"There's nothing that matters more than our freedoms right now."

I'm vaxxed and enjoy watching you all lose your minds at every CDC utterance. You anti vaxxers should seek counseling or something while the rest of us go on about our business. Take MountaineerWV with you.
Triggered 🤔
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I'm vaxxed and enjoy watching you all lose your minds at every CDC utterance. You anti vaxxers should seek counseling or something while the rest of us go on about our business. Take MountaineerWV with you.

Peter claims to be a socialist. So no its not just right wing anti vaxxers that are questioning things. Just wanted to point that out.

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I'm not vaxxed went to speak easy's all during 2020 . Yep not feared, but ol moetardlester stayed home for 2 years playing stink finger with himself & now he wants to call people scared...lmao
I bet even after the 4th booster he has on 2 masks outside , I bet he is the guy driving around with latex gloves & a mask by himself going to get a cheeseburger from bucktown.
I'm not vaxxed went to speak easy's all during 2020 . Yep not feared, but ol moetardlester stayed home for 2 years playing stink finger with himself & now he wants to call people scared...lmao
I bet even after the 4th booster he has on 2 masks outside , I bet he is the guy driving around with latex gloves & a mask by himself going to get a cheeseburger from bucktown.
That doesnt brand you as brave in my mind, just that you are a selfish dickhead.
That doesnt brand you as brave in my mind, just that you are a selfish dickhead.
Been called worse by better...
I wasnt scared then , I'm not scared now & the people out still enjoying life was scared then & are not scared now . For the first couple months I stayed in my camper & just went to work , then I realized the statistics was not adding up , no way in hell did every one die of covid the numbers was exaggerated tremendously. Covid is real , covid is deadly, covid is a very serious virus mostly to the olds & unhealthy.
I would rather die living then live dying.....I've been sick since Thursday, fever, chills & sore throat . Getting better today dont have no idea if it was the rona or a cold or whatever. Fever broke yesterday at about noon & I wont leave my little 10 acres of heaven till Wednesday....same as I would have done before the rona...
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The numbers have been twisted so bad . People with stage 4 cancer coming to the hospital & dying of Corona...... please

I said accurate data would be helpful. I didn't say you would get it. That is until we get the right politicians to appoint a committee to investigate it all. Hence why people need to get involved in recruiting and promoting the right people.
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Been called worse by better...
I wasnt scared then , I'm not scared now & the people out still enjoying life was scared then & are not scared now . For the first couple months I stayed in my camper & just went to work , then I realized the statistics was not adding up , no way in hell did every one die of covid the numbers was exaggerated tremendously. Covid is real , covid is deadly, covid is a very serious virus mostly to the olds & unhealthy.
I would rather die living then live dying.....I've been sick since Thursday, fever, chills & sore throat . Getting better today dont have no idea if it was the rona or a cold or whatever. Fever broke yesterday at about noon & I wont leave my little 10 acres of heaven till Wednesday....same as I would have done before the rona...
Glad you are feeling better, and i agree that living life is, at this point, a major factor in the equation. But try to remember, this is still deadly to those with underlying health risks, and spreading it to them should be something we all try to keep from happening.
Glad you are feeling better, and i agree that living life is, at this point, a major factor in the equation. But try to remember, this is still deadly to those with underlying health risks, and spreading it to them should be something we all try to keep from happening.
Agreed. Don't take the jab and become a superspreader, that would be uber helpful.
The numbers have been twisted so bad . People with stage 4 cancer coming to the hospital & dying of Corona...... please
I said accurate data would be helpful. I didn't say you would get it. That is until we get the right politicians to appoint a committee to investigate it all. Hence why people need to get involved in recruiting and promoting the right people.

Preventing this from ever happening again should be one of the highest priorities of anyone running for office at all levels. That means we have to investigate all of it. No matter whose feet get stepped on. People need to tell all their politicians at every level you want everything declassified and presented to the American people and an investigation that all sides can believe in conducted without prejudice. Failure to do so mean you don't get reelected. Starting point.
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I'm vaxxed and enjoy watching you all lose your minds at every CDC utterance. You anti vaxxers should seek counseling or something while the rest of us go on about our business. Take MountaineerWV with you.
"Pandemic of the unvaccinated"......proven false.
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Glad you are feeling better, and i agree that living life is, at this point, a major factor in the equation. But try to remember, this is still deadly to those with underlying health risks, and spreading it to them should be something we all try to keep from happening.
They should take the appropriate precautions for themselves and not expect the rest of us to accommodate them or be reliant on us. Because, I do not care.
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Glad you are feeling better, and i agree that living life is, at this point, a major factor in the equation. But try to remember, this is still deadly to those with underlying health risks, and spreading it to them should be something we all try to keep from happening.
No different than any virus, all olds & the sickly can catch it & not recover. This virus was new & very scary not so much anymore.
Glad you are feeling better, and i agree that living life is, at this point, a major factor in the equation. But try to remember, this is still deadly to those with underlying health risks, and spreading it to them should be something we all try to keep from happening.

Their are risks associated with everyday life, getting sick is one of them. A large portion of infected people dont even have symptoms, so it's not like it's just a matter of staying home if you dont feel good.

Everyone is going to get COVID. Every single one of us. People need to come to terms with that and stop pretending that a mask or closing schools is going to change it.
Their are risks associated with everyday life, getting sick is one of them. A large portion of infected people dont even have symptoms, so it's not like it's just a matter of staying home if you dont feel good.

Everyone is going to get COVID. Every single one of us. People need to come to terms with that and stop pretending that a mask or closing schools is going to change it.
I dont get people getting tested cause they get the sniffles . This was the first time in years but didn't get to the point of going to the dr so dont see a need in getting tested. Fever is gone , whatever it was my bad azz God given immunity kicked its nasty little butt . I have the dirtiest nastiest habit in the world, I bite my finger nails. I'm sure in my travels I've had everything known to man , my immune system has seen it all
Their are risks associated with everyday life, getting sick is one of them. A large portion of infected people dont even have symptoms, so it's not like it's just a matter of staying home if you dont feel good.

Everyone is going to get COVID. Every single one of us. People need to come to terms with that and stop pretending that a mask or closing schools is going to change it.

100% agreed. We can't just disrupt and change our way of life.

The bottom line is this is a tool being used by the left for control.

Far past time to go on with our lives. It's a choice each individual can make for themselves.

For the sheep? Your leftist leaders have already admitted, they don't have the answer.

Pedo-Joe is and never was any better than Trump as far as handling the COVID pandemic. In fact, Pedo-Joe is much worse than Trump. You can deny that, but the facts and science prove otherwise. The pedophile you voted for lied to you.
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Poor moe he thinks those of us that are fighting the mandate are just scared of the vaccine, not realizing it's the mandates themselves that are terrifying. A mandate to take a drug with no accountability to the makers or the person mandating it is some scary shit ....
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Poor moe he thinks those of us that are fighting the mandate are just scared of the vaccine, not realizing it's the mandates themselves that are terrifying. A mandate to take a drug with no accountability to the makers or the person mandating it is some scary shit ....
Test subjects with no recourse or action if something goes wrong.
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My entire extended family is vaccinated and they all have covid right now...boosted

Vaccines help protect you but do nothing to stop the spread. The vaccinated are giving it to the vaccinated.
Just got off the phone with my daughter. granddaughter, her & the son in law have it . None vaccinated grandbaby is now running around , son in law is doing fine just feeling a little ruff & my pregnant daughter is doing ok . Dr told her to take more vitamins & if anything changes to call different than the flu for the young & healthy.
Just got off the phone with my daughter. granddaughter, her & the son in law have it . None vaccinated grandbaby is now running around , son in law is doing fine just feeling a little ruff & my pregnant daughter is doing ok . Dr told her to take more vitamins & if anything changes to call different than the flu for the young & healthy.

We suspect that we had it the last 2 weeks in our house. Ive had a bad cold that I couldnt shake, then my wife got just had mild runny nose and slight cough. I took a home test which was negative but now that the rest of my family has it, I'm pretty sure its covid.

For example my niece had my cold, test negative with home test...two days later her teenage brother gets it, but tests positive with home test. He's sicker than expected because hes young and a great athlete but nothing severe...doing better on the 2nd day.
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We suspect that we had it the last 2 weeks in our house. Ive had a bad cold that I couldnt shake, then my wife got just had mild runny nose and slight cough. I took a home test which was negative but now that the rest of my family has it, I'm pretty sure its covid.

For example my niece had my cold, test negative with home test...two days later her teenage brother gets it, but tests positive with home test. He's sicker than expected because hes young and a great athlete but nothing severe...doing better on the 2nd day.
Hope all gets well.
From this post & situations in my family we know that nobody knows anything & any test can be positive or negative no matter the symptoms. We know the vaccinated gets it & the unvaccinated. Wash your hands & hope for the best
"Pandemic of the unvaccinated"......proven false.
Shew smh

Jen Psaki Schools Fox News Reporter Peter Doocy on How COVID Vaccines Work

Fox News’ White House correspondent and perpetual nemesis of Jen Psaki thought he had Joe Biden’s press secretary cornered on Monday when he asked her why the president is still referring to COVID-19 as a “pandemic of the unvaccinated” when so many people are getting breakthrough infections. He was wrong.
“I understand that the science says that vaccines prevent death,” Doocy began, before undercutting that basic truth. “But I’m triple-vaxxed, still got COVID. You’re triple-vaxxed, still got COVID. Why is the president still referring to this as a pandemic of the unvaccinated?

Noting that she had “minor symptoms” when she tested positive for COVID-19 after vaccination, Psaki calmly explained, “There is a huge difference between that and being unvaccinated.” And she came armed with the stats to back up her point.

“You are 17 times more likely to go to the hospital if you’re not vaccinated, 20 times more likely to die,” she added. “So yes, the impact for people who are unvaccinated is far more dire than for those who are vaccinated.”

As Media Matters’ news director John Whitehouse highlighted on Twitter after the exchange, Doocy’s question was particularly inane because it came just a few days after his own father, Steve Doocy, answered it for him on Fox & Friends despite the protestations of his dimmer, anti-vaxxer co-hosts.

Quoting his doctor, Steve Doocy said that it helps to “think of the vaccine as like wearing a kevlar vest.” It may not “stop a bullet” from hitting you, “but it won't let the bullet kill you.”

“And that's why I trust the doctors. I trust the science,” he continued. “You know, it’s the only game we’ve got right now is to get vaccinated and boosted.
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Nobody thinks this just happened at Facebook do you?

(Bloomberg) -- Mark Zuckerberg criticized the Biden administration during a conversation with podcaster Joe Rogan, claiming the administration would “scream” and “curse” at Meta Platforms Inc. employees amid discussions about how to moderate content related to Covid-19 during the pandemic

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