Tarheel, dave and dvldog

I like how they like to run with the "Deepstate" meme, but fail to see their own tin foil hats.
Like predicting the judge is going to throw out Flynn's guilty plea and tell Mueller to piss off? lol.

It's obvious to anyone that paid attention that the Cohen to Prague thing in the dossier was bunk as soon as Cohen plead guilty to lying to Congress and that wasn't the lie. I doubt the pee pee tape is real too. I'm sure there is more. Doesn't make the whole investigation illegal or all of the dossier invalid.
Like predicting the judge is going to throw out Flynn's guilty plea and tell Mueller to piss off? lol.

It's obvious to anyone that paid attention that the Cohen to Prague thing in the dossier was bunk as soon as Cohen plead guilty to lying to Congress and that wasn't the lie. I doubt the pee pee tape is real too. I'm sure there is more. Doesn't make the whole investigation illegal or all of the dossier invalid.
No, like clinging on to the Russian nonsense in the face of absolutely overwhelming evidence to the contrary.
No, like clinging on to the Russian nonsense in the face of absolutely overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

And out comes the hat.

Yes, so far, the Russian collusion claims have been utter nonsense.

Because in every investigation, ALL the evidence is disclosed to the public to see and judge and nothing is withheld from the public at all.........That's how the American courts are, right?
Because in every investigation, ALL the evidence is disclosed to the public to see and judge and nothing is withheld from the public at all.........That's how the American courts are, right?

Keep clinging to this hope that there is going to be proof found that Trump colluded with Russia to steal the election.
Keep clinging to this hope that there is going to be proof found that Trump colluded with Russia to steal the election.

Meanwhile there is proof that Hillary and the DNC colluded with a foreign agent.
And out comes the hat.

Yes, so far, the Russian collusion claims have been utter nonsense.
The hat? So far we have at least 3 Trump campaign officials that have admitted they sat down with Russians for dirt on Clinton. Dummies just refuse to see that as collusion....that's fine. Did Trump campaign coordinate with email releases? Know ahead of time?

Honest question, what would you consider collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians?
Meanwhile there is proof that Hillary and the DNC colluded with a foreign agent.

Did that foreign agent register under FARA?
Did that foreign agent represent Russia?
Did that foreign agent represent Turkey?
Did Hillary and the DNC promise to eliminate sanctions on Russia prior to taking office?
Did Hillary or the DNC receive $600k from a foreign agent or country?

Just curious.
The hat? So far we have at least 3 Trump campaign officials that have admitted they sat down with Russians for dirt on Clinton. Dummies just refuse to see that as collusion....that's fine. Did Trump campaign coordinate with email releases? Know ahead of time?

Honest question, what would you consider collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians?

We've been down this road already. You liked it, matter of fact.

Wow, ok, you need to take a step back, and think this out. Exactly how would collusion from American's part look? Who would approach who initially? How would the Russians need the collusion help?

The Russians would approach Flynn/Carter. Say, hey Mr. suspicious looking American, we think we can help Trump win the election by saying bad things about Hillary.

Flynn and or Carter will say either "Don't involve me in this", "How dare you interfere in our election", "Ok", or "Ok how can I help?"

Only the last option, "Ok how can I help?", is collusion. The Russians didn't need any American's help. If they did get help, it would be an egghead hacker, not a Trump official. Collusion from the campaign is almost an impossibility from the getgo.

Even if Carter/Flynn ran it up the flagpole, "Hey Don the man, those crazy Russians said they're going to hack Hillary's emails"... it isn't collusion.
Did that foreign agent register under FARA?
Did that foreign agent represent Russia?
Did that foreign agent represent Turkey?
Did Hillary and the DNC promise to eliminate sanctions on Russia prior to taking office?
Did Hillary or the DNC receive $600k from a foreign agent or country?

Just curious.

He got paid
The Clintons received a lot of cash from foreign countries.

Clinton and the DNC also colluded so that Bernie wouldn't have a chance to win. The guy you voted for in the primary was screwed out of the opportunity. Your vote didn't count. But Trump!
Keep clinging to this hope that there is going to be proof found that Trump colluded with Russia to steal the election.

I'm not clinging to anything. Said so from day 1. But this nonsense of "there's nothing" because the public hasn't been disclosed everything is ridiculous. Sometimes investigations take a while........
lol. Lot of guilty pleas for a bunch of nonsense.

Russian collusion is nonsense. Manafort and Gates wasn't nonsense, but others need to be brought down on the same stuff (Podesta, for example). The rest has been prosecutorial charades.
The hat? So far we have at least 3 Trump campaign officials that have admitted they sat down with Russians for dirt on Clinton. Dummies just refuse to see that as collusion....that's fine. Did Trump campaign coordinate with email releases? Know ahead of time?

Honest question, what would you consider collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians?

That's not collusion. Taking a meeting because someone claims to have dirt on your opponent (Something CLINTON hired a company to do, a company that hire KNOWN foreign actors), is not collusion.

What I would consider collusion is a coordinated effort by Trump and Russian officials to actively alter voter totals.

Meanwhile we have PROOF that officials within the DOJ and FBI acted improperly regarding Trump, his campaign and investigations prior to, and after the election, yet somehow that's more tinfoil hat and "Deepstate" nonsense?
That's not collusion. Taking a meeting because someone claims to have dirt on your opponent (Something CLINTON hired a company to do, a company that hire KNOWN foreign actors), is not collusion.

What I would consider collusion is a coordinated effort by Trump and Russian officials to actively alter voter totals.

Meanwhile we have PROOF that officials within the DOJ and FBI acted improperly regarding Trump, his campaign and investigations prior to, and after the election, yet somehow that's more tinfoil hat and "Deepstate" nonsense?

They are all up in their feels with no facts.
Taking a meeting because someone claims to have dirt on your opponent is not collusion.

It is conspiracy and it is illegal. It is a violation of federal election law. You can look it up.

Meanwhile we have PROOF that officials within the DOJ and FBI acted improperly regarding Trump, his campaign and investigations prior to, and after the election, yet somehow that's more tinfoil hat and "Deepstate" nonsense?

You went full retard.
They are the "Law and Order Party"! Trump has a hand grabbing hard on all his stupid pussies on here overlooking the obvious to parrot the Fox channel, hell, they have lost Fox news already because you can only preach to the stupid for so long before reality crashes your pity party.
That's not collusion. Taking a meeting because someone claims to have dirt on your opponent (Something CLINTON hired a company to do, a company that hire KNOWN foreign actors), is not collusion.

What I would consider collusion is a coordinated effort by Trump and Russian officials to actively alter voter totals.

Meanwhile we have PROOF that officials within the DOJ and FBI acted improperly regarding Trump, his campaign and investigations prior to, and after the election, yet somehow that's more tinfoil hat and "Deepstate" nonsense?

Do you, or anyone on here, know exactly what was discussed between the two? That's the purpose of an investigation, to find out. Was there a "deal" made? Maybe, maybe not. Be patient if you have nothing to hide. Right?
What I would consider collusion is a coordinated effort by Trump and Russian officials to actively alter voter totals.
lol. I don't see how we ever move on from this. I guess all future Presidential candidates will now have a foreign enemy sponsor. What a country. Good luck to yous guys.
Do you, or anyone on here, know exactly what was discussed between the two? That's the purpose of an investigation, to find out. Was there a "deal" made? Maybe, maybe not. Be patient if you have nothing to hide. Right?

Are you talking about Trump and Russia, or Clinton and Lynch?

See how that works? The left is all gung ho about investigating these thin allegations when it comes to Trump, but want to turn a blind eye when it comes to their own? Come on... how about some intellectual honesty and either we stand up for civil liberties and properly investigate all, or we admit our bias and selectively pick what we go after.
lol. I don't see how we ever move on from this. I guess all future Presidential candidates will now have a foreign enemy sponsor. What a country. Good luck to yous guys.

I don't think we will ever move on from this, as the system is so damaged now I shudder to think what happens with future candidates and Presidents.
Are you talking about Trump and Russia, or Clinton and Lynch?

See how that works? The left is all gung ho about investigating these thin allegations when it comes to Trump, but want to turn a blind eye when it comes to their own? Come on... how about some intellectual honesty and either we stand up for civil liberties and properly investigate all, or we admit our bias and selectively pick what we go after.

Do you see me defending the Clintons?
Remember, this is the guy who doesn't understand cloture and how the Senate works.

I understand it completely. Your right wing buddy dave didn't understand trump could get the wall funding with a simple majority. You all displayed your stupidity for the world to see in that thread and apparently, still don't understand it.

I understand it completely. Your right wing buddy dave didn't understand trump could get the wall funding with a simple majority. You all displayed your stupidity for the world to see in that thread and apparently, still don't understand it.


He's so resilient THE.... it's kinda cute.
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Did Trump campaign coordinate with email releases?
This is the answer to the question you asked. A concerted effort to coordinate between Trump’s campaign and the Russian state to damage Hillary in the election. Short of that? It’s just bullshit and posturing.

You cannot condemn Trump’s team for the 1 meeting and not want to throw the book at the FBI, DOJ, and Clinton apparatus with what we know today. Yet, I see you all laugh off the latter as if the wiping out of the leadership within those organizations is totes normal.
I understand it completely. Your right wing buddy dave didn't understand trump could get the wall funding with a simple majority. You all displayed your stupidity for the world to see in that thread and apparently, still don't understand it.

Are you positioning that the Wall funding could be done through Budget Reconciliation? Or that Dems wouldn’t filibuster? Or that cloture only requires a simple majority?

You’ve yet to explain your position, like, at all.
lmfao, Trumps rubes are soooooo the "law and Order Party"
Are you positioning that the Wall funding could be done through Budget Reconciliation? Or that Dems wouldn’t filibuster? Or that cloture only requires a simple majority?

You’ve yet to explain your position, like, at all.
I think he means smart folks know it was the moderate Republicans that meant he needed Democrat votes but who cares, just get some popcorn and watch Trump burn down his party and administration, ya dummies ain't gonna save him on here rehashing every stupid conspiracy theory ya can find on the interwebs. We know Trump supporters are zealots for their boy and just gonna yell fake news when reality hits them in the face so why argue?
lmfao, Trumps rubes are soooooo the "law and Order Party"

I think he means smart folks know it was the moderate Republicans that meant he needed Democrat votes but who cares, just get some popcorn and watch Trump burn down his party and administration, ya dummies ain't gonna save him on here rehashing every stupid conspiracy theory ya can find on the interwebs. We know Trump supporters are zealots for their boy and just gonna yell fake news when reality hits them in the face so why argue?
I don’t even know what YOU are trying to say in this post, let alone your stupid fvcking friend and his moronic ramblings and incoherent musings.
so the cat’s lawyer fumbles up an answer that Prague never happened while chuckling, and anonymous sources say the FBI says so too? That’s proof? I’m not exactly sold.

I think it’s laughable how sure you fvckers are about everything, based on lawyer statements on tv shows, anonymous sources, and tweets.

All I can say is we will hopefully see what’s The Who and how’s the why in time. Until then, stop acting like you got the inside lane to the hippity shippity. Jeez