These states are observing Confederate Memorial Day today

Doesn’t bother me in the least. I wouldn’t presume to pass 21st century morality and values off on 18th century mindsets. I’m not ashamed of our history, quite the opposite actually.
I agree with that statement. An old axiom states that those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it. Some here would remove all remembrance of the Confederacy, I think to remove those memorials is an attempt to make themselves feel better about themselves or perhaps their ancestors...
I agree with that statement. An old axiom states that those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it. Some here would remove all remembrance of the Confederacy, I think to remove those memorials is an attempt to make themselves feel better about themselves or perhaps their ancestors...
and if you don't like this source, there are others that will tell you the same thing

Yes, these monuments were put up to honor Confederate leaders and soldiers. But the timing of the monument building makes it pretty clear what the real motivation was: to physically symbolize white terror against blacks. They were mostly built during times when Southern whites were engaged in vicious campaigns of subjugation against blacks, and during those campaigns the message sent by a statue of Robert E. Lee in front of a courthouse was loud and clear.

No one should think that these statues were meant to be somber postbellum reminders of a brutal war. They were built much later, and most of them were explicitly created to accompany organized and violent efforts to subdue blacks and maintain white supremacy in the South. I wouldn’t be surprised if even a lot of Southerners don’t really understand this, but they should learn. There’s a reason blacks consider these statues to be symbols of bigotry and terror. It’s because they are.

The Real Story Behind All Those Confederate Statues
I agree with that statement. An old axiom states that those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it. Some here would remove all remembrance of the Confederacy, I think to remove those memorials is an attempt to make themselves feel better about themselves or perhaps their ancestors...

Removing our "history" is not the issue.......but CELEBRATING a bunch of traitors is! The Civil War should remain in our history books. Nobody has denied this. But there shouldn't be statues and days set aside to honor these treasonous pricks........
Removing our "history" is not the issue.......but CELEBRATING a bunch of traitors is! The Civil War should remain in our history books. Nobody has denied this. But there shouldn't be statues and days set aside to honor these treasonous pricks........
If we agree to that then we shouldn't be going around and naming schools and streets after avowed socialists.
If we agree to that then we shouldn't be going around and naming schools and streets after avowed socialists.
Name the most recent school or street in America that is named after an "avowed socialist", thx. Have you ever made a post where you're not going after a black person?
Name the most recent school or street in America that is named after an "avowed socialist", thx. Have you ever made a post where you're not going after a black person?
Have you ever made a post that didn't attack real americans? By the way, MLK was an avowed socialist. Obama was a marxist.
Name the most recent school or street in America that is named after an "avowed socialist", thx. Have you ever made a post where you're not going after a black person?
FYI, I agree on the statues.
Have you ever made a post that didn't attack real americans? By the way, MLK was an avowed socialist. Obama was a marxist.
Sorry (not sorry) if my questions make you uncomfortable. Regardless of your descriptions of either, they were both better men than you. So you can't name either a school or street, good deal.
Sorry (not sorry) if my questions make you uncomfortable. Regardless of your descriptions of either, they were both better men than you. So you can't name either a school or street, good deal.
There all kinds of MLK schools and streets. You comments do not make me uncomfortable. Obama and MLK both were socialist and one was a marxist. Name me a country that doesn't depend on the US to defend it that is so great as a socialsit and marxist country?
There all kinds of MLK schools and streets. You comments do not make me uncomfortable. Obama and MLK both were socialist and one was a marxist. Name me a country that doesn't depend on the US to defend it that is so great as a socialsit and marxist country?
Obama owns you, you're obsessed.
There all kinds of MLK schools and streets. You comments do not make me uncomfortable. Obama and MLK both were socialist and one was a marxist. Name me a country that doesn't depend on the US to defend it that is so great as a socialsit and marxist country?

So you are saying socialism is equivalent to the treasonous pricks of the Civil War? You have lost your mind.......
So you are saying socialism is equivalent to the treasonous pricks of the Civil War? You have lost your mind.......
Socialism destroys the very fabric of what makes a country great. Those great socialist countries of Europe can't defend themselves, think that a 30 hour work week and high unemployment are great. Is it equal to the civil war, no. You have noticed how much upheaval there's been when countries like Greece, France are told they have to accept cuts to "social" benefits? It will only get worse when countries figure out that they can not pay for all the goodies that socialist and communist politicians promise.
Obama owns you, you're obsessed.
As Obama's legacy disappears, the crooked Justice dept is another place where those crooks need to be purged, he becomes a distant memory? A bad one but still a distant one.[cheers]
As Obama's legacy disappears, the crooked Justice dept is another place where those crooks need to be purged, he becomes a distant memory? A bad one but still a distant one.[cheers]
He's a persistent memory for you. Obama is tattooed on your brain, you can't stop talking about him. The American people elected BO TWICE, can small hands match that?
He's a persistent memory for you. Obama is tattooed on your brain, you can't stop talking about him. The American people elected BO TWICE, can small hands match that?
Probably not. White guilt only goes so far.
Socialism destroys the very fabric of what makes a country great. Those great socialist countries of Europe can't defend themselves, think that a 30 hour work week and high unemployment are great. Is it equal to the civil war, no. You have noticed how much upheaval there's been when countries like Greece, France are told they have to accept cuts to "social" benefits? It will only get worse when countries figure out that they can not pay for all the goodies that socialist and communist politicians promise.

Good if this wasn't bad enough of a response, you had to up it a bit with the following.....

Probably not. White guilt only goes so far.
Good if this wasn't bad enough of a response, you had to up it a bit with the following.....
What about socialism post wasn't true? I get it you don't like the truth about white guilt when Hilliary was clearly more qualified to be the dems nominee for President.
What about socialism post wasn't true? I get it you don't like the truth about white guilt when Hilliary was clearly more qualified to be the dems nominee for President.
So you are saying that Obama was nominated out of white guilt? That’s what you are saying?
So you are saying that Obama was nominated out of white guilt? That’s what you are saying?
Yes, and elected, too. Remember all the first black president? Remember the nobel peace prize for just getting elected and never doing anything? Hilliary was far more experienced that Obma who only voted present in the senate. The only life experience he had was a community agitator which is a very poor job.
No more so than Hillary wasn’t voted for because Sexism and Mysogyny. You decide.
Most every conservative on this board just fuses everyone left of center (even those in the center) together in a basket of bad sound bytes don’t they?
Yes, and elected, too. Remember all the first black president? Remember the nobel peace prize for just getting elected and never doing anything? Hilliary was far more experienced that Obma who only voted present in the senate. The only life experience he had was a community agitator which is a very poor job.
He was good at campaigning, and Bush’s 8 weren’t exactly stellar.......white guilt? That’s ridiculous
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Most every conservative on this board just fuses everyone left of center (even those in the center) together in a basket of bad sound bytes don’t they?
I don’t fuse you all. You all do through your unified reactions lacking any semblance of balanced objectivity to Trump.
It was a different time and a different mindset. “Savages” were not seen as people the likes of the civilized society. Slavery had existed for several millennia prior, it’s not like it was a new thing they decided to try out. To pass judgement or project morality on culture of 250 years ago is asinine.

Prior to making such an asinine comment, you really ought to do a little research big guy. The push to end slavery began long before our constitution was crafted. France abolished it within France in the 1300s. The movement to abolish slavery was gaining traction even in England before we drafted our Constitution. And the point I made in my initial comment was that a country so starved for a multitude of freedom didn't recognize that same freedom for their slaves........
He was good at campaigning, and Bush’s 8 weren’t exactly stellar.......white guilt? That’s ridiculous
Worse economic recovery ever. Any white president would have been kicked out after 4 years of that economic shit sandwich.
Really? We wouldn't have had such a hole to climb out of if GeeDub hadn't put us there. BO says hi.
Of course a person with as little intellectual honesty as you have would never admit that the reason the housing crisis happened was because in the late 90's the government mandated that banks give loans to people who couldn't afford them. Brilliant. Now, government wants to do the same thing again. Brilliant. W had nothing to do with it. And I say hello to the former disappearing president, BO!
Of course a person with as little intellectual honesty as you have would never admit that the reason the housing crisis happened was because in the late 90's the government mandated that banks give loans to people who couldn't afford them. Brilliant. Now, government wants to do the same thing again. Brilliant. W had nothing to do with it. And I say hello to the former disappearing president, BO!
Forgive the white prez, condemn the black one, got it.
Prior to making such an asinine comment, you really ought to do a little research big guy. The push to end slavery began long before our constitution was crafted. France abolished it within France in the 1300s. The movement to abolish slavery was gaining traction even in England before we drafted our Constitution. And the point I made in my initial comment was that a country so starved for a multitude of freedom didn't recognize that same freedom for their slaves........
Yea, I agree. I’m the guy who doesn’t know history. Now explain to me how any of what you said contradicts what I said.
Forgive the white prez, condemn the black one, got it.
Socialism doesn't grow the economy. Obama loved it. Trump comes in, gets rid of all the onerous regs that Obama put on business and put a positive American focus on this country instead of an apology tour, and you get growth. Wait till the full force of the tax cuts gets started, growth will go over 3 % without much trouble.
Forgive the white prez, condemn the black one, got it.
By the way, I don't think we should have gone into Iraq, I think we should have blockaded the country until one of his generals killed him.
Socialism doesn't grow the economy. Obama loved it. Trump comes in, gets rid of all the onerous regs that Obama put on business and put a positive American focus on this country instead of an apology tour, and you get growth. Wait till the full force of the tax cuts gets started, growth will go over 3 % without much trouble.
Since the CBO now shows a 3.3% growth of GDP and the tax cuts just took effect, I expect another 12 months of above 3% growth.

The last quarter published, Oct-Dec 2017, was 2.9%. Waiting to see the results of first quarter of 2018 since, as you stated, we'll see the "full force of the tax cuts." I think the results get published Friday.