Another Republican Pedophile

Speaking of being behind the times, that's so 2016. As soon as you all got it, you started to lose it so enjoy this brief time before it's gone again.
I don't have anything.....I accept change......did before.....and will again. I guess you haven't been around long enough to know how things work in this country. Let me give all you "butt hurt" folks a little advice: Life goes on.....quit being sooooo miserable and enjoy it.
I don't have anything.....I accept change......did before.....and will again. I guess you haven't been around long enough to know how things work in this country. Let me give all you "butt hurt" folks a little advice: Life goes on.....quit being sooooo miserable and enjoy it.

Says the man who gets his panties in a wad every time someone posts something that he doesn't agree with......:popcorn:

But, I do agree with your sentiment......[thumbsup]
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Says the man who gets his panties in a wad every time someone posts something that he doesn't agree with......:popcorn:

But, I do agree with your sentiment......[thumbsup]
Was only correcting you post regarding Virginia.......they have been moving to the Dem side for years.
But isn't a fact that the Republicans lost a seat in Virginia while Trump was President?

It was a Governorship not a seat in Congress. And that Democrat wasn't running on an agenda of increasing taxes, punishing businesses through increased regulations and expanding the size and scope of Government.

What I can't figure out is if all of you Leftists want higher taxes, bigger Government, more regulations and Abortion on demand with no restrictions why don't you just admit that?

Why don't you proclaim your preferences?

What Democrats are running on that agenda?
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Virginia house of delegates seat.........not governor seat........The Republican lost, and lost to a transgender.
I don't have anything.....I accept change......did before.....and will again. I guess you haven't been around long enough to know how things work in this country. Let me give all you "butt hurt" folks a little advice: Life goes on.....quit being sooooo miserable and enjoy it.
Huh? You should be the last person to ever give any person any advice on anything but thanks smh. Enjoy your own white nationalism while it lasts (not long).
Virginia house of delegates seat.........not governor seat........The Republican lost, and lost to a transgender. mistake. Tell me what is the transgener's voting mandate? What legislation will he/she sponsor that Virginia voters are demanding? Just two or three big issues. Higher taxes on small businesses? Increased individual income taxes? School choice? What? mistake. Tell me what is the transgener's voting mandate? What legislation will he/she sponsor that Virginia voters are demanding? Just two or three big issues. Higher taxes on small businesses? Increased individual income taxes? School choice? What?
Potholes and human decency I think. VAGOP lost a lot more than 1 delegate though.
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Huh? You should be the last person to ever give any person any advice on anything but thanks smh. Enjoy your own white nationalism while it lasts (not long).
WTF is this about? You have gone off the deep end.
Potholes and human decency I think. VAGOP lost a lot more than 1 delegate though.

Well that certainly is a winning agenda Coop but the fact you can't answer that question or no one on the Left can speaks volumes.
That's Trump's brand of politics. I guess you haven't been paying attention.
Still saying made the comments. Now be specific about what I said about Virginia that has you SYH all the time.
You seem confused. smh
You made this comment....."Enjoy your own white nationalism while it lasts (not long)." I'm giving you the opportunity to be specific about how that relates to me ("your own").
You made this comment....."Enjoy your own white nationalism while it lasts (not long)." I'm giving you the opportunity to be specific about how that relates to me.
You support Trump. Trump is a white nationalist therefore you support white nationalism. Trump gets impeached next year (or early 2019). So I recommended to you that you "enjoy your own white nationalism white it lasts (not long)". Shew smh.
You support Trump. Trump is a white nationalist therefore you support white nationalism. Trump gets impeached next year (or early 2019). So I recommended to you that you "enjoy your own white nationalism white it lasts (not long)". Shew smh.
You're a fukin racist idiot. I'm done with you and your bullshit.
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Trump is a white nationalist

Name the legislation or policy position Trump advocates that supports your claim he's a White Nationalist moe?

How is his "White nationalism" manifested in the current legislation he either has signed into Law or proposes moe?
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Trump gets impeached next year (or early 2019)

What is the specific high crime or misdemeanor Trump would be facing impeachment on moe? Name the violation of the Law or the crime he has committed moe.
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Read ATL's posts, then you'll know why we think that......

When have I ever said I'm "perfect"? I call myself a Sinner on this forum constantly. I admit to my faults (having a weakness for big booty Women) as well as my errors. I do however never forget to remind you Leftists that it is only through forgiveness found in Christ that you can be removed of your Sins. I never said you don't stop Sinning (I don't) but you do try to turn away from it and ask for forgiveness if/when you fail.

How many of you Leftists ask Christ for forgiveness of your Sins? Or is it really you all who think you are perfect and have no need for either Salvation or to ask for forgiveness from your Sinful ways?
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Don't you get it? Alcohol is evil and a sin for those other type of people but for us rightwing Christians, as long as we can justify our actions, it is perfectly fine to buy and use alcohol. Our Christmas party and pork butt just won't turn out right without it.

Alcohol by itself isn't Evil. Drowning in it is. Abusing it is. Drinking so much of it that you loose consciousness is. Jesus turned Water into Wine...and drank it too!
Ha! I don't have to do that any more. Most annoying poster ever.

You know one of the first things they ask you to do when you go into recovery from an addiction is to admit your faults. What has you addicted and why? You Leftists can't even admit to your addiction (Big Government Socialist egalitarianism) so how can you ever hope to be cured of it?
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Potholes and human decency I think. VAGOP lost a lot more than 1 delegate though.
He's right! lost quite a few seats but hopefully not enough to increase medicaid and make us more like Maryland.
Name the legislation or policy position Trump advocates that supports your claim he's a White Nationalist?

How is his "White nationalism" manifested in the current legislation he either has signed into Law or proposes?

What is the specific high crime or misdemeanor Trump would be facing impeachment on? Name the violation of the Law or the crime he has committed.

I get what you're trying to do here, my question is why? They'll NEVER be honest with you because they are incapable or indifferent.
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Actually you are really racist which has been documented on here several times.

I think most Leftists are wvu2007, they just don't admit it! Just like they don't admit to their allegiance to Income redistribution & Socialism. I think they really do believe Black people are inferior, and in need of their "help" to survive the rigors of modern Life. I don't think they believe any Black person is their professional or intellectual equal, God forbid superior. I think they are liars, cowards, racists, pedophiles, all of the things they accuse us on the Right of being which they embody, emulate, and demonstrate with unvarnished precision on a daily basis.

Look at how that party (Democrats) takes the votes of Black Americans for granted? What major legislation have they promoted in the last 20 years that actually improves the lives of Black people? Food Stamps? EBT cards? Section 8 housing vouchers? They oppose tax free enterprise zones for small minority owned businesses, school choice vouchers for poor inner city Black Parents, and they support increased funding for Planned Parenthood which murders more little black babies as a percentage of their overall Abortion services by more than 2-to-1 over any other Racial classification!

They are systematically exterminating us just as Margaret Sanger... Planned Parenthood founder and an avowed racist and Leftist Socialist advocated, and they call Christians demanding an end to tax payer funded Abortions hypocrites? When Black people stop voting for these charlatans is the day we truly will be emancipated!
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I get what you're trying to do here, my question is why? They'll NEVER be honest with you because they are incapable or indifferent.

You have it figured out...I post the questions so others can see it too. They all claim they don't read me and maybe that's true...but they're the only ones denying the reality of their fraudulent claims. Everyone else reads their non responses and just like you have figured out how much they avoid directly responding to legitimate questions about what they believe or support others notice it too.

They're liars and cowards. They cannot defend what they actually believe in and support.

"Oh I'm personally opposed to abortion, but I can't impose my values onto anyone else"

Oh no? Then why are all White Conservatives racists? Aren't they (Leftists) "imposing" their values onto others with that drivel?