Tarheel, dave and dvldog

I’m an open book pages fluttering in the gentle wind of information.....dangling, tickled by the entrancing possibility of truth......ever reaching into the abyssal volume of American thought.....waiting, whispering for knowledge constantly......I ache, I yearn to be filled.....fill me up Davey boy[winking]

Dang, don’t expect to see poetry on this board. Or even the opening paragraph of a romance novel.

Caption-CNN Reporter In Front Of Mirror
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Like predicting the judge is going to throw out Flynn's guilty plea and tell Mueller to piss off? lol.

It's obvious to anyone that paid attention that the Cohen to Prague thing in the dossier was bunk as soon as Cohen plead guilty to lying to Congress and that wasn't the lie. I doubt the pee pee tape is real too. I'm sure there is more. Doesn't make the whole investigation illegal or all of the dossier invalid.

Clapper was the leaker? *gasp* shocking!
Techno Fog is on the case!! Are you saying the Flynn case is going to get tossed? The federal judge is going to let him take his plea back?

Techno grabs court docs, and translates in some cases. I didn't say anything this time. I continue to say Flynn will walk. Especially if the prosecution is held in contempt.
Techno grabs court docs, and translates in some cases. I didn't say anything this time. I continue to say Flynn will walk. Especially if the prosecution is held in contempt.
TDS Coop shoots the messenger. How dare someone on twitter share actual court documents.
Just now checking in. Been busy all day. What did he get? The more time he receives the less I’d guess he helped Mueller, no?

Muelleur needed help just to remember where he left his shoes last night. We spent how much on that aged shell of a man?
Muelleur needed help just to remember where he left his shoes last night. We spent how much on that aged shell of a man?
To completely exonerate the President of the charge. They’re left with trying to back into obstruction.
Techno grabs court docs, and translates in some cases. I didn't say anything this time. I continue to say Flynn will walk. Especially if the prosecution is held in contempt.
“translates” :joy::joy::joy:

It’s amazing you still buy into this shit. I’m betting you blame the DEEPSTATE again. He could have “walked” on probation already, had he not tried to cowardly not own up to his crimes last December and go so dressed down by the judge that he got spooked. Should we read the transcript from last December?

Classic mod
Cause board “conservatives” are so cheeto cum blind. Glad you and dumb dave are here to discuss the case. :joy::joy::joy:


Love how you make fun of tarheel for posting a twitter account yet tiny hands tj does it and you love it. :joy::joy::joy::joy:

Love how you make fun of tarheel for posting a twitter account yet tiny hands tj does it and you love it. :joy::joy::joy::joy:
I love it? You pay way more attention to that dude.

Guess you have no thoughts on the Flynn case?

Also - Do NOT post my J LAW.
We can use smaller words if that will help you out?
I'd like to see you try any words you've mastered to string together a coherent post on the Flynn case.

Do you think he will retract his guilty plea? Do you think the judge will throw out the case? 2 very simple, yes or no questions for you. I'll hold my breath.
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I'd like to see you try any words you've mastered to string together a coherent post on the Flynn case.

Do you think he will retract his guilty plea? Do you think the judge will throw out the case? 2 very simple, yes or no questions for you. I'll hold my breath.
I dont know what they will do. I think they will ask the judge to throw out the case. Dont hold your breath too long, it will make you smarter.
I dont know what they will do. I think they will ask the judge to throw out the case. Dont hold your breath too long, it will make you smarter.
Yikes. They asked that already this week. They asked that last December, too.

Glad you admit you don't know. Kudos for that.