These states are observing Confederate Memorial Day today

Where do you get this? GDP was 2.9% in 4th quarter 2017 and it was 2.3% for all of 2017.

President Donald Trump signing the tax-cut law in December. (Screen Capture)
( - The Congressional Budget Office’s budget and economic outlook released this month projects that real Gross Domestic Product will grow by 3.3 percent from the fourth quarter of 2017 to the fourth quarter of 2018.

That would mark a 15-year high.

“In CBO’s projections, real GDP expands by 3.3 percent this year and by 2.4 percent in 2019,” says the CBO report. “It grew by 2.6 percent last year.”

The last time real GDP grew by more than 3.3 percent from the fourth quarter of one year to the fourth quarter of the next was in 2003, when it grew by 4.4 percent, according to the historical data published by the Bureau of Economic A
Alternative facts, Kellyann said so.

President Donald Trump signing the tax-cut law in December. (Screen Capture)
( - The Congressional Budget Office’s budget and economic outlook released this month projects that real Gross Domestic Product will grow by 3.3 percent from the fourth quarter of 2017 to the fourth quarter of 2018.

That would mark a 15-year high.

“In CBO’s projections, real GDP expands by 3.3 percent this year and by 2.4 percent in 2019,” says the CBO report. “It grew by 2.6 percent last year.”

The last time real GDP grew by more than 3.3 percent from the fourth quarter of one year to the fourth quarter of the next was in 2003, when it grew by 4.4 percent, according to the historical data published by the Bureau of Economic A
lol it's a projection, shew smh

President Donald Trump signing the tax-cut law in December. (Screen Capture)
( - The Congressional Budget Office’s budget and economic outlook released this month projects that real Gross Domestic Product will grow by 3.3 percent from the fourth quarter of 2017 to the fourth quarter of 2018.

That would mark a 15-year high.

“In CBO’s projections, real GDP expands by 3.3 percent this year and by 2.4 percent in 2019,” says the CBO report. “It grew by 2.6 percent last year.”

The last time real GDP grew by more than 3.3 percent from the fourth quarter of one year to the fourth quarter of the next was in 2003, when it grew by 4.4 percent, according to the historical data published by the Bureau of Economic A

Two points:

1 - you do understand what "projects" means?

2 - the CBO is "projecting" (hint for 1 above) for 2019, a year after the tax cuts have been in place, the GDP growth won't be as high as the actual number for 2017. That's some shitty tax breaks.
Two points:

1 - you do understand what "projects" means?

2 - the CBO is "projecting" (hint for 1 above) for 2019, a year after the tax cuts have been in place, the GDP growth won't be as high as the actual number for 2017. That's some shitty tax breaks.
WE are already at 2.9 with a correction yet to come. Since we are already into the year, I would say that they feel fairly confident in what they published. It would never have happened in the previus admin.
The CBO that all Trumpers hated a week ago released a forecast last week(ish) that said the GDP would grow by 3.3% in 18 before going back down to under 2% in 2020. There's a whole other thread, dummie.
You mean after the tax cuts are supposed to phase out for the public?
Most every conservative on this board just fuses everyone left of center (even those in the center) together in a basket of bad sound bytes don’t they?
Would you assume that is the reason Hillary named us "deploreables"? That did not buy her sweetness much breathing room. But she lost the election because of other people and not her inability to get along and produce an acceptable agenda?
Yeah, except Q2 2011, Q4 2011, Q3 2013, Q4 2013, Q2 2014, Q3 2014, Q1 2015.
I mean I guess Trump could go all quantitative easing and continue the same artificially stabilizing approaches that Obama took. Part of the revised CBO estimate which show downward trend in the outyears stems from rising inflation, ergo rising interest rates, and the 10 year end to the tax cuts. Obama was using that method to prolong stabilized growth waiting for an economy boom that never came.
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I mean I guess Trump could go all quantitative easing and continue the same artificially stabilizing approaches that Obama took. Part of the revised CBO estimate which show downward trend in the outyears stems from rising inflation, ergo rising interest rates, and the 10 year end to the tax cuts. Obama was using that method to prolong stabilized growth waiting for an economy boom that never came.

I mean I guess Trump could go all quantitative easing and continue the same artificially stabilizing approaches that Obama took. Part of the revised CBO estimate which show downward trend in the outyears stems from rising inflation, ergo rising interest rates, and the 10 year end to the tax cuts. Obama was using that method to prolong stabilized growth waiting for an economy boom that never came.
A massive tax cut and even massiver spending bill....I think rising interest rates is a safe bet. That or we're not getting near a 3% GDP year.
Would you assume that is the reason Hillary named us "deploreables"? That did not buy her sweetness much breathing room. But she lost the election because of other people and not her inability to get along and produce an acceptable agenda?
I'm glad we have an American in the presidency
Maybe you just mean American in some anti-socialist way....but it really has some basic connotations that suck. If you’re meaning it to be a literal commentary on his “questionable” birth certificate, let it go. If it’s a comment about his lack of adhering to your conservative principles, it’s just wrong.
Maybe you just mean American in some anti-socialist way....but it really has some basic connotations that suck. If you’re meaning it to be a literal commentary on his “questionable” birth certificate, let it go. If it’s a comment about his lack of adhering to your conservative principles, it’s just wrong.

He was a sick, humoristic sense, which I like occasionally.
Today is Ulysses S. Grant's 196th birthday. I hope Alabama is celebrating it.
Stonewall quit his job.......with the US Military......:popcorn:

Good point. None of the people that were in the US military at the time of secession and then left to fight for the Confederacy were doing their job.
Of course they were.

Well, in the sense that anybody doing anything was just doing their job, yes. Hitler was just doing his job too.

The only reason people in the CSA military were "just doing their job" was because they quit their job in the USA and signed up with the CSA military (to fight against the USA military).
Well, in the sense that anybody doing anything was just doing their job, yes. Hitler was just doing his job too.

The only reason people in the CSA military were "just doing their job" was because they quit their job in the USA and signed up with the CSA military (to fight against the USA military).
They were all Americans. Facts dont care about your feelings.
They were all Americans. Facts dont care about your feelings.

I don't know what Ben Shaprio would think about this but I seriously doubt he'd be on the side of the CSA.

And actually, in the minds of the Confederates they were NOT "Americans" in the most common use of that word, namely people that are a part of the United States of America.

The whole war was over the fact that people in the South DID NOT WANT to be Americans anymore.
They were all Americans. Facts dont care about your feelings.

You are so full of retard it's laughable......if they were "American citizens", then why did this have to happen?

Unfortunately, Lee was not fully pardoned, nor was his U.S. citizenship restored.
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I don't know what Ben Shaprio would think about this but I seriously doubt he'd be on the side of the CSA.

And actually, in the minds of the Confederates they were NOT "Americans" in the most common use of that word, namely people that are a part of the United States of America.

The whole war was over the fact that people in the South DID NOT WANT to be Americans anymore.
They were all Americans and all the misguided bullsh8t your brain can muster wont change dick.
They were all Americans and all the misguided bullsh8t your brain can muster wont change dick.

Dave, umm, no......they weren't......if they were all "Americans", then why did Government leaders have to "give back" Lee's and Davis' "citizenship rights" later?
Dave, umm, no......they weren't......if they were all "Americans", then why did Government leaders have to "give back" Lee's and Davis' "citizenship rights" later?
Because they were Americans all along and taking away their citizens rights was wrong.
Because they were Americans all along and taking away their citizens rights was wrong.

They RENOUNCED their citizenship, dumbass.........thus that is why they had to be granted their full citizenship rights back.......this is not an opinion that you can have, Dave.......simply saying "it was wrong" won't cut it........the government had to grant their rights back to them, thus they were not "American citizens" during the Civil War..... moron.....