ATL Official Bet on 4 more years of Trump

Let’s make a bet. If Trump wins the election I’ll leave this forum. If Biden wins we both leave.
I’m sure you won’t answer directly and will post some stupid gif. But you keep saying Trump will win so put your money where your mouth is.

This means too much for you. So, I’m sure you’ll waffle. Me not so much.
Why don't you just leave on your own and make everybody happy ??
Yet you can’t quote a single post where I made that claim.

God-damned liar lies again.

Because he is a cry baby pussy who is delusional and can’t accept defeat. He has no morals. He is a lying, con man who has cheated his whole life. We have been telling you f’ucking morons this for four years.


Here's the whole thread....

it's in post #28 of the thread where you said this:
bornaneer said:
What is meddling or collusion in an election?
@countryroads89 said: Just sit tight; you will find out in a couple of months.

...more (from same thread)

Sep 20, 2017


So we're now sitting here in September a few months removed from @countryroads89 "prediction" stated below that we'd all know in a few months (back in March) exactly how the Russians "colluded" with Trump to steal the election from Hillary.

so @countryroads89 what do we know?

countryroads89 said:
Just sit tight; you will find out in a couple of months.
Both, I hope. We are the top of the food chain, no? IDGAF about the USA meddling in other elections. I sure as shit care about others meddling in ours.

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Spoken like a chickenshit who wont put his money where his mouth us.
LOL. I’m not the one saying I’m not confident. It’s obvious Biden is winning. What I don’t have confidence in is anyone weirdo righty on here having money or the character to pay off a bet
@atlkvb ----Banned for one year if Biden takes office for the next four years.

@indyrckstar ---Banned for one year if Trump retains office for the next four years.
A 2 for 1. If Trump is the President for the next for years...regardless of how it happens...Indy and me will leave. I’ll up it and say I’ll leave for good.

And I’ll even say no matter how Trump stays in office. If the Rep cucks in Congress some how allow him to retain his fascist control over the Republican Party, Trump shoots Biden on 5th Avenue, and Rudy has the chick from Botat to jerk him off onto the Constitution...I’ll still leave.

The bet is on. It’s official.
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I’m glad you made the bet. If he had to leave this forum he’d probably go back to beating his wife.

If you want me to leave so bad why don't you just stop reading me? You're already illiterate, just make it official! You post a whole thread to me asking for a stupid bet to "self ban" if Trump loses which is unenforceable (see countryroads89) I say I'm not interested in that however if you really want a good bet let's put some $$$$$$$$$$ on it? Left it open for you to place your wager since it was YOUR bet invitation.

I hear nothing else from you, and now there is all this hand wringing over the fact I won't agree to a stupid "self ban". Half of you loco weed Leftists never read me anyway, the rest of you are a total waste of time because I can't ever have an honest policy based dialogue with any of you. Why are you all so anxious to get rid of me when all you have to do is keep me on "ignore" like most of you brag you do anyway, or just skip over any posts on this board that you see with this sig in front of 'em.

Problem solved. Good Lord what a bunch of whinny little brats you Leftists are!
A 2 for 1. If Trump is the President for the next for years...regardless of how it happens...Indy and me will leave. I’ll up it and say I’ll leave for good.

And I’ll even say no matter how Trump stays in office. If the Rep cucks in Congress some how allow him to retain his fascist control over the Republican Party, Trump shoots Biden on 5th Avenue, and Rudy has the chick from Botat to jerk him off onto the Constitution...I’ll still leave.

The bet is on. It’s official.

You people are certified insane. I made no bet, you all lie like I spit, and I'd actually prefer if you just forget about me and talk amongst yourselves about how much more of your income you're prepared to send President Biden when he comes around with his tin cup.

Get a Life, and STOP LYING ABOUT A BET I NEVER MADE.....good Lord!
You people are certified insane. I made no bet, you all lie like I spit, and I'd actually prefer if you just forget about me and talk amongst yourselves about how much more of your income you're prepared to send President Biden when he comes around with his tin cup.

Get a Life, and STOP LYING ABOUT A BET I NEVER MADE.....good Lord!
LOL. Pussy. 8 pages and counting of you showing your cvnt.
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A 2 for 1. If Trump is the President for the next for years...regardless of how it happens...Indy and me will leave. I’ll up it and say I’ll leave for good.

And I’ll even say no matter how Trump stays in office. If the Rep cucks in Congress some how allow him to retain his fascist control over the Republican Party, Trump shoots Biden on 5th Avenue, and Rudy has the chick from Botat to jerk him off onto the Constitution...I’ll still leave.

The bet is on. It’s official.
How stupid lol. Anyone and everyone knows that Biden will be president. I’m a huge Trump supporter, but I’m also a realist. Sidney Powell accusations of fraud with guaranteed proof to back it was Trump only chance. I offered this bet pre election and nobody had the balls to take it. Oh well, I’d be gone if they had.
How stupid lol. Anyone and everyone knows that Biden will be president. I’m a huge Trump supporter, but I’m also a realist. Sidney Powell accusations of fraud with guaranteed proof to back it was Trump only chance. I offered this bet pre election and nobody had the balls to take it. Oh well, I’d be gone if they had.
I don’t know. Ask ATL if Biden will be President.
How stupid lol. Anyone and everyone knows that Biden will be president. I’m a huge Trump supporter, but I’m also a realist. Sidney Powell accusations of fraud with guaranteed proof to back it was Trump only chance. I offered this bet pre election and nobody had the balls to take it. Oh well, I’d be gone if they had.

Not everyone....

Most of my Trump friends know it but there are some that are running around in FB doing the same exact thing as a few on here. Just throwing up shit and hope it sticks. Twitter mania...

It's sad but funny too.
LOL. Pussy. 8 pages and counting of you showing your cvnt.

You can fix whatever it is about me that bugs you so much by simple, immediate and permanent cessation of your endlessly futile attempts to decipher my posts. They're obviously too complicated for your sophomoric intellect so just move onto something a little less challenging for your demonstrably defective mental acuity.

Works every time it's tried.
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LOL. Pussy. 8 pages and counting of you showing your cvnt. 😏

I'm curious how long it took you to discover the unique the differences between a "pussy" and a "cvnt" and how they divergently operate in a normally well constructed colloquial English sentence?

I'm curious how long it took you to discover the unique the differences between a "pussy" and a "cvnt" and how they divergently operate in a normally well constructed colloquial English sentence?


A child asked his father "what's the difference between a pussy and a cvnt dad?" The father tells him to come upstairs into his bedroom where the wife is taking a nap and pulls up the blanket and whispers "that's a pussy son" the son screams "whoa!" The father grabs the boy by the arm and says "keep it down! Or you'll wake the cvnt up!"


Interesting that the word filter blocks c_nt but not pussy. You should explain the difference to Vernon...
Hey Jimmy YOU you understand what @NYC_Eer wrote here?

LOL. Pussy. 8 pages and counting of you showing your cvnt.

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A child asked his father "what's the difference between a pussy and a cvnt dad?" The father tells him to come upstairs into his bedroom where the wife is taking a nap and pulls up the blanket and whispers "that's a pussy son" the son screams "whoa!" The father grabs the boy by the arm and says "keep it down! Or you'll wake the cvnt up!"


Interesting that the word filter blocks c_nt but not pussy. You should explain the difference to Vernon...

  • Haha
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Perfect diversion tactic from us talking about him being a pussy. Make the bet, say Biden is your bitch, and deal with being a cvnt. You choose. 8 going on 9 pages.

Your metrosexual proclivities are bleeding through strongly in this post....need some tampons baby girl?

Here... try these for those "heavy flow" days like you're having today OK NYC Sweetie??????
Here you go @indyrckstar ...some materials you can use while you tutor @NYC_Eer




Since he obviously struggles with word/picture associations, I figured you could start here and then work up to Dick and Jane readers.


You're Welcome
@indyrckstar Bro you are so are just lost trying to keep up with me aren't 'ya?....I just exhaust your imagination don't I? @NYC_Eer too huh? Tell 'ya both what I'm gonna do to help you dummies out.



Gee thanks atl!