Love teachers, my sister, mother and wife teach.
It is absolutely disgusting to see adults use the words deserve, entitled to, need when they are making a wage that is higher than most in their state.
Sickening to see teachers state how they can go to MD or VA and make so much more. The whole envy and grass is greener argument.
I moved to WV from Maryland where I was born and raised. All because I love this state and wanted to raise my family here. Because I wanted to pay my taxes to WV rather than MD. Because I love this state. My income and expenses have been impacted by my decision to move here 11 years ago. My old company constantly let me know I did not receive sales leads like other reps because where I chose to move to.
Make clear demands with a path forward and with expectations that come with accountability. Then if you agree to the plan, do your damn part and improve our childrens futures and education with real, measurable results.
How does a 5 percent raise rather than 3 or 4 percent suddenly improve education in our state?
Seems to be the system is broken at its historical root system and needs to be fixed with accountability, and with opportunity if the teachers produce.
For having such abysmal educational records how can anyone demand anymore from a poor state with no real plan?