Republican voters’ loyalty to Trump shows that the GOP has become an 'anti-idea' party

most members in my wife's immediate family are "liberal" professors. Not a single one "hate"America. Through their relationships and being married in this family for years, have met many other "liberal" professors. Haven't met anyone that hates America or even make comments that be construed in that manner. But I have seen right wing nuts on here including make hateful posts about America including this idiot.
Speaking of ignorance, I guess you read that on a message board (patx) or some right wing blog, good deal. smh
It’s the new talking points spearheaded by Junior: universities teach “kids” to hate American and Christianity.
You are grossly misinformed, and dangerously biased on a very critical aspect of American society.

Let's not pretend there are not a number of far left professors in this country that stifle debate and hold views that are to the extreme. Many campuses have become places were open debate is just non-existent, campuses where even professors that do seek open and honest debate, professors that would be considered progressive, are now being shot down and run out of campuses. Look up people like Nicholas Christakis or Bret Weinstein.

And we all have our experiences with professors. I clearly remember a Poly Sci professor at WVU, in the 90's, that told his class that George Bush (not Dubya for crying out loud) was the devil and anyone that was going to vote for him was an idiot.

Higher education in this country needs a good re-examination. Too many kids are coming out of college with degrees they are not able to find work in, with tons in student debt.
Let's not pretend there are not a number of far left professors in this country that stifle debate and hold views that are to the extreme. Many campuses have become places were open debate is just non-existent, campuses where even professors that do seek open and honest debate, professors that would be considered progressive, are now being shot down and run out of campuses. Look up people like Nicholas Christakis or Bret Weinstein.

And we all have our experiences with professors. I clearly remember a Poly Sci professor at WVU, in the 90's, that told his class that George Bush (not Dubya for crying out loud) was the devil and anyone that was going to vote for him was an idiot.

Higher education in this country needs a good re-examination. Too many kids are coming out of college with degrees they are not able to find work in, with tons in student debt.
Blame the students for choosing the major, blame the students for not challenging the professor.....they’re not kids anymore.....don’t blame the process of higher education.

A valid education examines competing viewpoints and uses debate. Many professors play devils advocate, holding positions they don’t actually agree with, in order to foster legitimate debate and discussion. Those that do not, are not good professors.....whether you’re discussing Hector v Achilles, Bush v Kerry, pro-life v pro-choice, approaches to psychology, or perspectives of history.....the atmosphere of the classroom should be about critical thinking, not indoctrination. That’s obvious.
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You are grossly misinformed, and dangerously biased on a very critical aspect of American society.
He is right and you are right. Most professirs dont act that way but some do also. If I had time to google machine I am sure I could find a handful pretty quick.
You are grossly misinformed, and dangerously biased on a very critical aspect of American society.
No I am not. many conservative students are afraid to speak up for fear their grades will suffer. Only somebody who slurps up maoist obama rhetoric believes that isn't the truth. Just the way it is and has been. If you haven't been watching something besides the communist news network and several of it's other affliates, then I can understand your ignorance of this fact.
Blame the students for choosing the major, blame the students for not challenging the professor.....they’re not kids anymore.....don’t blame the process of higher education.

A valid education examines competing viewpoints and uses debate. Many professors play devils advocate, holding positions they don’t actually agree with, in order to foster legitimate debate and discussion. Those that do not, are not good professors.....whether you’re discussing Hector v Achilles, Bush v Kerry, pro-life v pro-choice, approaches to psychology, or perspectives of history.....the atmosphere of the classroom should be about critical thinking, not indoctrination. That’s obvious.
They grade their papers you moron. I would advise anybody who aspires to professional school, where grades are important to get accepted to not rock the boat with the liberal quack jobs that teach.
Blame the students for choosing the major, blame the students for not challenging the professor.....they’re not kids anymore.....don’t blame the process of higher education.

A valid education examines competing viewpoints and uses debate. Many professors play devils advocate, holding positions they don’t actually agree with, in order to foster legitimate debate and discussion. Those that do not, are not good professors.....whether you’re discussing Hector v Achilles, Bush v Kerry, pro-life v pro-choice, approaches to psychology, or perspectives of history.....the atmosphere of the classroom should be about critical thinking, not indoctrination. That’s obvious.
Yeah. Devils advocate my ass. Good ones do it but I had econ profs at WV Tech who stifled debate and punished people who disagreed.
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Blame the students for choosing the major, blame the students for not challenging the professor.....they’re not kids anymore.....don’t blame the process of higher education.

A valid education examines competing viewpoints and uses debate. Many professors play devils advocate, holding positions they don’t actually agree with, in order to foster legitimate debate and discussion. Those that do not, are not good professors.....whether you’re discussing Hector v Achilles, Bush v Kerry, pro-life v pro-choice, approaches to psychology, or perspectives of history.....the atmosphere of the classroom should be about critical thinking, not indoctrination. That’s obvious.

Unfortunately major Universities are failing students when it comes to directing them towards viable degrees, and they certainly are in ZERO position to challenge professors. I agree that classrooms should be atmosphere's of critical thinking, but far too often they're not.

What I'm seeing with my Step-Daughter and Nieces and Nephew at WVU alone, is very disappointing at times.
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Who told you this? stop making things up, K?
Yeah. Devils advocate my ass. Good ones do it but I had econ profs at WV Tech who stifled debate and punished people who disagreed.

My first English paper in one college class received a D, she said she didn't agree with the content. It was conservative in nature. I quickly discovered I need to act liberal, and ended up with an A. I went back after the semester was over and told her I faked it. She was not happy.
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Unfortunately major Universities are failing students when it comes to directing them towards viable degrees, and they certainly are in ZERO position to challenge professors. I agree that classrooms should be atmosphere's of critical thinking, but far too often they're not.

What I'm seeing with my Step-Daughter and Nieces and Nephew at WVU alone, is very disappointing at times.
It's been going on for too long and the liberals never think it's a problem. These liberal professors will dock their students grades and there's no appealing it.
My first English paper in one college class received a D, she said she didn't agree with the content. It was conservative in nature. I quickly discovered I need to act liberal, and ended up with an A. I went back after the semester was over and told her I faked it. She was not happy.
If a woman did that, she would be accused of having sex with Harvey weinstein.
Lol, gotta be pretty uneducated to fear liberal professors, just send the kiddies to Liberty U and let them dumb em down. Conservatives don't seem to put much faith in their childrens intellect, college makes em weird and liberal? maybe if ya fed em bullshit and fear their whole life.
My first English paper in one college class received a D, she said she didn't agree with the content. It was conservative in nature. I quickly discovered I need to act liberal, and ended up with an A. I went back after the semester was over and told her I faked it. She was not happy.
By acting liberal, you received an A? That’s some English class.
I never heard one prof go off topic to politics through undergrad or grad school and if I did I would not have cared.
same here. And as a father that is putting 5 kids through college, I have heard very little about politics in non-political classes from my kids in college. Heard a bunch of reports from conservative teachers in middle school and high school living in the area I live in though.
Lol, gotta be pretty uneducated to fear liberal professors, just send the kiddies to Liberty U and let them dumb em down. Conservatives don't seem to put much faith in their childrens intellect, college makes em weird and liberal? maybe if ya fed em bullshit and fear their whole life.
You mean like yourself and others that FEAR conservative schools like Liberty U? I know you lack some discernment....and what little you do have is jaundiced by your politics.
It’s the new talking points spearheaded by Junior: universities teach “kids” to hate American and Christianity.
Still looking for that quote from Junior......I think you are making things up.
I never heard one prof go off topic to politics through undergrad or grad school and if I did I would not have cared.
What was your degree it? I didn't have any problems either. Wasn't a lot of that in 72-76. since my degree was in science, you don't get a lot of political stuff but it has really gotten worse over time. Now, with the advent of cell phone and video, you shouldn't see the overt communist dogma that has been prevalent in some very liberal universities. Do you remember the liberal professor in Colorado who called all those jews that died in the world trade center, little Eichmanns?
Still looking for that quote from Junior......I think you are making things up.
I linked the article from the Guardian. Ask some of your boys on here....the “underwater basket weaving major” comment was also included by Junior in the same speech. His speech at the fundraiser for Faulkner.
Blame the students for choosing the major, blame the students for not challenging the professor.....they’re not kids anymore.....don’t blame the process of higher education.

A valid education examines competing viewpoints and uses debate. Many professors play devils advocate, holding positions they don’t actually agree with, in order to foster legitimate debate and discussion. Those that do not, are not good professors.....whether you’re discussing Hector v Achilles, Bush v Kerry, pro-life v pro-choice, approaches to psychology, or perspectives of history.....the atmosphere of the classroom should be about critical thinking, not indoctrination. That’s obvious.
That's also called wishful thinking.