Pathetic Trump Already Trying to Weasel Out of Debating Biden

Former Trump attorney Michael Cohen agreed with the defense Thursday that the $130,000 payment to Stormy Daniels was a legal contract.

Responding to questions from Trump lawyer Todd Blanche, Cohen said he learned through Keith Davidson, who represented Daniels, that another outlet was interested in buying Daniels’ story. Cohen said he was told that ABC offered the same amount that Davidson was trying to get from Cohen – $130,000.

There were two choices – pay, or don’t pay and the story comes out. Cohen agreed that several weeks passed without paying, but ultimately the payment went to Daniels.

Taking a look at the contract, which Trump never signed, Cohen confirmed it was a legal contract and that non-disclosure agreements aren't unusual. The contract was signed using pseudonyms.
Bragg’s allegation that Cohen’s invoices are false (as Cohen testified they were) is based on Cohen’s testimony that (a) there was actually no retainer agreement, and (b) the monthly payments of $35,000 were really for reimbursement for the Stormy Daniels NDA in 2016, not – as the invoices suggest – for ongoing legal work in 2017.

This story is collapsing.

Retainers do not have to be in writing, so the fact that there isn’t a written retainer does not settle the question of whether Trump retained Cohen as a lawyer after 2016. Cohen has now admitted that it was agreed that he could represent himself in 2017 as the president’s private lawyer, and he admits that he did legal work for Trump in 2017-18 – not a lot, but some. Clients often have a retainer agreement, not to pay for ongoing work, but to pay for the lawyer’s availability if something comes up. And it’s obvious that the 2017 installment payments, which totaled $420,000, were about more than the $130,000 for the Stormy NDA — they included a bonus, which, regardless of what Cohen says, could be for past work or future availability.
To summarize, Cohen was holding himself out as Trump’s lawyer throughout 2017, he was available to work for Trump whenever asked, and he did in fact do lawyer work for him in 2017-18. And the Trump Organization knew it was paying for more than the Stormy Daniels NDA. So how could it be fraudulently false for the Trump org CFO to refer to payments to Cohen as pursuant to a retainer? Cohen did the things a retained lawyer does.
Donald Trump’s defense attorney accused Michael Cohen on Thursday of lying on the witness stand during the former president’s hush money trial, saying phone records discredited Cohen’s prior testimony.

Trump attorney Todd Blanche presented evidence of call logs and text messages while cross-examining Cohen and compared them to details Cohen gave prosecutors two days ago about a key conversation he allegedly had with Trump about porn star Stormy Daniels, according to courtroom updates from Politico.

The evidence revealed that on the evening of Oct. 24, 2016, the same time as the alleged conversation about Daniels, Cohen messaged Trump’s bodyguard Keith Schiller about harassing calls Cohen had been receiving from a 14-year-old.

The phone logs showed Schiller called Cohen back a few minutes later and left a voicemail and that Cohen then returned Schiller’s call and had a conversation that lasted about a minute and a half.
All the the host networks will do is ask questions. You afraid of what they will ask. :joy:
I'm not afraid...I not doing the debate. But we already know that CNN provided a Dem debater with the list of question previous to the debate...BTW...the Repub debater was not given a heads-up question list.
All the the host networks will do is ask questions. You afraid of what they will ask. :joy:
So, then why is Biden afraid to go on Fox......hmmm?

Seems to me that Biden is the one who weaseled out.
So, then why is Biden afraid to go on Fox......hmmm?

Seems to me that Biden is the one who weaseled out.
Joe is calling the shots. The challenger will take whatever is offered. Trump still has time to bail out of both debates. I quoted Bornaneer which he didn't seem to recognize lol.
Joe is calling the shots. The challenger will take whatever is offered. Trump still has time to bail out of both debates. I quoted Bornaneer which he didn't seem to recognize lol. me the exact quote..."make my day".
So, then why is Biden afraid to go on Fox......hmmm?

Seems to me that Biden is the one who weaseled out.
Biden is afraid to go on Fox or even have a middle of the road co-host for the CNN debate.
All the the host networks will do is ask questions. You afraid of what they will ask. :joy:
You're afraid of a simple question like what's Joe Biden's energy plan to reduce gasoline prices and increase domestic supplies so we are not relying on foreign sources for our energy?

I'm not running for President, and I don't pay for my own's subsidized by transfer payments from Uncle Sam.

OK @moe , now we see why you won't answer that. However the rest of us do pay for our own gas, and we're tired of it being double and triple of what it cost us when Trump was in charge & allowing enough domestic energy production where we became self sustaining and selling our excess energy supplies to foreigners instead of begging them for it!

I just said drill baby drill!!!!!

We know DJT...'ol @moe was buying cheaper gas too, he just won't admit it cause you were in charge. :rolleyes:

Trump achieved what every US President since Nixon promised: energy independence

Then President Donald Trump took office and announced a radical departure from 50 years of received energy "wisdom." In a speech to the Energy Department months after taking office, he said that for decades leaders peddled the myth of energy scarcity. Most of it is self-imposed, he said. What the country needs, he said, isn't "alternative" energy, or new austerity measures. It's a government that "promotes energy development." Trump listed actions he was taking to lift federal impediments to energy production.

Lo and behold, Trump was right (again)