The news network you idiot watch

Also the cry of 'Russia hoax' by all righties on here always brings a smile because is such a weak and failed troll effort. If they would recall there were investigations into the 2016 election and the press covered it, they didn't invent it. Don't get mad at news channels for covering national news
Then explain why they (media) have not reported how thoroughly the whole scheme was concocted and has been exposed as a complete hoax and fraud?

And your response is?
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Biden: ‘At this point I’m not’ planning to visit East Palestine, Ohio, after toxic train derailment.

Sammy your clown is a tool. He hates America.
Biden: ‘At this point I’m not’ planning to visit East Palestine, Ohio, after toxic train derailment.

Sammy your clown is a tool. He hates America.
Your clown is a tool as well. His lying and actions led to Jan 6 and his handlers are also tools. Election fraud pfffttt what a loser Donny was
Your clown is a tool as well. His lying and actions led to Jan 6 and his handlers are also tools. Election fraud pfffttt what a loser Donny was
Hows America doing under Hidden Biden?

He continues the destruction.
Hows America doing under Hidden Biden?

He continues the destruction.
Keep watching Faux I mean Fox news. Game ,set, match. The GOP network has been caught lying and the owner has thrown many of them to save his skin. Sounds about right
CNN - Con Network News
Dude who said anything about CNN. Are they being sued for 1.6 Billion dollars for lying like Faux news?????? Did they push "the big lie"? Nope they did not. So again the GOP network caught lying again

The c False claims by Trump comes up a lot. Who hates America more? Someone who tries to overthrow and election, creates an insurrection, promotes violence and still lies about it or Buden. HMMMMMM Donny hates America, he loves his self. Fox news backed his lies and now is going to pay. So who are the sheep now? All of you Fox people who follow the Liars network BAAAAAAA. Now Fox news wants to drop Donny. Glad Frankenstein's monster is coming back to haunt them after all of their lies
Dude who said anything about CNN. Are they being sued for 1.6 Billion dollars for lying like Faux news?????? Did they push "the big lie"? Nope they did not. So again the GOP network caught lying again
It's your love news of multiple genders. It's ok that you wear a dress and want small children sitting in your lap. Personally I think it's sick.
If Truth telling vs Lies are the standard by which we judge media credibility, why does anyone consider the legacy media viable?

Actually, most information consumers don't.

The credibility of the news media in the U.S. is just above its all-time low. In fact, of U.S. adult respondents to a Gallup poll, 29% said they had little trust in news media reporting and 34% had "none at all." This should alarm everyone
It's your love news of multiple genders. It's ok that you wear a dress and want small children sitting in your lap. Personally I think it's sick.
So that is your response. HMMM ok I think it's sick to be called a News organization , intentionally lie to half of the public and then allow others to lie more. If that's not making people sheep I do not know what it. And this all allowed foe JAV 6 to happen. That's sick
I think it's sick to be called a News organization , intentionally lie to half of the public and then allow others to lie more. If that's not making people sheep I do not know what is.
Gee thanks for the compliment, you're kinda cute too for a wimp!

Yeah thanks, btw I date wimps!

You called it big guy, are all wimps as honest as you?

The collapse of CNN is now complete: 9 out of 10 viewers, gone. Its top-rated anchor, Chris Cuomo, gone. Its network president, gone. Its integrity in shambles.
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Prove to me Biden does not have dementia or cognitive decline.
He's a wimp, he can't even tell you why he voted for the half brain dead corpse! You're asking too much from a wimp. Stop that! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Fact checking sites like Politifact (Lean Left bias) promise to help. But sometimes, instead of giving you the facts and letting you interpret them for yourself, fact-checking sites actually provide subjective analysis — drawing conclusions, interpreting and analyzing the facts for you — all under the banner of an objective “fact check.”
So hold on let me blow the dust off of my PHD. How the hell can anyone make that claim without a medical degree.
Anyone can look at me and see I'm clueless...unless the person doing the looking is equally clueless?

Or a "wimp" right creepy Joe?
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So hold on let me blow the dust off of my PHD. How the hell can anyone make that claim without a medical degree.
Just as I figured. You can't.

My 94 year old mother has dementia and now Alzheimer. Biden is just like her in early stages. In another year he'll be stumbling on more than just stairs. He already talks to people that died in car wrecks, can't find his way off stage or make it through a speech without mumbling incoherently. Much less, as I stated, walk up steps.
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I'm pretty sure bifftards watching Fox have no idea what's going on with the Dominion case as well. Hoping it goes to trial and Fox doesn't settle.
Outside of people watching MSNBC nobody knows what is going on with the story because other than a few morons like you, nobody cares.
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Just as I figured. You can't.

My 94 year old mother has dementia and now Alzheimer. Biden is just like her in early stages. In another year he'll be stumbling on more than just stairs. He already talks to people that died in car wrecks, can't find his way off stage or make it through a speech without mumbling incoherently. Much less, as I stated, walk up steps.
Dude he is old. Prove to me that Donny is not in the same boat, or McConnell. Nice attempt at a deflection but again Faux news lies
Dude he is old. Prove to me that Donny is not in the same boat, or McConnell. Nice attempt at a deflection but again Faux news lies
Age has very little to do with it.

Anyone who has dealt with dementia in their family can see it.
Oh no it's all about to blow. What will the criminal enterprise of Fox news Do?????? Distance from Donny and lose viewers or back up Trumps lies

Look at @sammyk trying to demonize Fox News because every news source he feeds off of is a farce and has no credibility.

Misery sure loves company :joy:

You attached your little blue waggon to Pedo-Joe and other pedophile supporters...Sleep in the bed you made, pedo-supporter.
Dude you watch fox news thats all that needs to be said.

Dude, you watch the lowest rated news sources in the country, you voted for Pedo-Joe, sniffaEER agrees with you and both of you are bleaters.

That's all that really needs to be said.
Actually I read more news than I watch and I read from every didn't source , yes I even read yahoo so I know what you and moe gonna post about ...
Wrong foxtard you too are like the GOP network full of lies. Just like your savior Benedict Donald.
Wrong foxtard you too are like the GOP network full of lies. Just like your savior Benedict Donald.

Actually, you are a brainwashed, bleater. You're a non-thinker and just bleat what you're told. Again...You voted for Pedo-Joe and you get your news from networks who participated 2020 election interference. But by all means, continue looking like the fool.
Dude he is old. Prove to me that Donny is not in the same boat, or McConnell. Nice attempt at a deflection but again Faux news lies
Donny is not president. The only deflection is you and your fear of truth.
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Donny is not president. The only deflection is you and your fear of truth.
Well he is still better than liar trump. And that says a lot that the people of America will take Biden over Benedict Donald. Hahahahahah.
Your whole party is based on lies. Even the GOP network Fox is caught up in it. You got the My pillow guy Rudy Guliiani , Taylor Green, ect ect all saying this. Please you can say Adam Schiff all you want but this is going to cost Fox Billions. But it will not matter your favorite Republican can shoot someone on fifth avenue and you will still vote for them. Shut up

Good grief man. Pull the plank out of your own eye.
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