Tarheel, dave and dvldog

If you look into her history, it shouldnt be surprising what Flynns lawyer Sydney Powell wants to do. She has a history with Weisman and it was not good for him.
I guess patience and getting it right is only a consideration when the DOJ is investigating people you dont like?
FISA abuses are really that difficult? But I’ve heard soon for about a year now, so guess more time is needed. As I said, I’m still waiting.
FISA abuses are really that difficult? But I’ve heard soon for about a year now, so guess more time is needed. As I said, I’m still waiting.
If you havent noticed by now the OIG works ar a snails pace. It is clear there is an investigation there but we all wait for its conclusion.
If you havent noticed by now the OIG works ar a snails pace. It is clear there is an investigation there but we all wait for its conclusion.
The review of the Clinton email by the IG was completed.
Lol, they remind me of that commercial where the guy has the fishing pole with a dollar on the line, owww almost got it.
The review of the Clinton email by the IG was completed.
Aren’t they reviewing the reviewers? And we’re how many years of external litigation later and still finding out more shit? All thanks to Judicial Watch.
Aren’t they reviewing the reviewers? And we’re how many years of external litigation later and still finding out more shit? All thanks to Judicial Watch.
About the emails? I thought Horowitz finally put that one to bed?
The link doesn't work.
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I'll break it down. After TWICE pleading guilty and waiving his rights for further discovery, Flynn's "lawyers" are asking for illegitimate discovery and DEEPSTATE shit. The government responded by saying.....he has twice plead guilty in court and waived his rights for any further discovery. Please continue on to the sentencing phase.
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I'll break it down. After TWICE pleading guilty and waiving his rights for further discovery, Flynn's "lawyers" are asking for illegitimate discovery and DEEPSTATE shit. The government responded by saying.....he has twice plead guilty in court and waived his rights for any further discovery. Please continue on to the sentencing phase.
He has the right to withdraw his plea prior to sentencing