Why would this bother me? I support the peaceful transfer of power and the democratic elections of leaders. The people made the choice.
Too late to try and sell that lie now.
Why would this bother me? I support the peaceful transfer of power and the democratic elections of leaders. The people made the choice.
Not too late for you to continue looking like an idiot. If you can show me one piece of evidence where I objected to Trump winning, I'll walk away.Too late to try and sell that lie now.
As I said, I find you especially annoying...like a rash you keep scratching but just won't go away. I honestly try to avoid posting you and your constant "irritating" posting to me (which you do on purpose) but I'm not going to let your lying duplicity be the last word.Christian Socialism. Just because you refuse to look it up and believe the evidence that King was a follower and leader in that movement, doesn't mean it didn't exist. And I'm not even a supporter of it, just showing how your blinders refuse to allow you to see the truth.
You are not only disingenuous when it comes to what Dr. King believed (Social and economic Justice) you don't believe in it yourself and I'll prove it in a few short sentences.
You've quoted Dr. King who you claim using his words advocated for incomes to be either "guaranteed" or "distributed" under something you called "Democratic Socialism". Right now Black unemployment is at the lowest level it's ever been recorded since it's been measured. Are those incomes those folks are earning being "distributed"? Are those folks earning those incomes being discriminated against? Are those incomes guaranteed if those folks don't show up for work? Is Capitalism not working for those folks?
Dr. King demanded Black people be afforded the same chances to improve their lives economically as other folks enjoyed in this country. We have Black millionaires, and we have poor Blacks. Should the hard work the wealthy Blacks achieved be taken from them and given to the poorer Blacks who yet to achieve their dreams? Is that what Doctor King favored, or was it his dream simply to see all Blacks at least with the same opportunity to earn millions or become millionaires like any other Americans? Would Doctor King want their chances or incomes limited? Is that really what you think he was arguing for and not instead for unlimited Freedom to pursue their dreams to their God Given talent based on the content of their character and not limited by the color of their skin under a free market economy that recognized both their character and talent?
What about yourself? Do you believe incomes should be distributed or guaranteed? If you do you should put your belief system to work. I don't know what you earn, but if you believe in the equal distribution of incomes you should find a poor Family making half of what you earn, and use your own extra income to "re-distribute" it to them so that they can have exactly half of what you currently earn. Redistribute your own income to some poor Family so that they now have what you have or have worked for. Will you do that?
Probably not. Yet you will vote for some politician to do it for you! You are OK with Government confiscating virtually half of all incomes and redistributing them as long as it's not done to you. Despite those incomes being "redistributed", we still have abject poverty in this country. That doesn't work and you know it because you won't practice it yourself.
Doctor King if he were alive today would no doubt be pleased with both the opportunities as well as the progress most Blacks currently have made participating in our free enterprise free market based Capitalist economy. None of the earnings Blacks currently command participating in the free market economy is coming from Government. No incomes are "guaranteed", but none is being "equally" re-distributed either. Blacks today simply have a chance to earn as much as they can doing whatever they are good at serving themselves by accessing the economic opportunities that are being made available to them by an expanding free market economy that also includes them.
This was Dr. King's dream and hope for all Black people that you don't understand when you claim he was a Socialist only interested in how incomes are "distributed equally". You are insisting Dr. King would not be satisfied with our Capitalist system today, or how Blacks are performing in it. Yet you do not lead by example and redistrbute your own income to one of those poor Blacks who may be now just starting out to make their own way so they can have at least a chance to earn the same stuff as you have spent your time working for. Wonder why not? I also doubt Doctor King would require anyone such as yourself to give up their incomes or possessions just so someone who didn't work as hard or smartly as you have could own what you have. This is why Socialism doesn't work. But Dr. King's dream for equality of economic opportunity is America's promise, and this IS what Dr. King spent his Life fighting for not for equal incomes being "distributed". You also apparently agree with it instead of income redistributionist Socialism because you do not practice or believe in income redistributuon. If you did, you'd be redistributing your own income.
I thought you were against military actions? You don't think this will provoke other nations to respond? (especially if we target inside Mexico without their permission)
****And for clarity, I'm not saying I disagree with these actions. Again, you think I would for some reason.
Not too late for you to continue looking like an idiot. If you can show me one piece of evidence where I objected to Trump winning, I'll walk away.
So then, answer why Dr. King wrote several letters or essays, in which he discusses his economic belief is more centered around socialism than capitalism? His words, not mine. (mic drop)As I said, I find you especially annoying...like a rash you keep scratching but just won't go away. I honestly try to avoid posting you and your constant "irritating" posting to me (which you do on purpose) but I'm not going to let your lying duplicity be the last word.
On this particular topic if you recall a few years ago, you and I had a long back-n-fourth over this. I've never denied such a concept called "Christian Socialism" exists, although I can't think of anyone today who adheres to its principle concepts in practice today. I suppose the Catholic Church could be presented as exemplifying some aspects of Socialist dogma, however on the crucial issue of the Supremacy of Christ over World affairs and Governments of men, the Catholic Church is unwavering in its devotion to Christ's ultimate authority over ALL human affairs.
Likewise, this specious argument you present regarding Dr. King's economic philosophy regarding his overall mission of Social Justice is disingenuous in the least, and grossly inaccurate at best. Dr. King's entire political/social & economic philosophy emanates from the teachings of Christ found in the Christian Bible, which he ardently believed in & animated America's true founding. In fact his calls for America to live up to it's founding creed (the Constitution) is based on equality of Man under our Creator Yaweh God and was the pinnacle of his Social crusade for non violent protest and changes in discrimination Laws. (set up by Democrats btw) 😏
While you insist it was his allegiance to Socialism itself (irrespective of his Ecumenical foundations as an ordained Baptist Preacher of the Gospel) you conveniently ignore the key component behind his calls for racial and economic Justice in America. True adherents to Socialism not only DO NOT recognize Christ's authority over the State, they universally reject any aspect of his Biblical teachings when it comes to recognizing his Moral authority through which any arguments calling for Social or economic Justice originate!
Doctor King in no way even remotely represented any aspect of a true Atheistic Socialist's rejection of both Christ's Divinity, as well as his Supreme Authority over human affairs. Nor do any of them (Socialists) accept his Divine authority over governments of men established as ruling authorities! You Sir are WRONG...dead wrong about that aspect of Dr. King's Life's work.
Not that I'd expect you to re-read any of our dialogue on this very topic, however I recall in re-posting the link to it here, you in fact not only could honestly answer my ultimate question to you over where Dr. King drew his moral authority from his calls for Social and Economic Justice, you refused to even recognize the true source of his desire for either!
I'm re-posting this link for anyone else interested in understanding where ALL of our rights to social and economic justice originate, fortunately Dr. King understood that source well and unfortunately to this day you still refuse to understand that critical aspect of his Missionary calling. Figures. 😏
Read the whole thread here:
Trump claims another one, he broke Mountaineer WV
(one excerpt from above link)
So then, answer why Dr. King wrote several letters or essays, in which he discusses his economic belief is more centered around socialism than capitalism? His words, not mine. (mic drop)
“I am much more socialistic in my economic theory than capitalistic......capitalism has outlived its usefulness.”
Yeah, you did look like an idiot. I agree. By the way, I'm still waiting on those civil/criminal procedures you promised.Talking about making a fool out of yourself.
Americans Must Watch This ! Also pay attention how Anti-American Neo-Marxist try to interrupt and hijack the thread.
Read the entire article. It explains the information in this thread. https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/asra-nomani-woke-army-retreats-d-c-protest-pivots-fight-back-gaza On the eve of President-elect Donald Trump’s inauguration, a multi-million dollar network of socialist and Islamist...westvirginia.forums.rivals.com
You do realize the purpose of his Memphis trip and last speech, right?Because those were his only writings and he never evolved in any of his beliefs? Obviously that's nonsense or he wouldn't have been killed.
Here's the rest of the threadYou do support Socialism. You've advocated for it. I asked who your candidate is? If you don't have one, find one. If you don't care, then watch the rest of us who do care and despise Socialism vote for Trump.
Again......I love King. He's one of the most important men in world history. Just because he had economic views that you disagree with doesn't mean you have the duty to try and wipe that out and eliminate it.Final link here (for anyone interested)
Here's the rest of the thread
You don't practice what you preach! You Sir are a fraud. You advocate for and argue for Socialism, yet you can't/won't even admit you voted for one! (Socialist) 😏Again......I love King. He's one of the most important men in world history. Just because he had economic views that you disagree with doesn't mean you have the duty to try and wipe that out and eliminate it.
“I am much more socialistic in my economic theory than capitalistic......capitalism has outlived its usefulness.” - Dr. King
So, no response to King's own comments that I provided? You focus on his religious rhetoric, but avoid his economic statements that I have provided. Why is that?You don't practice what you preach! You Sir are a fraud. You advocate for and argue for Socialism, yet you can't/won't even admit you voted for one! (Socialist) 😏
@MountaineerWV voted for me, he's just too much of a coward to admit it!!! Ha...ha...ha...ha...ha...ha...ha...ha...ha...!!!!!
I'd be embarrassed to admit I voted your cacklin' ass too Kamala!
Hey, I wore that girl out and I'm not embarrassed to admit it!
Doesn't matter who you voted for (or even if you voted) because YOU LOST! Republicans swept the race. We'll get school choice vouchers, tax cuts, energy independence, and end to the farce called the "green new deal" a strong secure border, and an end to disgusting "transgenderism" with sexual exploitation of our kids. All of that chaps your Left wing Socialist hyde, so you're lashing out at Trump because he kicked you and your worthless loser party's ass up and down and all across the country and you can't handle it!By the way, I didn't vote for Harris. And I'm not tore up about the election results.
I thought you guys were ok with "grabbing women by the p*ssy"?
I posted my previous responses to your sophistry in the links above didn't you re-read what I wrote previously? That's all I'm going to say about it.So, no response to King's own comments that I provided? You focus on his religious rhetoric, but avoid his economic statements that I have provided. Why is that?
You still can't bring yourself to accept it.Doesn't matter who you voted for (or even if you voted) because YOU LOST! Republicans swept the race. We'll get school choice vouchers, tax cuts, energy independence, and end to the farce called the "green new deal" a strong secure border, and an end to disgusting "transgenderism" with sexual exploitation of our kids. All of that chaps your Left wing Socialist hyde, so you're lashing out at Trump because he kicked you and your worthless loser party's ass up and down and all across the country and you can't handle it!
Keep making an ass of yourself, it's quite entertaining!
Yeah, you did look like an idiot. I agree. By the way, I'm still waiting on those civil/criminal procedures you promised.
Me crying? That's funny. Again, if you can find ONE TIME that I have complained since Trump was re-elected, I'll go away. The only ones I see crying is.....well......you guys.No that's why your tribe got destroyed in the election and you can't stop crying about it. It's also why nobody pays attention to your stupid ass except to mock you.
Me crying? That's funny. Again, if you can find ONE TIME that I have complained since Trump was re-elected, I'll go away. The only ones I see crying is.....well......you guys.
No excuses this term.All that Social Engineering you progressives were attempting just got flushed by the American People. Cope better.
Why would I look like a fool when the guy I voted for won in a landslide and has essentially destroyed whatever Democrat agenda your losing side supported?You still can't bring yourself to accept it.
1. School vouchers? Hard to do that when state constitutions prohibit vouchers and were voted on by popular vote by the people. (Example: Kentucky 2024 election Amendment 2)
2. Green new deal? Good. Get rid of it. Doesn't bother me.
3. Secure border? I've already stated I'm for it. Been so for a while. Easily documented here.
4. Transgenderism? Again, pretty easy for me to document my stance.
As you can see, you are the person looking like a fool and getting tore up over something you shouldn't.
Bellyaching? I've not mentioned his victory or spoke against it.Why would I look like a fool when the guy I voted for won in a landslide and has essentially destroyed whatever Democrat agenda your losing side supported?
Go go sit in a corner and watch the guy you despise dismantle the rest of the Left's losing agenda. The only miserable Leftist on here still bellyaching over Trump’s historic victory and electoral mandate is YOU! 🤨
Oh so I see here you actually did vote for Trump? Go ahead, it's OK to admit it now. That's all his agenda you support don't ya know? 🤣You still can't bring yourself to accept it.
1. School vouchers? Hard to do that when state constitutions prohibit vouchers and were voted on by popular vote by the people. (Example: Kentucky 2024 election Amendment 2)
2. Green new deal? Good. Get rid of it. Doesn't bother me.
3. Secure border? I've already stated I'm for it. Been so for a while. Easily documented here.
4. Transgenderism? Again, pretty easy for me to document my stance.
As you can see, you are the person looking like a fool and getting tore up over something you shouldn't.
Why do you complain about my stated preference not to post you while you insist on constantly posting me even when I'm not talking to you?Bellyaching? I've not mentioned his victory or spoke against it.
By the way, I believe this is about the 8th reply to me after pledging to "never post him" again.
MAGA is also a movement as is America First. I agree it’s tied to Trump.2. BLM is a slogan that may be considered "liberal", but it isn't connected directly to a political person or candidate like "MAGA" is. Now if the BLM had "Vote Democrat", then I'd agree with you. But everyone knows that "MAGA" is Donald Trump, and the NFL has stated in their rules about political promotion in uniform.
Look how this loser Leftist whines about Trump while lying that he's never whined about Trump? 😂thought you guys were ok with "grabbing women by the p*ssy"?
He's just desperate to save face because he's so butt hurt over Trump's big electoral mandate and popular vote victory against discredited Leftist policies.MAGA is also a movement as is America First. I agree it’s tied to Trump.
However, you trying to say BLM isn’t directly connected to the Dem party is laughable.
That's not very Christian-like.Why do you complain about my stated preference not to post you while you insist on constantly posting me even when I'm not talking to you?
You find me irresistible don't 'ya? Just like you're in Love with Trump's agenda. Stop denying who you are. You Love my black ass and Trump's orange ass too! 😆
Indirectly, yes I would agree.MAGA is also a movement as is America First. I agree it’s tied to Trump.
However, you trying to say BLM isn’t directly connected to the Dem party is laughable.
Nope. Your comprehension is very low. I said I haven't done any "bellyaching" about Trump's re-election. I expected it.Look how this loser Leftist whines about Trump while lying that he's never whined about Trump? 😂
Good...then you no doubt are expecting his agenda in full too? I know you'll be thrilled when he eliminates the Department of Education and sends all education dollars back to the States to use as they see fit absent Left wing strings and mandates.I said I haven't done any "bellyaching" about Trump's re-election. I expected it.
Well, it will be hard to mandate anything (like vouchers) when it is against the state constitution, like where I live in Kentucky. Did you look at the results of Amendment 2 in this past election? Overwhelmingly shot down by the voters in a REPUBLICAN state.Good...then you no doubt are expecting is agenda in full too? I know you'll be thrilled when he eliminates the Department of Education and sends all education dollars back to the States to use as they see fit absent Left wing strings and mandates.
That means THIS list will continue to grow exponentially!
School Choice in the States – January 2024
Interactive Map of School Choice Options
The school choice options available to students and families vary dramatically from state to state and one school district to the next. This interactive map of school choice options from the Hoover Institution provides an overview of choice programs in each of the 50 states, the District of...www.hoover.org
School choice vouchers are rapidly being rolled out and are either active or approved by voters in a variety of States besides Kentucky. Did YOU click on the interactive link I provided ITT updating the status of the powerful school choice movement across the America? Of course not, it's a major part of Trump's agenda so you obviously don't have a problem with it do 'ya? *note (even in Kentucky, there are still school choice options available if you click that link)Well, it will be hard to mandate anything (like vouchers) when it is against the state constitution, like where I live in Kentucky. Did you look at the results of Amendment 2 in this past election? Overwhelmingly shot down by the voters in a REPUBLICAN state.
On Nov. 5, Kentucky voters overwhelmingly defeated Amendment 2, which asked permission to change the state constitution in a way that would allow the legislature to spend tax dollars outside the public school system on private, religious and charter schools. The measure failed in all 120 counties by double-digits, except one — the margin of defeat in McCreary County was 6% — and statewide by a vote of 65% to 35%, according to unofficial election results.
Yep. Sure did. But none of those options will work well without vouchers. And that got beat down bad just a week ago.School choice vouchers are rapidly being rolled out and are either active or approved by voters in a variety of States besides Kentucky. Did YOU click on the interactive link I provided ITT updating the status of the powerful school choice movement across the America? Of course not, it's a major part of Trump's agenda so you obviously don't have a problem with it do 'ya? *note (even in Kentucky, there are still school choice options available if you click that link)
This statement shows your ignorance about the school choice movement. It isn't about "mandates". It isn't about "vouchers". It's about "choice". It's the freedom of States to innovate and utilize the variety of options available for them to improve the quality of education in their jurisdictions using the money now being used for "one size fits all" public education run by single government entities (ie: bureaucracies) typically dominated by Left wing Teacher Unions.Well, it will be hard to mandate anything (like vouchers) when it is against the state constitution,
Kentucky has had open enrollment for a long time. My point, that you obviously missed, was that those "changes" on your link have been here for a while. And my point was that vouchers got shot down 65-35 in a heavily Republican state.This statement shows your ignorance about the school choice movement. It isn't about "mandates". It isn't about "vouchers". It's about "choice". It's the freedom of States to innovate and utilize the variety of options available for them to improve the quality of education in their jurisdictions using the money now being used for a "one size fits all" public education run by single government entities (ie: bureaucracies) typically dominated by Left wing Teacher Unions.
Is it any wonder why they almost universally oppose any type of "choice" among parents or school administrators exercising the best options that work best for them educating their students? The school choice movement may include public, private, charter, Parochial, technical, or trade schools. It also includes home schools, Magnet schools, and even in your home State of Kentucky tax credits for parents choosing alternatives outside of the government run schools as well as inter district school choices.
In short "vouchers" is only a small portion of the dynamic school choice movement now sweeping the country and opposed by ignorant Teacher Unions. However they have already lost the debate, as most parents favor "school choices" by overwhelming majorities. But you knew that right, because after all... it's part of Trump's agenda which you admit have no problems with correct?
@MountaineerWV ...lying some more
The Top 10 Findings from EdChoice’s 2023 Schooling in America Survey Series
Key takeaways
read the full report here *(this is a study concluded last year '23...another study for the '24 academic year is due shortly)
- Parents and the general public are more pessimistic about the direction of K-12 education compared to last year
- Private school parents and homeschool parents are most likely to say they are “very satisfied” with their child’s schooling experience.
- Parents remain much more likely to give private schools in their area an A/B grade compared to public charter schools or public district schools.
- Americans are much less likely to say their state’s funding is “low too” when shown a publicly recorded funding statistic.
The Top 10 Findings from EdChoice’s 2023 Schooling in America Survey Series
Our annual report, Schooling in America is here! In this article, you can find the top 10 takeaways from our research and polling.www.edchoice.org
I'm not talking about just Kentucky or "fried chicken" Col Sanders. I'm talking about the entire school choice movement across America which you obviously do not understand but self admittedly have no problem with since it's an integral part of Trump's MAGA agenda.Kentucky has had open enrollment for a long time. My point, that you obviously missed, was that those "changes" on your link have been here for a while. And my point was that vouchers got shot down 65-35 in a heavily Republican state.
I live in Kentucky. What other states do, so be it. But the Kentucky people spoke......in fact,......I'm not talking about just Kentucky or "fried chicken" Col Sanders. I'm talking about the entire school choice movement across America which you obviously do not understand but self admittedly have no problem with since it's an integral part of Trump's MAGA agenda.
Good for them. Eat more KFC....I live in Kentucky. What other states do, so be it. But the Kentucky people spoke......in fact,......
2019: Democrat Beshear beat Trump endorsed Matt Bevin
2023: Democrat Beshear beat Trump endorsed Daniel Cameron
2024: Republican, Democrat, and Independent voters rejected Trump backed school voucher amendment 65-35.