Oklahoma fraternity shut down

In this age of technology how can ANYONE be that stupid

nothing anyone says or does these days is private as long as their is a cell phone within distance. Not only is what they said wrong and idiotic but the fact that a college "student" doesn't realize it's wrong is even worse......when will people learn?
This type of behavior from Oklahoma or Texas doesn't surprise me in the least. I hope I never have to visit either state.
mneilmont not pleased

Re: mneilmont not pleased

I shouldn't be surprised at the continued attitudes over race but as a country, we are getting better. And then this kind of stuff occurs.
What year is this?

Did I go back 50 years? If so, there's some stock purchases I want to make.
Re: mneilmont not pleased

Our institutions are better for the most part. But there is still a lot of this kind of thing that happens. You'd hope that younger people like these frat boys would see things differently than our parents and grandparents did. Apparently many don't. Obama's presidency has revived some of this hate. I hope these guys not only have their frat disbanded, I hope they are expelled from school.
Originally posted by countryroads89:

This type of behavior from Oklahoma or Texas doesn't surprise me in the least. I hope I never have to visit either state.
Because of this?

If you are that strong about this issue, you might never leave your home.
There were a couple fraternities at Auburn like this....

KA was one. The rural areas of AL are filled with bigotry like this. In fact, if you remove metropolitan Birmingham, Montgomery and Mobile areas, this type of attitude is common.
Re: There were a couple fraternities at Auburn like this....

I was never in a non-professional fraternity. But a guy on my floor at Summit Hall was a member of KA. Those guys worshiped Robert E. Lee and all things old confederacy. He used to wear his rebel flag shirt all the time. He was a Virginia, old money southerner who thought his shit didn't stink. I'm sure you've ran across a few of those in Alabama.
I remember the KA at WVU....

First week of class my freshman year (1980), they had a sign that said "don't worry Mom, we'll take care of her" and there was a picture of a cherry popping. Wow.
Re: mneilmont not pleased

Triple prick again making a false issue about his black cousins. He has screamed racist so often that it no longer has meaning.
Re: I believe that was the Delts, not the KA's

Almost 100% on that memory.

Being very involved in frat life in the early to mid 80's, I saw racism but nothing to this level. But there was indeed discrimination prevalent during Rush with most of WVU frats. The fight we (SigEps) had when we were attempted to bring the first Asian-American into the brotherhood was absolutely sickening. The chapter did not have its first black member until years after I left. But the years I was there, no black ever attempted to join.
Re: mneilmont not pleased

The disdain for Obama has nothing to do with the tone of his skin for 95% of the opposition. His desire to make this country in the image of socialist governments has been the straw that breaks the backs of the citizenry.
A message from the OU President

TO: All Students, Faculty, and Staff

To those who have misused their free speech in such a reprehensible way, I have a message for you. You are disgraceful. You have violated all that we stand for. You should not have the privilege of calling yourselves "Sooners." Real Sooners are not racist. Real Sooners are not bigots. Real Sooners believe in equal opportunity. Real Sooners treat all people with respect. Real Sooners love each other and take care of each other like family members.

Effective immediately, all ties and affiliations between this University and the local SAE chapter are hereby severed. I direct that the house be closed and that members will remove their personal belongings from the house by midnight tomorrow. Those needing to make special arrangements for positions shall contact the Dean of Students.

All of us will redouble our efforts to create the strongest sense of family and community. We vow that we will be an example to the entire country of how to deal with this issue. There must be zero tolerance for racism everywhere in our nation.

David L. Boren
University of Oklahoma
Re: There were a couple fraternities at Auburn like this....

There is a triple prick in Tenn that thinks his shit doesn't stink. Unfortunately he has a following on this board that is in agreement with him, but he is lying son of a bitch who is definitely blinded by his own arrogant image.

Actually, I was in Summit room 303 the year it opened. My two black suite-mates were an inspiration to me and they have become quiet successful in their own right. They did not need social programs to carry them. They made it on their own. Proud to have known the gentlemen.

Too bad your black cousins relied on welfare and govt assistance.
Re: I remember the KA at WVU....

During my time, they were a popular frat that had no black members.
Re: A message from the OU President

Nowhere in there did I see the word expulsion.

How serious are you if you don't expel the students?
Re: A message from the OU President

Sounds like the man has spoken.
Re: I remember the KA at WVU....

I am younger than you and only two "white" frats that had a black member were the Beta's and Sigma Nu. They both had one each.

There were several black frats on campus and they had a very strong membership but they did not participate much in the Greek life with the other frats. It wasn't discussed among any of us but rather it was just the way it was. Now being older and hopefully wiser, I'm shocked at how this was not even an issue at that point in history.
Triple Prick

After reading the piece, I have no reservations about calling you a son of a bitch. You are a revolving son of a bitch. Every way they turn you, you are a son of a bitch.

Typical mob shit. No nerve to say it individually, but when surrounded by other assholes with like minds, the arrogance and bravery comes out.

By highlighting this kind of behavior would suggest you appreciate it and are a closet racist. You ride the train too often. Got to make an issue of the behavior to keep it stirred up. Look at yourself in a mirror. Ask why you have to go out of your way to be such an asshole.
Originally posted by Mog:
Not surprised college kids would do something stupid. I'm surprised to see students at a major university be so openly racist. That's beyond stupid to even think it, much less say it, much less lead a chorus with it.
Re: I remember the KA at WVU....

Blacks were definitely in the minority. I think they had a couple houses where they had their weekend social events, but I am unaware that they had an organized house. Very difficult to see why a black would wish to be there. Just now crossed my mind that I don't recall having many blacks in class. Remember a football player in history and one in an Ed lab class. Definitely none in business classes.
Why do you make such a remark? Just want to be part of the anti-crowd? As well as I remember, Ok elected a very popular black man to Senate(maybe House). He was popular wherever he went. The state treated him like a son of the state. Why would you make such suggested infllamatory remark?

I personally have no connection to either state, and reasonable sure you don't either. Why would you paint so broadly with your brush?
Re: Triple Prick

Like no body else. Maybe it is just a juvenile game you play. I would appreciate it you would grow up if you want to address me.
Re: There were a couple fraternities at Auburn like this....

You emulated the mutt and stuck your nose up a black man's ass.
I recognize bigotry still exists in this society.....

.....and regrettably, it isn't going away anytime soon. But what puzzles me most about this particular incident is exactly why someone on that bus thought it a good idea to post the video on YouTube; something which has become fairly renown for hanging suspecting and unsuspecting people out to dry.

I guess I appreciate there's some kind of wacky "prestige" (among those who post on YouTube) to be the first to do so regarding pretty much any particular "topic". But why even the biggest bigot.....or the universe thought doing this was some kind of good/funny idea makes me shake my head for the future of our society at least a little but.

Truth be known, I find myself wondering if the "videographer" had some kind of problem with the kid (with the bow tie) standing in the aisle acting as head cheerleader, and thought this to be just a downright fabulous way to hang him out to dry (though I assume every kid on the bus was pretty much shit-faced). With that said, why is it I wouldn't be shocked to learn the "cheerleader".....whose career as a "student" at OU is presumably already cooked.....might be out looking for that "videographer" today with a loaded pistol in his pocket ??\

Ironically, this would appear to have been busload of Sig Eps (and their dates) on their way as a group to a formal; something my own Son at the University of Cincinnati was scheduled to attend this weekend as well (which he ended up being forced to decline due to a Saturday conflict with a singing competition).
Re: I remember the KA at WVU....

I was in Morgantown from 1974-1978, and seem to vaguely recall the only frat on campus "accepting" black members was Sigma Nu (who, I'm pretty sure, was brand new to the campus in that timeframe).
Oklahomas fraternity painted with that brush. But hey, I would never

avoid a state that has some backward racist morons, I live in WV don't I?
Re: Triple Prick

You are the cocksucker that keeps racism in the forefront.