SIAP: Anecdotal WVU/RR Observation

My brother took his son to the course today…thank God for high 50’s in December in southern WV. Majority of folks on the range, the green, and playing had WVU stuff on. It’s an observation I’ve made over the last couple of weeks as well.

Are more people proud to wear the flying WV now? I bought my first WVU apparel today in a long time. Coincidence, or are lots of people buying in and back?

Speaking only for myself and my close circle we are all more excited for the future of WVU sports than we have been in years. Feels good!

Damnit, now….. come on !!

Does that means Romeo and Juliet will return to be a fan or to the Blue Lot ??

I am so confused on the direction of the conditional WVU fan…

I need a list of the conditions that need to be met before they log on…. And if they go to games…. Or watch them on YouTube TV…

Will his pussy ass only watch if we play on the mouse stations or does he boycott Fox Sports with his vaginal sand cavity in tow ??
