Repubs, there's a lying loser running your party. Kick him to the curb now.

It’s NYU law center
Yes NYU law center. Alot of moderate lawyers attend there. They would never graduate far left IDEALIST from that institution. [eyeroll]

Its only ranked in the top 10 by several pubs as one of the most liberal law schools in the country.
Yes NYU law center. Alot of moderate lawyers attend there. They would never graduate far left IDEALIST from that institution. [eyeroll]
Vox reports inaccurate, agenda driven story. CNN reports on the story, citing "reports claim." MSNBC covers CNN's report. NBC, ABC, and CBS followed.

Boom. False story becomes "multiple news outlets report." It's how "facts" and stories are laundered as truth. And the corporate media has been doing it for years. And the lefty, 2006 Subaru-driving droves are more than willing to soak it seen in this thread. The level of blatant falsehoods these people believe. It's like they're acting out Plato in real time.
Vox reports inaccurate, agenda driven story. CNN reports on the story, citing "reports claim." MSNBC covers CNN's report. NBC, ABC, and CBS followed.

Boom. False story becomes "multiple news outlets report." It's how "facts" and stories are laundered as truth. And the corporate media has been doing it for years. And the lefty, 2006 Subaru-driving droves are more than willing to soak it seen in this thread. The level of blatant falsehoods these people believe. It's like they're acting out Plato in real time.
I was laying the sarcasm on thick. Boom loves quoting Marxist propaganda. He's actually not in the useful idiot category. He is a true believer that thinks he's alot sneaker than he really is.
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I was laying the sarcasm on thick. Boom loves quoting Marxist propaganda. He's actually not in the useful idiot category. He is a true believer that thinks he's alot sneaker than he really is.
Oh yes, I know. I just wanted to pile on.
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Boom. False story becomes "multiple news outlets report." It's how "facts" and stories are laundered as truth. And the corporate media has been doing it for years. And the lefty, 2006 Subaru-driving droves are more than willing to soak it seen in this thread. The level of blatant falsehoods these people believe. It's like they're acting out Plato in real time.
Cool story.
Yes NYU law center. Alot of moderate lawyers attend there. They would never graduate far left IDEALIST from that institution. [eyeroll]

Its only ranked in the top 10 by several pubs as one of the most liberal law schools in the country.
I’d love to know how one goes about ranking how liberal a law school is
I’d love to know how one goes about ranking how liberal a law school is
Some Far left nutjobs like competition also ? Obviously they like to keep track for bragging rights. The rankings are easily Googled.
Yes NYU law center. Alot of moderate lawyers attend there. They would never graduate far left IDEALIST from that institution. [eyeroll]

Its only ranked in the top 10 by several pubs as one of the most liberal law schools in the country.
The link I provided you was loaded with links to various studies done by Universities and political scientists from other institutions.
The link I provided you was loaded with links to various studies done by Universities and political scientists from other institutions.
Lol ... Studies. It was a bunch of articles from other far left sources. Like I said earlier. Both sides have complained about the last two Elections. For everyone's sake and to remove all doubts we can simply require voter I.D., scrub voter rolls, and secure the system better.
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Lol ... Studies. It was a bunch of articles from other far left sources. Like I said earlier. Both sides have complained the last to Elections. For everyone's sake and to remove all doubts we can simply require voter I.D., scrub voter rolls, and secure the system better.
Yes studies. There were also links to investigations led by State AG’s and Republican led committees on the State and National level. The only reason there is doubt, is because the right claims it when they don’t like the results. The left did the same in FLA in 2000. I’m just concerned about the motivation behind the push, because it doesn’t come from a place where people are just trying to fix a major problem. For example, why in Texas is it acceptable to show a concealed weapons permit, but a college ID isn’t acceptable? It’s clear that voter ID laws drive down turnout by several percentage points, and it’s also clear that fraud is NOT a widespread issue (despite what Trump says) - in addition, it will cost $$$$$ as well, when there is no problem.
Yes studies. There were also links to investigations led by State AG’s and Republican led committees on the State and National level. The only reason there is doubt, is because the right claims it when they don’t like the results. The left did the same in FLA in 2000. I’m just concerned about the motivation behind the push, because it doesn’t come from a place where people are just trying to fix a major problem. For example, why in Texas is it acceptable to show a concealed weapons permit, but a college ID isn’t acceptable? It’s clear that voter ID laws drive down turnout by several percentage points, and it’s also clear that fraud is NOT a widespread issue (despite what Trump says) - in addition, it will cost $$$$$ as well, when there is no problem.
When both sides are complaining its an issue regardless what some far left propagandists says. Time to create a better system that everyone can trust. Only the people who want to continue to cheat don't want to do that.
it’s also clear that fraud is NOT a widespread issue (despite what Trump says) - in addition, it will cost $$$$$ as well, when there is no problem.
It’s not clear that it’s not an issue. It’s clear to anyone there are holes and gaps that can be exploited. Fix them.

Spending money and capital on “non” problems? You’re going to draw the line? Here? After the last year?

Well, allow me to retort!

Cops killing unarmed blacks is not a problem, statistical or otherwise. A grand total of 9 from last year in over than 5 million police encounters. 19 unarmed white people killed. More than double. Again, neither is a statistical problem. But we burnt cities down because of it. Portland police precincts were laid siege, with cops being barricaded in from the rioters while rioters lit fire to the building. It was like the goddamn church scene from The Patriot. Oh, and there were cops killed in the line of duty than unarmed blacks, whites, and other, combined.

Another non-problem the left seems hell bent on trying to exploit. Nazis, skinheads, white power folk. There is like 10000 of these lunatics nationwide. None are accepted by the right. Yet, anyone that dares disagree with the left is called a White Nationalist. They’re continuing to try and force that shit to this day.

Let’s move on to gun control. Assault weapons account for less than 7% of gun fatalities. Pistols greater than 90%. Yet, the left is going after assault weapons. The fvck out of here with your stupid shit.
Yes studies. There were also links to investigations led by State AG’s and Republican led committees on the State and National level. The only reason there is doubt, is because the right claims it when they don’t like the results. The left did the same in FLA in 2000. I’m just concerned about the motivation behind the push, because it doesn’t come from a place where people are just trying to fix a major problem. For example, why in Texas is it acceptable to show a concealed weapons permit, but a college ID isn’t acceptable? It’s clear that voter ID laws drive down turnout by several percentage points, and it’s also clear that fraud is NOT a widespread issue (despite what Trump says) - in addition, it will cost $$$$$ as well, when there is no problem.
May 13, 2021
Maricopa County deleted entire databases prior to turning over election equipment to the AZ Senate for the forensic audit now occurring. The Senate President Karen Fann today sent a letter to the County Election’s Board for an explanation.
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CBS Chicago, May 11, 2021

CHICAGO (CBS) — Three U.S. Army soldiers who took an oath to defend this country stood charged Tuesday night with running guns to Chicago.

As CBS 2’s Charlie De Mar reported, some of those weapons were linked to a recent mass shooting.

Demarcus Adams, 21; Jarius Brunson, 22; and Brandon Miller, 22, were charged Tuesday with conspiracy and other offenses by the U.S. Attorney’s Office in the Middle District of Tennessee.

They are accused of funneling guns back to the city from Fort Campbell on the Kentucky-Tennessee line where they are stationed.

The three soldiers were arrested Tuesday morning by agents from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives and the U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Division.

The investigation began on March 26, when Chicago Police were called for a mass-shooting at a pop-up party on 79th Street near Campbell Avenue in the Southwest Side’s Wrightwood community.

The shooting happened at a storefront at 2515 W. 79th St. People were gathered for a celebration of life for a man who was the victim of gun violence.

One man was killed in the shooting and seven others were injured.

Multiple guns were recovered at the scene during the investigation, and five had been found to have been purchased recently from Federal Firearms Licensed dealers in the Clarksville, Tennessee area, prosecutors said.

Further investigation identified Adams, Brunson, and Miller as the majority buyers for the guns, prosecutors said.
It’s confirming your ID, not proving you are a citizen, that was determined when registering to vote.
A CCW does both. It’s also controlled by the state. College IDs are not controlled by a government body. Want to keep going?
It’s not clear that it’s not an issue. It’s clear to anyone there are holes and gaps that can be exploited. Fix them.

Spending money and capital on “non” problems? You’re going to draw the line? Here? After the last year?

Well, allow me to retort!

Cops killing unarmed blacks is not a problem, statistical or otherwise. A grand total of 9 from last year in over than 5 million police encounters. 19 unarmed white people killed. More than double. Again, neither is a statistical problem. But we burnt cities down because of it. Portland police precincts were laid siege, with cops being barricaded in from the rioters while rioters lit fire to the building. It was like the goddamn church scene from The Patriot. Oh, and there were cops killed in the line of duty than unarmed blacks, whites, and other, combined.

Another non-problem the left seems hell bent on trying to exploit. Nazis, skinheads, white power folk. There is like 10000 of these lunatics nationwide. None are accepted by the right. Yet, anyone that dares disagree with the left is called a White Nationalist. They’re continuing to try and force that shit to this day.

Let’s move on to gun control. Assault weapons account for less than 7% of gun fatalities. Pistols greater than 90%. Yet, the left is going after assault weapons. The fvck out of here with your stupid shit.
1- I’d say the BLM movement is more about how police interact with minorities, rather than actual deaths. Sure the deaths are the spark, the Chauvin case was a good example of how that act can set off tensions. But those tensions aren’t there just because of death, they are there because of massive distrust between minority communities and the police. Look at the OJ verdict - look at how LAPD conducted themselves in regard to minority communities. It was pathetic in the 70’s and 80’s. I have witnessed many police officers that shouldn’t be given the power and authority of the badge.
2- I don’t care what you say, it says something when these groups endorse your candidate. Many efforts the right are hellbent to fix, require solutions that are in line with these groups goals.
3- I think at this point it’s about doing SOMETHING to curb the amount of guns going into the streets.
1- I’d say the BLM movement is more about how police interact with minorities, rather than actual deaths. Sure the deaths are the spark, the Chauvin case was a good example of how that act can set off tensions. But those tensions aren’t there just because of death, they are there because of massive distrust between minority communities and the police. Look at the OJ verdict - look at how LAPD conducted themselves in regard to minority communities. It was pathetic in the 70’s and 80’s. I have witnessed many police officers that shouldn’t be given the power and authority of the badge.
2- I don’t care what you say, it says something when these groups endorse your candidate. Many efforts the right are hellbent to fix, require solutions that are in line with these groups goals.
3- I think at this point it’s about doing SOMETHING to curb the amount of guns going into the streets.
1. Stop breaking the law, assholes!!!!! Don’t resist, be respectful, stop being a “badass motherfvcker”. Don’t want your ass beat? Go to school, get a job, and make smart choices. This very simple concept applies across the board to any and all races. You act a fool, you get your ass beat. Simple.

2. You know, I have equal disdain for the Nazis as I do BLM, Antifa, The Black Panthers, La Rasa, etc. they’re all the same. The only difference here is that you all used to have this as a weapon to bludgeon us with. You all have defanged racism with your out of control demonizing. I literally don’t care anymore if someone alleges it. It means nothing other than the person alleging it is losing the argument. Good job, pussy leftists, you’ve made the problem worse.

3. This is why you all shouldn’t be allowed to make decisions for adults. That’s an emotional response.
1. Stop breaking the law, assholes!!!!! Don’t resist, be respectful, stop being a “badass motherfvcker”. Don’t want your ass beat? Go to school, get a job, and make smart choices. This very simple concept applies across the board to any and all races. You act a fool, you get your ass beat. Simple.

2. You know, I have equal disdain for the Nazis as I do BLM, Antifa, The Black Panthers, La Rasa, etc. they’re all the same. The only difference here is that you all used to have this as a weapon to bludgeon us with. You all have defanged racism with your out of control demonizing. I literally don’t care anymore if someone alleges it. It means nothing other than the person alleging it is losing the argument. Good job, pussy leftists, you’ve made the problem worse.

3. This is why you all shouldn’t be allowed to make decisions for adults. That’s an emotional response.
All spoken like man that doesn’t face any issues the above people face.
We’re BLM protestors ever trying to force themselves into a government building with representatives present?
How about the maniacs banging on the doors of the Supreme Court and the lunatic disruptions during the Kavanaugh hearings?
All spoken like man that doesn’t face any issues the above people face.
Spoken like a man that has zero clue about any challenges I have faced or easy parallels I can make to the situations through my life experiences.

At the end of the day, it’s about choices. You’re making a conscious choice if you resist arrest. You’re making a conscious choice if you retaliate to a disrespectful authority. You control that behavior, you and you alone. I’ve been put face down on the pavement with a pistol drawn on me. I wasn’t even the one being an asshole. I was just there. I took it on the chin and kept my mouth shut and complied because I didn’t want to have my ass kicked or be shot. I complied with commands.

I’ve heard discussions about “the talk” people of color give to their kids. I received the same talk. Be respectful and comply. It’s really easy.
Spoken like a man that has zero clue about any challenges I have faced or easy parallels I can make to the situations through my life experiences.

At the end of the day, it’s about choices. You’re making a conscious choice if you resist arrest. You’re making a conscious choice if you retaliate to a disrespectful authority. You control that behavior, you and you alone. I’ve been put face down on the pavement with a pistol drawn on me. I wasn’t even the one being an asshole. I was just there. I took it on the chin and kept my mouth shut and complied because I didn’t want to have my ass kicked or be shot. I complied with commands.

I’ve heard discussions about “the talk” people of color give to their kids. I received the same talk. Be respectful and comply. It’s really easy.
I don’t try to decide what passion your experiences create within yourself. Honestly, I’ve tried to learn from you, and understand better the mentality you have towards different issues. I wouldn’t assume to do it to others either. I hear angry voices, I see frustration, and I’m willing to try and understand, help, and support.
Just because a person wears a badge, it doesn’t make them infallible or incapable of hurting others with no reason.
Just because a person wears a badge, it doesn’t make them infallible or incapable of hurting others with no reason.
Correct, and we just saw the system course correct when that happens. BLM wants mob rule. They’re quite literally using Klan tactics from the 20s. These police being assassinated? Modern day lynchings, and like the Klan, they’re doing it randomly, which makes it even more egregious.
1- I’d say the BLM movement is more about how police interact with minorities, rather than actual deaths. Sure the deaths are the spark, the Chauvin case was a good example of how that act can set off tensions. But those tensions aren’t there just because of death, they are there because of massive distrust between minority communities and the police. Look at the OJ verdict - look at how LAPD conducted themselves in regard to minority communities. It was pathetic in the 70’s and 80’s. I have witnessed many police officers that shouldn’t be given the power and authority of the badge.
2- I don’t care what you say, it says something when these groups endorse your candidate. Many efforts the right are hellbent to fix, require solutions that are in line with these groups goals.
3- I think at this point it’s about doing SOMETHING to curb the amount of guns going into the streets.
Any factual count on the number of black men who don't have a criminal background have been killed by cops???
Oh Lawdy, you're trying to make bloomers run away by asking for facts like that.
I just find it amazing that they(BLM supporters) lift these criminal non complying individuals on lofty thrones while they are so quiet about the hundreds of black young are murdered and forgotten each year...
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1- I’d say the BLM movement is more about how police interact with minorities, rather than actual deaths. Sure the deaths are the spark, the Chauvin case was a good example of how that act can set off tensions. But those tensions aren’t there just because of death, they are there because of massive distrust between minority communities and the police. Look at the OJ verdict - look at how LAPD conducted themselves in regard to minority communities. It was pathetic in the 70’s and 80’s. I have witnessed many police officers that shouldn’t be given the power and authority of the badge.
2- I don’t care what you say, it says something when these groups endorse your candidate. Many efforts the right are hellbent to fix, require solutions that are in line with these groups goals.
3- I think at this point it’s about doing SOMETHING to curb the amount of guns going into the streets.
BLM wants blacks free to rape, steal and murder anybody. Personally, we should allow them to do anything they want as long as they don't step into the neighborhoods of decent people.
I don’t try to decide what passion your experiences create within yourself. Honestly, I’ve tried to learn from you, and understand better the mentality you have towards different issues. I wouldn’t assume to do it to others either. I hear angry voices, I see frustration, and I’m willing to try and understand, help, and support.
Just because a person wears a badge, it doesn’t make them infallible or incapable of hurting others with no reason.
If you are really interested in what is going on the shows "The First 48" or "Homocide Hunter" ...they both will give you a real and factual picture of what the police are dealing with.

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