President Trump Addressed Libertarian Party Concerns at National Convention... 25May2024... replay up


Trump navigated the Libertarian convention about as well as he could, maintaining class and grace in a hostile environment.

Trump didn’t give a full mea culpa for his first term, but he offered Libertarians a seat in the cabinet, and some policy decisions that Libertarians would otherwise not get.

We at least have to respect that Trump had the balls to walk into the lion’s den, and offer a deal in exchange for our vote. Now my fellow Libertarians have the choice of either throwing away their vote and indirectly helping the reelection of Joe Biden, or voting for Trump and getting more representation in an upcoming Trump administration than Libertarians have had… ever.

Trump is at least offering Libertarians a seat at the table. For a party that has only secured more than 1% of the popular vote ONCE since 1972, that sounds like a pretty good deal.

Trump might not be the ideal Libertarian candidate, but I got news for y’all; Ron Paul ain’t on the ballot.


There's A LOT of GOOD PEOPLE in the LP, BUT...MANY of the LP members would rather sit around arguing with each other & debate over who's ideals are "Real Libertarian Ideals", instead of supporting someone who ACTUALLY has a REAL FU*KING PLAN on how to create LONG TERM CHANGE. MANY of them seem to wanna play Founding Fathers, but THEY DON'T WALK THE WALK & create REAL LONG TERM CHANGE. THEY JUST TALK THE TALK. The LP has largely been DEMORALIZED. The leaders of the LP claim that they DO NOT BELIEVE the Media, BUT in MY CASE, IT SEEMED TO ME, the higher ups of the AZLP & the NLP behaved as if they believed EVERY WORD the media said about me. They DID NOT CARE to HELP ME get elected AT ALL!!!

My campaign platform LITERALLY FORCED the Congress to address the issues I was running on & they even DRAFTED A FU*KING BILL called "the anti-corruption plan" that was pretty much a plagiarized form of MY CAMPAIGN PLATFORM & STILL I got NO HELP from the AZLP or the NLP. Just saying...

There's good people in the LP, but it NEEDS A LOT OF IMPROVEMENT if they want to WIN ELECTIONS!

In summation, I am a Libertarian & I SUPPORT DONALD TRUMP FOR POTUS!

That is all. Thank you for your time.
The people who’d vote for that twink would’ve otherwise voted for Biden. Not upset with the nomination. I’d absolutely love to hear Dave Smith’s freak out over this one. Hahahahhaha Nice job, fvcko.