Republican voters’ loyalty to Trump shows that the GOP has become an 'anti-idea' party

I have that movie bouncing around my head too.
I gave this skinny kid a really good tip and told him to go put on some weight. My wife went crazy, well even more crazy, and I said it was from a movie. I told the kid it was from a Rodney dangerfield movie and to not take it seriously,.
No....that’s called teaching, and many in the profession hold the process as sacred.
PRobably as many that indoctrinate their students. It's not probably as bad now that the cell phone can catch everybody in the act.
I went to Engineering school, I have no idea if my professors were liberal or conservative, lol.

So did I, but I remember a few of them clearly coming across as conservative.

same here. And as a father that is putting 5 kids through college, I have heard very little about politics in non-political classes from my kids in college. Heard a bunch of reports from conservative teachers in middle school and high school living in the area I live in though.

My son, a Freshman in HS, came home yesterday to tell me that a substitute created a big stink when he started blasting Trump to the students. Ended up with a number of students leaving class.
So did I, but I remember a few of them clearly coming across as conservative.

My son, a Freshman in HS, came home yesterday to tell me that a substitute created a big stink when he started blasting Trump to the students. Ended up with a number of students leaving class.
It’s a slippery slope, especially in today’s divisive political atmosphere. But teachers should create debate on issues. Absolutely no teacher should bash a political figure in general ESPECIALLY A SITTING PRESIDENT, but fostering discussion on issues should be encouraged. Unfortunately, students can sometimes mistake encouraging debate through playing devils advocate as actual indoctrination, and that losing a debate means your thinking is it gets tricky. HS is a transition period for students and a critical time for development. They need to start thinking for themselves.
So did I, but I remember a few of them clearly coming across as conservative.

My son, a Freshman in HS, came home yesterday to tell me that a substitute created a big stink when he started blasting Trump to the students. Ended up with a number of students leaving class.
That doesn't surprise me. Happened all through the Obama years but just opposite in primary schools. It happens rarely in college classrooms in non-political classes in non-idealogical colleges. It is blown way out of proportion by idiots when the rare occassion does happen
What was your degree it? I didn't have any problems either. Wasn't a lot of that in 72-76. since my degree was in science, you don't get a lot of political stuff but it has really gotten worse over time. Now, with the advent of cell phone and video, you shouldn't see the overt communist dogma that has been prevalent in some very liberal universities. Do you remember the liberal professor in Colorado who called all those jews that died in the world trade center, little Eichmanns?
There are nuts all over the world and you can find a few that say whatever you want. Since you didn't experience it, not sure why you're crying about things that you have no first (or second) hand knowledge of. You're no better than patx or others on here who find one person saying something and then attribute the same mindset to thousands or millions of others. There's no shortage of right wing cry babies on here, sad. Don't let them brain wash you!! geez
My first English paper in one college class received a D, she said she didn't agree with the content. It was conservative in nature. I quickly discovered I need to act liberal, and ended up with an A. I went back after the semester was over and told her I faked it. She was not happy.
One advantage of engineering school was that most courses were science and math based. There was very little way to twist century old fotmulas and equations so it was pretty objective.
Trump won in 2016 with OVER 300 electoral votes...

Trump will win in 2020 with OVER 400 electoral votes...

and you idiots can't stop him...
There are nuts all over the world and you can find a few that say whatever you want. Since you didn't experience it, not sure why you're crying about things that you have no first (or second) hand knowledge of. You're no better than patx or others on here who find one person saying something and then attribute the same mindset to thousands or millions of others. There's no shortage of right wing cry babies on here, sad. Don't let them brain wash you!! geez
Still won't divulge your degree. I guess you aren't proud.