"TikTok" ban passes... this is not good

Breeauna Sagdal


THREE DAYS AGO, WHILE MSM DEBATED TIKTOK, carefully steering the narrative to the Spooky CCP...

THREE DAYS AGO, while the so-called "TIKTOK BAN" sailed through the House, after the RULES WERE SUSPENDED to pass it that quickly...

Once you realize that TikTok and its parent company Bytedance have been working WITH the Biden Administration and CFIUS for the last three years to become compliant, once you realize that On January 19, 2021, one day before President Biden assumed office, the US Department of Commerce (Commerce) published an interim final rule implementing its sweeping new authority to block, unwind, or condition "transactions" involving information and communications technology and services (ICTS), once you realize that TikTok's servers are in Texas, and then understand that the company already has an American board, and has already turned over ALL records of shareholders to the satisfaction of our federal government - then you start to understand the REAL target isn't TikTok - it's YOU via "X," Rumble, Gettr, Crypto, and so on down the line of non-compliant, divergent thought, content hubs and decentralized financial mechanisms.

Don't think it's possible? I have news for you. All it takes is an Executive Order declaring a National Security threat exists and invoking IEEPA (economic sanctions), like the Biden Administration did on Feb. 28, 2024—days before H.R 7521 passed out of the House. The seizure or freezing of assets can happen WHILE an investigation is being conducted, AND all an investigation requires is mere hearsay, or a small amount of evidence such as this below, in order to begin.

And so here we are. This is how it starts, saying the quiet parts out loud and laying the foundation for what comes neXt—the truth behind "the so-called TikTok ban" (H.R 7521). Because, the ultimate and uncomfortable truth is that the Free Market is the enemy of stakeholder capitalism, and stakeholder capitalism IS Economic Fascism!!! A system that exists to financially starve out dissenters, and those who fund "them" as opposed to "us."

Economic Fascism explained;…

Time saver;
Pretty good conversation on the subject. I would still encourage people not to do business with the CCP though. However encouraging you is different than forcing you.

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