@moe ...@moe...@moe.... Trump offered that sawed off Bolshevik Zelensky
the best deal he's ever going to get! Either from Europe under NATO, and certainly not under
The agreement he could have signed with DJT would have made the US an equal partner economically, helping to rebuild his decimated country. Our economic partnership with him would automatically guarantee US protection as our strategic ally
without NATO membership which would automatically trigger a global conflict with Russia if they were to ever invade again. In addition, US investments in their mineral rights would help both countries and strategically eliminate Russian influence not only in Ukraine, but throughout Europe! He would have access to US capital as well as US military equipment that he could actually pay for instead of bankrupting both America and his pitiful wasteland of a country fighting a war he simply cannot win against Russia.
Here...it's very well explained by non other than Mark Levin in his commentary on the whole Trump/Zelinsky dust up.
“On Life, Liberty & Levin last Saturday, as well as radio and the Blaze, I explained how the minerals deal President Trump was proposing would be a huge benefit to both our country and Ukraine. For us, of course,
it would result in hundreds of billions if not trillions of dollars worth of badly needed rare earth minerals and metals mined and developed by our country in Ukraine (Ukraine has not developed them significantly for several reasons). American businesses and employees would locate in Ukraine. And
Ukraine would benefit with billions if not trillions in investment and revenue resulting from a deal with the United States. Furthermore,
with such a crucial and significant American presence in Ukraine, the likelihood of Russia invading Ukraine again was very, very unlikely, thereby making Ukraine’s membership in NATO unnecessary.
Mark Levin Addressing Zelesky-Trump Conflict
Zelinsky got bad advice from Trump dazed Democrats, telling him to reject the deal only because they're anxious to sabotage Trump's efforts to end the Russian invasion and bring peace to the Crimean peninsula. They know creepy Joe couldn't find an end to the war, he just got us deeper into it & on the edge of World War 3! Trump is trying to be a peacemaker, recoup some of the money we've wasted on this senseless War which neither side can win, and end the bloodshed which has killed thousands and thousands of both Ukrainians and Russians.
It's no wonder Democrats favor more war, more death, more destruction, more debt, and more devastation. They like to kill innocent babies, so what's a few thousand more dead Russians and Ukrainian boys to them? 😏
I'm OK with more death and destruction over Ukraine...look what Trump as done to me and my worthless Democrat party? What have WE got to lose?.... to turn a popular phrase "orange man bad" used to steal traditional Democrat votes from Blacks who'd been brainwashed by my loser party!
@moe , you're calling Trump a war mongering Dictator, but it looks like you and your loser party have beat him to it over your desperate attempts to sabotage his peace efforts for Ukraine! 🤔
I'm really confused by you mind numbed TDS infected Democrats
I don't know why you're so confused atl??? Look, we Democrats just hate Trump...doesn't that explain everything else we do that makes no sense?