The Big 12 has more in store for us...

Thin Blue Line is a social justice phrase. It supports our law enforcement and the difficult things they encounter amid social profiling of their profession.....i say we put Thin Blue LIne on our helmets
What are the reasons why black men are treated a bit differently by law enforcement?
Ask any law enforcement officer and each will tell you blacks treat them differently than whites. They are far more aggressive and mouthy.
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Why tf do players need to be on the field for the national anthem? They never have before and shouldn't be for the sake of some sjw pandering.

Also F mandates requiring everyone in the conference to wear a patch. Our team deciding on their own to wear a sticker is one thing, but the conference forcing political messages on every team is overboard. Shew.
because they are hoping players will kneel.
Ask any law enforcement officer and each will tell you blacks treat them differently than whites. They are far more aggressive and mouthy.
Is it different by socioeconomic status or just blacks in general?
The fact that so many of you are "upset" over young black men voicing their concerns over racial injustice (which DOES still exist, BTW, there is no doubt that America has a long history of racial issues) reflects history in general. Anytime there is a push back on racial inequities, there is a white backlash. Why not just acknowledge history and their concerns and come together? This doesn't have to be a political issue.
White guilt much lol

I think they think having players on the field for the anthem would be a positive to show unity. But we all know that some players are going to kneel and it will have the complete opposite effect and will create more division and hate. They are so incredibly short sighted. I have no problem with a helmet sticker. (I do question turning the players into billboards of justice with a Big 12 helmet sticker, a WVU helmet sticker and a Big 12 message on the jersey). But for the sake of unity, there should be no changes involving anything around the anthem.
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The fact that so many of you are "upset" over young black men voicing their concerns over racial injustice (which DOES still exist, BTW, there is no doubt that America has a long history of racial issues) reflects history in general. Anytime there is a push back on racial inequities, there is a white backlash. Why not just acknowledge history and their concerns and come together? This doesn't have to be a political issue.

A Black Man was President for 8 years in this nation.... but please preach to me about how racial injustice is at pre 1863 levels.....
Answer it will not stop until people start waking the F*** Up!!!

So, we need to wake up to the “Woke” folks?

It doesn’t bother me that much what college kids do, say, or even decide to put on their uniform. I do have a problem when a conference commissioner is forcing universities to participate in a social and political issue.
Is it different by socioeconomic status or just blacks in general?

Poverty is poverty -- but blacks BLAME their poverty on racism which tends (in their view) to justify criminal actions which they don't believe they should be punished for..... Whites tend to blame their poverty on "the rich" or "outside exploitation". Whites still use poverty as justification for crime but not on the scale Blacks do... (as a percentage of their total population). Whites tend to be more willing to accept their punishment for crimes committed...
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So, we need to wake up to the “Woke” folks?

It doesn’t bother me that much what college kids do, say, or even decide to put on their uniform. I do have a problem when a conference commissioner is forcing universities to participate in a social and political issue.
Were there any conference schools/teams not already making their own social/political statement?
Poverty is poverty -- but blacks BLAME their poverty on racism which tends (in their view) to justify criminal actions which they don't believe they should be punished for..... Whites tend to blame their poverty on "the rich" or "outside exploitation". Whites still use poverty as justification for crime but not on the scale Blacks do... (as a percentage of their total population). Whites tend to be more willing to accept their punishment for crimes committed...
The question was about blacks different socioeconomic status and the police.
Sure looks like it is going to happen.
I really really doubt it. College football has the opportunity to do it the right way. If you want to be heard do it without disrespecting anyone. Peaceful marches, helmet stickers, patches and announcements about change is the right way.
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Is it different by socioeconomic status or just blacks in general?
Don't know. Never asked any that.

The best thing coach Brown could do is have some law enforcement officers speak to the team about the proper way to behave during a traffic stop and police stops in general. That will save more lives and make a far greater impact than any goofy sticker.
What are the reasons why black men are treated a bit differently by law enforcement?

It's called profiling, which is very much necessary. When it comes to violent crime, over 50% of that violent crime comes from 7% of the population(black males). So when such a small percentage makes up most of the violent crimes, more precaution is going to take place. Most non-violent crime comes from white males. Drugs are most likely to be found on a white person, but having drugs isn't violence.

Add to the fact that dense urban areas are where you will find large populations of black people. Where are police stations? Downtown, right beside them. So they will patrol more around that area, which means more contact than what Jim Bob gets out in the sticks or suburbs. More contact = more stops and arrests.

Let's add in the #1 cause for, the broken home. Over 50% of black children grow up without a father. Compare that to only 17% for white children. This is the main issue that keeps black families in poverty and trapped in these urban areas filled with crime.

I could go on, but no need. After all this info, there are still more white people shot by police than black people. The media is running with a false narrative and presenting it as fact. That is wrong.
It's probably the fact that they're a lot less cooperative than every other group, coupled with the fact that they commit a disproportionately high amount of crime.

Does that answer your question?
Yes. Lots of generalizations in multiple answers.
It's called profiling, which is very much necessary. When it comes to violent crime, over 50% of that violent crime comes from 7% of the population(black males). So when such a small percentage makes up most of the violent crimes, more precaution is going to take place. Most non-violent crime comes from white males. Drugs are most likely to be found on a white person, but having drugs isn't violence.

Add to the fact that dense urban areas are where you will find large populations of black people. Where are police stations? Downtown, right beside them. So they will patrol more around that area, which means more contact than what Jim Bob gets out in the sticks or suburbs. More contact = more stops and arrests.

Let's add in the #1 cause for, the broken home. Over 50% of black children grow up without a father. Compare that to only 17% for white children. This is the main issue that keeps black families in poverty and trapped in these urban areas filled with crime.

I could go on, but no need. After all this info, there are still more white people shot by police than black people. The media is running with a false narrative and presenting it as fact. That is wrong.
Sounds like we have more of a poor problem.
I really really doubt it. College football has the opportunity to do it the right way. If you want to be heard do it without disrespecting anyone. Peaceful marches, helmet stickers, patches and announcements about change is the right way.
Wow, if only we had known 50 years ago that racial injustice could be ending simply by more patches and helmet stickers.
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Wow, if only we had known 50 years ago that racial injustice could be ending simply by more patches and helmet stickers.
Never send it will solve the problem but it is the right way to start the conversation.
Do you think it’s a socioeconomic problem or just blacks in general? What facts did you provide?
The ones that you didn't read apparently.

Again, didn't Lyndon Johnson assure us that poverty would be gone by now?
Never send it will solve the problem but it is the right way to start the conversation.
But that's just it. No one ever actually starts the conversation.

They stop traffic and claim that it's to start a conversation, but then they just keep stopping traffic and never start the conversation.
The fact that so many of you are "upset" over young black men voicing their concerns over racial injustice (which DOES still exist, BTW, there is no doubt that America has a long history of racial issues) reflects history in general. Anytime there is a push back on racial inequities, there is a white backlash. Why not just acknowledge history and their concerns and come together? This doesn't have to be a political issue.
You seem to really care about these things......any idea how to stop this carnage that is taking place in our cities? Maybe some of our athletes can voice their concerns about this.......but I doubt it.......this has been going on for years and years....and not a kneeling.

Chicago Week in Progress (9/6 – 9/12).... It's only Wednesday morning.
Shot & Killed: 8
Total Shot: 37

Chicago September to Date ....It's only the 9th
Shot & Killed: 20
Total Shot: 104

Chicago 2020 Year to Date.....
Shot & Killed: 496
Total Shot: 2914
Do you think it’s a socioeconomic problem or just blacks in general? What facts did you provide?
Where the police are concerned, it's a crime problem, because that's all they're empowered to deal with.

If you're asking if they pick on people simply because they're poor, I don't think so.

Although, it has come out that Police Chiefs like Daryl Gates in Los Angeles specifically had his dept. target black people in the 70s and 80s.
The question was about blacks different socioeconomic status and the police.

There are a lot of similarities between Urban Black America and Rural White Appalachia when it comes to socioeconomic status and even the police.

There were protests near my home for months because an officer shot a white male that was on drugs and resisted arrest.

I have been on the Ronald Reagan bandwagon for a long time "The best social program is a job". We have a lot of social issues in this country both within black and white communities that for the most part ultimately tie into poverty. If we stop focusing so much on race and instead work on improving economic opportunity for ALL Americans, I believe that many of the social injustices will resolve themselves

The bigger challenge is getting people to expand their worlds. Most of us here are well traveled and have seen different cultures. We have gone to college and made friends with people of different backgrounds. We have played sports with people of all colors. Those types of activities are what teardown racial divides. Living with, befriending, learning from people of different backgrounds, cultures, religions and races. I think that is why so many of us get frustrated by this creeping into sports. Sports have done more for race relations and promoting understanding and unity than any other activity since the integration of athletics began.

I think many of us forget and have a hard time understanding that we still have huge number of people in White Appalachia that never leave their county and that rarely see a person of color. Their perspective of black people is shaped by the nightly news and shows like The Wire. Similarly, there are urban blacks that have few opportunities to leave their neighborhoods and their perspective of white America is shaped by the Kardashians and the Real Housewives of New Jersey. They have no idea what goes on in McDowell County, WV and the NBC Nightly News does not tell that story either.

It is probably over simplifying things but we could solve a lot of these problems by getting people jobs and sending them on vacation to see and experience something new.
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You seem to really care about these things......any idea how to stop this carnage that is taking place in our cities? Maybe some of our athletes can voice their concerns about this.......but I doubt it.......this has been going on for years and years....and not a kneeling.

Chicago Week in Progress (9/6 – 9/12).... It's only Wednesday morning.
Shot & Killed: 8
Total Shot: 37

Chicago September to Date ....It's only the 9th
Shot & Killed: 20
Total Shot: 104

Chicago 2020 Year to Date.....
Shot & Killed: 496
Total Shot: 2914
Black lives matter. That is unless they are shot by other African-Americans ... or murdered before they even breach the birth canal.

Real pieces of work.

Funny how facts instantly shut down weak narratives.
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You seem to really care about these things......any idea how to stop this carnage that is taking place in our cities? Maybe some of our athletes can voice their concerns about this.......but I doubt it.......this has been going on for years and years....and not a kneeling.

Chicago Week in Progress (9/6 – 9/12).... It's only Wednesday morning.
Shot & Killed: 8
Total Shot: 37

Chicago September to Date ....It's only the 9th
Shot & Killed: 20
Total Shot: 104

Chicago 2020 Year to Date.....
Shot & Killed: 496
Total Shot: 2914
The fact that so many of you are "upset" over young black men voicing their concerns over racial injustice (which DOES still exist, BTW, there is no doubt that America has a long history of racial issues) reflects history in general. Anytime there is a push back on racial inequities, there is a white backlash. Why not just acknowledge history and their concerns and come together? This doesn't have to be a political issue.
Why don't blacks admit that their race has a problem with not being criminal.
What are the reasons why black men are treated a bit differently by law enforcement?
Maybe because they are criminal in behavior and resist arrest at a far greater rate than whites? I mean, 13% of the population commit 22% of the felonies. What's up with that?
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I'm not sure I care anymore. Stand, kneel, sticker-up, raise your fist in the air, carry a sign...I don't care. It won't change who I am or how I treat other people regardless of color, sex, sexual orientation, religion, etc. I may watch the game(s) and I may not. If I don't, it won't be the product on the field that has turned me away.

Who would have thought to end racism, that all it would take is kneeling and stickers.
Why don't blacks admit that their race has a problem with not being criminal.

Last I checked, when I stand before God either at the Bema Seat or Great White Throne of Judgement, there is NOBODY there with me. There are no people that "look like me" ... there's no relatives ... no friends or enemies ... no associates.

What does that tell you?

We are judged by OUR actions ... and by our spoken & unspoken words & thoughts ... by the content of our hearts and character. I do not bare the blame for the actions of people that "look like me" contrary to the assertion of the author of this narrative. Furthermore, nobody should bare the blame for MY missteps and ill will.

That is called equity and righteousness. Something most in this world (and most on this forum) haven't the slightest clue about.
I'm not sure I care anymore. Stand, kneel, sticker-up, raise your fist in the air, carry a sign...I don't care. It won't change who I am or how I treat other people regardless of color, sex, sexual orientation, religion, etc. I may watch the game(s) and I may not. If I don't, it won't be the product on the field that has turned me away.

Who would have thought to end racism, that all it would take is kneeling and stickers.

I can't wait until this election cycle is over. The political posturing by almost every business & organization is over the top.
Where the police are concerned, it's a crime problem, because that's all they're empowered to deal with.

If you're asking if they pick on people simply because they're poor, I don't think so.

Although, it has come out that Police Chiefs like Daryl Gates in Los Angeles specifically had his dept. target black people in the 70s and 80s.
Well, why would you target beverly Hills when the crime is in the inner city?