
Definitely not. Probably should have gone to OBX.
Any idea who Rayshard Brooks is?

guy who was drunk in a stopped car pulled out of the then a fight happened and the guy took the cops taser and ran away and the cop shot him. That’s the story I read

Why people have to resist is so dumb but then why shoot as he’s running away.
Yeah because there is no racism of whites by blacks. The majority of this country is not racist but there are racists in both groups. The people who are drumming up that the majority of whites are racists against blacks are playing politics while also ignoring that about the same number of blacks are racist toward whites.

while yes there are racists of every color, in America at least, that number is definitely not the “same” as you put it
guy who was drunk in a stopped car pulled out of the then a fight happened and the guy took the cops taser and ran away and the cop shot him. That’s the story I read

Why people have to resist is so dumb but then why shoot as he’s running away.

He actually looked like he shot at the police officer (With the taser) as he was running away. I suppose we should all assume the cop knew it was the stolen taser and not a gun.

I know because I’m not black that could never happen to me.

....that....and I’d never resist arrest, steal a taser, and then shoot at an officer while fleeing.
He actually looked like he shot at the police officer (With the taser) as he was running away. I suppose we should all assume the cop knew it was the stolen taser and not a gun.

I know because I’m not black that could never happen to me.

....that....and I’d never resist arrest, steal a taser, and then shoot at an officer while fleeing.

see I didn’t read that part they already sending edited video around too
Yeah because there is no racism of whites by blacks. The majority of this country is not racist but there are racists in both groups. The people who are drumming up that the majority of whites are racists against blacks are playing politics while also ignoring that about the same number of blacks are racist toward whites.

I hesitate to mention this as I'd prefer not to escalate things but...

Was the victim of said racism last night and have been in times past as well. Went to get something to eat and, maybe in part for what's going on, was overly nice to the lady taking my order. I did ask her, politely, to repeat herself once as she was behind a plastic shield and was wearing a facemask. It was obvious she didn't like having to repeat herself. Again though, I thanked her and tipped her at the checkout. Later she brought my food and literally tossed it on the table. I wanted to call her out but just said thanks and let it go having "never walked a mile in her moccasins" to know why she was doing this.

I've also had times where I was refused service saying point blank "we don't serve your kind".

Maybe we all are expected to go to this level to be accepted for not being born into a given race now?

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I hesitate to mention this as I'd prefer not to escalate things but...

Was the victim of said racism last night and have been in times past as well. Went to get something to eat and, maybe in part for what's going on, was overly nice to the lady taking my order. I did ask her, politely, to repeat herself once as she was behind a plastic shield and was wearing a facemask. It was obvious she didn't like having to repeat herself. Again though, I thanked her and tipped her at the checkout. Later she brought my food and literally tossed it on the table. I wanted to call her out but just said thanks and let it go having "never walked a mile in her moccasins" to know why she was doing this.

I've also had times where I was refused service saying point blank "we don't serve your kind".

Maybe we all are expected to go to this level to be accepted for not being born into a given race now?


Nobody ever said the Devil was short on minions.
I hesitate to mention this as I'd prefer not to escalate things but...

Was the victim of said racism last night and have been in times past as well. Went to get something to eat and, maybe in part for what's going on, was overly nice to the lady taking my order. I did ask her, politely, to repeat herself once as she was behind a plastic shield and was wearing a facemask. It was obvious she didn't like having to repeat herself. Again though, I thanked her and tipped her at the checkout. Later she brought my food and literally tossed it on the table. I wanted to call her out but just said thanks and let it go having "never walked a mile in her moccasins" to know why she was doing this.

I've also had times where I was refused service saying point blank "we don't serve your kind".

Maybe we all are expected to go to this level to be accepted for not being born into a given race now?

I’m thankful that I live in an area where this isn’t really a problem. I’m also not good at holding my tongue. You’re a better man than me.
Per capita? You’re kidding...right?

African Americans make up like 12% of the population and Caucasians make up like 60% so no it’s not the “same” as he put it. White people don't experience anywhere near as much racism as black people it’s ridiculous to even think that...listen you’re a smart woman I don’t have to break it down for you that much do I?
I hesitate to mention this as I'd prefer not to escalate things but...

Was the victim of said racism last night and have been in times past as well. Went to get something to eat and, maybe in part for what's going on, was overly nice to the lady taking my order. I did ask her, politely, to repeat herself once as she was behind a plastic shield and was wearing a facemask. It was obvious she didn't like having to repeat herself. Again though, I thanked her and tipped her at the checkout. Later she brought my food and literally tossed it on the table. I wanted to call her out but just said thanks and let it go having "never walked a mile in her moccasins" to know why she was doing this.

I've also had times where I was refused service saying point blank "we don't serve your kind".

Maybe we all are expected to go to this level to be accepted for not being born into a given race now?


African Americans make up like 12% of the population and Caucasians make up like 60% so no it’s not the “same” as he put it. White people don't experience anywhere near as much racism as black people it’s ridiculous to even think that...listen you’re a smart woman I don’t have to break it down for you that much do I?
Keep on believing this. You are part of the problem.
Guy who got shot by police after he fell asleep drunk in his car in a Wendy's drive through. Grabbed officer's taser and pointed it at him. Cop shot and killed him. Bad timing on all parts. Still under investigation, not sure what is what.
So guy grab the cops taser , pointed it at him, could have disabled the officer and took his gun and killed officer. But the officer was in the wrong ?
African Americans make up like 12% of the population and Caucasians make up like 60% so no it’s not the “same” as he put it. White people don't experience anywhere near as much racism as black people it’s ridiculous to even think that...listen you’re a smart woman I don’t have to break it down for you that much do I?

You really don’t...

Born in a shitty part of Baltimore and spent the early part of my life just outside of D.C. Think this white kid didn’t experience black on white racism?

Really’s not about who’s prejudice (every single person in the world) it’s about who lets it impact their decisions and how they treat other people...more importantly prejudice truly becomes racism when people use their power (via authority or violence) to alter other people’s lives. Police or violent diff. ...and that’s the hypocrisy (among ignoring the HUGE rate of black on black crime/murder) of the BLM movement.
So guy grab the cops taser , pointed it at him, could have disabled the officer and took his gun and killed officer. But the officer was in the wrong ?
I think there is more to it than that. Might have been running from cop when it happened. Like I said, I don't know all the details and the investigation is incomplete.

I do know that the APD Chief resigned after it happened and she was recently speaking with protesters about the force being cognizant of the issues and being restrained in using deadly force. Then this happens like 4 days later. She was good at her job too and a respected law enforcement officer.
guy was running away but @Orlaco said he fired the taser back as he was running sooooo

Just re-swatched to make sure I wasn’t full of sh#!. I wasn’t...

I want to be careful to express I’m not saying the cop (already fired) should get a free pass....just lets keep the facts (at least the ones we can clearly see) straight.

Plus (and again)...NOTHING about this shows it was race related... Unless a white cop shooting a black criminal automatically qualifies..
Just re-swatched to make sure I wasn’t full of sh#!. I wasn’t...

I want to be careful to express I’m not saying the cop (already fired) should get a free pass....just lets keep the facts (at least the ones we can clearly see) straight.

Plus (and again)...NOTHING about this shows it was race related... Unless a white cop shooting a black criminal automatically qualifies..

That's where we are at though now isn't it? The left always assumes that it is racially motivated.

No, let me check that...the left always uses it to their advantage as that, but many do jump to that conclusion on their own.

I know we all do those sorts of things to a point though. None of us are entirely without flaw.
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You really don’t...

Born in a shitty part of Baltimore and spent the early part of my life just outside of D.C. Think this white kid didn’t experience black on white racism?

Really’s not about who’s prejudice (every single person in the world) it’s about who lets it impact their decisions and how they treat other people...more importantly prejudice truly becomes racism when people use their power (via authority or violence) to alter other people’s lives. Police or violent diff. ...and that’s the hypocrisy (among ignoring the HUGE rate of black on black crime/murder) of the BLM movement.

of course there are black racists, every race is racist I said that in my initial post, I grew up in Memphis a predominately black city I’ve seen it too. You’re right everyone has prejudice like you said it’s built into our psyche, but the number of white people who’s lives are affected daily by racism is not the same in America as everyone else plain and’s just basic numbers
Just re-swatched to make sure I wasn’t full of sh#!. I wasn’t...

I want to be careful to express I’m not saying the cop (already fired) should get a free pass....just lets keep the facts (at least the ones we can clearly see) straight.

Plus (and again)...NOTHING about this shows it was race related... Unless a white cop shooting a black criminal automatically qualifies..

didnt mean to imply you were My soooo was just to say I don’t know what should have been done

shit happens so fast it’s even easy to watch a video and second guess the question only the cop knows is does he know it’s just a taser
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....but the number of white people who’s lives are affected daily by racism is not the same in America as everyone else plain and’s just basic numbers

Well...this white had to move to WV to get away from it (no Whites OF WV jokes please)....

...but’re correct.

Still, starting to look like this ‘movement for equality’ is becoming more about leverage and revenge. It certainly doesn’t have a MLK vibe. That man knew how to hedge those with differing opinions in his direction... BLM not so much. ...but then it’s a disorganized and headless organization.
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Well...this white had to move to WV to get away from it (no Whites OF WV jokes please)....

...but’re correct.

Still, starting to look like this ‘movement for equality’ is becoming more about leverage and revenge. It certainly doesn’t have a MLK vibe. That man knew how to hedge those with differing opinions in his direction... BLM not so much. ...but then it’s a disorganized and headless organization.

Yea it’s way more visceral and chaotic now nothing like with MLK, that was what made those images from protests back then so powerful they were treated like animals for just wanting basic rights promised to them. The violence from everyone now isn’t going to change anything, just embolden the feelings of those that already hate them.

crazy to think if MLK is never assassinated where race relations in this country may be today

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