You all must be proud

Hillary is a really good measuring stick for the GOP....

She is under all sorts of scrutiny for the email thing, she was manhandled in her presidential bid by Obama, the dems got steam rolled in the '14 elections, so the momentum should be leaning GOP.

I said early on that I thought she was a shoe in. But there are issues with her and her campaign and if the GOP can't win this, they pretty much suck. She is really beatable.
Re: Hillary is a really good measuring stick for the GOP....

Agreed, I thought she was a shoe in for several years now. I'm not so sure anymore. Her story on the email server is just plain dumb and I don't think people are buying it.
I heard/read? yesterday her two top aides had accounts on it also?

I guess that was for Hillary's convenience also.
Re: Hillary is a really good measuring stick for the GOP....

I thought she was a shoe in, and still think she would be better than the last two. However, the complete lack of taking responsibility for anything and continual blame shifting has gotten very old over the past six years, or so. I wish she would have just been honest, accepted the blame, and explained how things would change.
Posted from Rivals Mobile

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