Well.....Gen Kelly just lost the last shred of respect that he had

I used to think similar but more so with Mattis than Tillerson. But not anymore. Kelly has shown he is willing to cover for his boss's abhorrent behavior even over what his words claims is "sacred" and then turns a few minutes later and just continues with typical Trumpster behavior of divisive and degrading comments. He is a political prop in the craziest WH ever.

And for the morons that think my words have anything to do with Kelly caring about my opinion, you are just showing your continued true ignorance. It is sad you can't understand the simplest of commentaries of what is being discussed.
You are nothing! If you were in my toilet I wouldn't bother flushing it. My bathmat means more to me than you.
As is usually the case, the Liberal leaves out key parts as to what the decorated General actually said.

For those that missed it:

"It stuns me that a member of Congress listened in on that conversation."

So nobody was listening on the president's end? It was admitted that there were others on that end. So what's the point?
He's politicizing it?


He's crossing the line?


He speaks from experience, having lost a son in combat, was in the room when the call was made and frankly has 1000 times more credibility than that crazy ass Congresswoman from Florida has.

But he's the one politicizing it......

Could any living being be tormented as to which source to believe in. Not a liberal in self analysis. The man has more integrity in his word than Bru has been exposed to in his life. Am sure Bru believes what he is saying, just doesn't know better.