Republican voters’ loyalty to Trump shows that the GOP has become an 'anti-idea' party

Bunch of elitist lefty loonies thinking a university education is good for a person!
Good, maybe the old GOPe will die. I don't think you guys are going to like what replaces it though.
He's got less than 40% approval, his biggest accomplishment is winning the election, he's shown over and over that his campaign platform is smoke and mirrors....

So why does anyone think there is anything lasting in Biff's $hit$how?

Looking more like the GOP will lysol the place when he's gone and act like this never happened.
Bunch of elitist lefty loonies thinking a university education is good for a person!
Actually a college education isn’t probably a good idea for everyone...have you seen some of the dog shit majors these days...and those that get them wonder why they can’t find employment.
He's got less than 40% approval, his biggest accomplishment is winning the election, he's shown over and over that his campaign platform is smoke and mirrors....

So why does anyone think there is anything lasting in Biff's $hit$how?

Looking more like the GOP will lysol the place when he's gone and act like this never happened.
Biggest accomplishment = Gorsuch and a right leaning SCOTUS.
Good, maybe the old GOPe will die. I don't think you guys are going to like what replaces it though.’re so intimidating beaver....I didn’t like the GOP to begin with either. When they arent warmongering under the guise of being peace seekers, or acting like they are the modern disciples of Christ charged with forcing all to adhere to one set of spiritual beliefs under the guise of being for freedom, or running a deficit and adding to the debt under the guise of being the fiscally responsible party......they still were alway, always, always doing everything they can to help the most wealthy first.
Actually a college education isn’t probably a good idea for everyone...have you seen some of the dog shit majors these days...and those that get them wonder why they can’t find employment.
Education is always good for a person....debt isn’t.....but learning is always good.
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Education is always good for a person....debt isn’t.....but learning is always good.
Maybe...but depends on if what they're learning can help them be a productive member of society or are they just getting some dog-shit degree that doesn't equate to an employable human being?
Maybe...but depends on if what they're learning can help them be a productive member of society or are they just getting some dog-shit degree that doesn't equate to an employable human being?

There are definitely pluses and minuses to a college education nowadays, especially with underwater basket weaving that won't help you become a useful member of society. I don't know that I'd say the negatives outweigh the positives at this point, though. I'd like to see how they worded the poll question(s).
There are definitely pluses and minuses to a college education nowadays, especially with underwater basket weaving that won't help you become a useful member of society. I don't know that I'd say the negatives outweigh the positives at this point, though. I'd like to see how they worded the poll question(s).
It doesn't help if the person comes out with a basket-weaving degree and $50k or more in debt
Maybe...but depends on if what they're learning can help them be a productive member of society or are they just getting some dog-shit degree that doesn't equate to an employable human being?
Even just basic understanding of literature, sciences, languages, art, psychology, and the course taking experience can help a person become a more well rounded citizen (even with that basket weaving degree). Again....debt isn’t good.....but even with that “dog shit” degree, the person is right back at square one anyway.....only with four years of experiences and education as well.

Even the beer, the football games, the sex, the dorms bring an education that (in most cases) helps the college student grow substantially — socially and emotionally.
Just to say it's not a one size fits all model, like most everything else in the world.
I don’t think a person’s ability is created in college. I do, however, think that a person is more informed, has a better understanding of the world, is more aware of their underlying motivations, and has more appreciation for different fields other than the fields they work in through a college education. For me, it’s less about career skills, than it is about human development. Not to say the school of life doesn’t provide that education as well, but the university education is more beneficial in terms of risk. However, debt is a problem — and can negate all benefits from the endeavor in extreme cases.
The gap between rhetoric and reality reflects an evolution of the GOP base away from the value of expertise and education itself. In a recent Pew Research survey, 58 percent of Republicans said college and universities hurt the country — a view expressed by just 19 percent of Democrats.

A lot of anti american leftist teaching at Universities. Since many people aren't smart enough to get science degrees, they end up where the leftist professors do the most harm. By the way Moe, what degree do you have? Humanities?[roll]
I don’t think a person’s ability is created in college. I do, however, think that a person is more informed, has a better understanding of the world, is more aware of their underlying motivations, and has more appreciation for different fields other than the fields they work in through a college education. For me, it’s less about career skills, than it is about human development. Not to say the school of life doesn’t provide that education as well, but the university education is more beneficial in terms of risk. However, debt is a problem — and can negate all benefits from the endeavor in extreme cases.
It's a baby sitting place to put kids who don't know a thing about real life and to get drunk. If your professors are telling you America is bad, it doesn't help.
A lot of anti american leftist teaching at Universities. Since many people aren't smart enough to get science degrees, they end up where the leftist professors do the most harm. By the way Moe, what degree do you have? Humanities?[roll]
I'll count you among the 58% airplane.
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I guess this is more often than you realize.
  • Total Amount of Student Loan Borrowers: 44 million +
  • Total Outstanding Student Loan Debt: $1.41 trillion +
  • Average Federal Student Loan Default Rate: 11.8%
  • Average Number of College Grads with Student loan Debt: 60%
  • Average Debt Per Borrower: $27,975
  • Average Debt Per Graduate: $16,723
Note: This stat is often incorrectly reported. Many sites post the average debt per borrower statistic as the average debt per graduate.

  • Average Debt Per Graduate Student: $57,600
  • Average Debt Per Borrower at a Public School: $26,828
  • Average Debt Per Borrower at a Private School: $30,281
  • Department of Education's Estimated Profit Over Next 10 Years: $127 billion
Ever have a prof tell you that? me neither but keep making shit up. smh
No I didn't but not a lot of that was prevelent in the early 70's in the science field and you know it's true now in a number of other disciplines. You can watch the news and see all the kids say what they hear in the classrooms. you have to be totally ignorant to argue that point. Too many examples, except UNC [winking], where kids are intimidated by their professors. By the way, we need some muscle over hear to get rid of the reporter at Missouri!
you know it's true now in a number of other disciplines. You can watch the news and see all the kids say what they hear in the classrooms. you have to be totally ignorant to argue that point.
Huh? What channel are you watching, Fox News? I have no idea what you're talking about and I doubt that you can back any of it up.
I'll count you among the 58% airplane.
Here's a great idea, let those of us who have common sense make the laws. We don't need to let people in here that have no skills.
Huh? What channel are you watching, Fox News? I have no idea what you're talking about and I doubt that you can back any of it up.
Please don't show your ignorance. Liberal professors everywhere do this.
Here's a great idea, let those of us who have common sense make the laws. We don't need to let people in here that have no skills.
Not sure what that has to do with U.S. colleges and universities hurting the country (or anything else) but okey dokey! Solid post.
most members in my wife's immediate family are "liberal" professors. Not a single one "hate"America. Through their relationships and being married in this family for years, have met many other "liberal" professors. Haven't met anyone that hates America or even make comments that be construed in that manner. But I have seen right wing nuts on here including make hateful posts about America including this idiot.
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