Oklahoma fraternity shut down

Because of the bigoted attitude of a lot of people in both those states. It exists and you know it.
Re: Triple Prick

You are attempting to insert yourself into something older than you. Walk away.
Wondered why do this to a frat brother

Then, is the cheerleader sharp enough to do this off the cuff? Sounds like is a little ditty that has been rehearsed a few times at the house. I would suggest it is part of the character of the frat and they sing these after a couple cocktails. It is not new to the group.
Re: No, you're not racist at all....

What are you trying to prove today? You are obviously back into your med bottles. Too much of that shit will destroy what little bit of a brain you have left.
Where do you live, and where have you lived that is so pure? Are you the only one on your island?

And the response is NO. I don't know about Oklahoma and Texas. I have driven through the states or landed at an airport. I have never lived with them to make the assessment that you have made. What is the source of your analysis to become so judgemental.
They love to plaster their politics all over the news - with changing science text books in the schools to eliminate parts of science that are true and factual to teaching one-sided theories, trying to take away marital rights, nullifying the U.S. Supreme Court's decisions, etc. etc.
I live in WV where things were going pretty well until this crazy, right-wing legislature just took us back 20 years.

Smoking in public places, handing out concealed carry permits to anyone, repealing mine safety laws, repealing tank safety inspections, making it harder for injured workers to sue their employers for unsafe conditions, right-to-work, less use of renewable energy sources, allowing energy companies to steal your mineral rights if they have 80% of the surrounding mineral rights through unitization, and I'm sure there are few other ludicrous things I've left off.
"I live in WV where things were going pretty well"... now that is really...

hilarious. Pretty well for who? .... All the data shows that to be a lie, we are about the worst in EVERY measurement of quality of life issues. And people like you have supported the backwoods leadership for years. I've got news for you, the days of payoffs, cronyism and under the table deals that have made West Virginia the butt of jokes are over. You and your pals are done. It's time to get this state moving so the brightest and the best DON"T have to leave the state to find a decent job.
Re: "I live in WV where things were going pretty well"... now that is really...

Originally posted by bornaneer:
I've got news for you, the days of payoffs, cronyism and under the table deals that have made West Virginia the butt of jokes are over.
Holy cow. You didn't really just say that did you? The majority of what countryroads89 mentioned have happened in the last month.
Re: "I live in WV where things were going pretty well"... now that is really...

Sounds like a pretty strong Democrat to me. More government needed so everyone will have equal life streams.
Re: A message from the OU President

There is due process. Can't announce consequences before due process.
I sure did say it. Who governed WV into what it is? You certainly...

cannot be a dumb as that. You actually are trying the blame Repubs since they have been in office for two fuking months? Old habits die hard..... the days of neanderthals like you and Country are over. You had you chance and you blew it.
You can't blame anything on the predecessor, right?

I'm not blaming the Republicans for the history, but you're on here preaching about how it's going to different and big change is coming ... and it isn't. It's more of the same as evidenced by recent actions and recent votes.
I don't know if it will be different, I hope it will be.... but we BOTH...

know it can not get any worse. I also NEVER preached how things were going to be different, time will tell. What recent actions are you and Country soooo bent out of shape about? I DID say correctly say that the days of pay offs, cronyism and under the table deals that YOUR pals did for years are over. The days of the Earl Rays(shortly) , Jim Bobs , Nick Joes , the Grand Wizards, the Carpetbagger and others of that ilk are hopefully over. I bet you are also ONE of US who had to leave this state for decent employment, Correct?
Re: I don't know if it will be different, I hope it will be.... but we BOTH...

Originally posted by bornaneer:
know it can not get any worse. I also NEVER preached how things were going to be different, time will tell. What recent actions are you and Country soooo bent out of shape about? I DID say correctly say that the days of pay offs, cronyism and under the table deals that YOUR pals did for years are over. The days of the Earl Rays(shortly) , Jim Bobs , Nick Joes , the Grand Wizards, the Carpetbagger and others of that ilk are hopefully over. I bet you are also ONE of US who had to leave this state for decent employment, Correct?
I was born and raised here. I didn't HAVE to leave the state, but I did, and then came back 11 years later. I have been back for 10 years or so and I have a very good job here.

"I DID say correctly say that the days of pay offs, cronyism and under the table deals that YOUR pals did for years are over."
That's purely speculation. The state house and the state senate just voted to reduce some of the mining safety laws (surely bowing to the companies and their campaign dollars at the expense of the workers), and there was also just a rally this weekend because they are pushing to make this a right-to-work state, which will greatly reduce the effect of the unions and lead to lower wages and less benefits to the workers to the benefit of the big companies.

Speaking of the Earl Ray and Jim Bobs ... Shelly Moore Capito was just elected to the senate. If you'll recall, her dad was pretty corrupt (of course that doesn't mean she will be, or is, but it isn't exactly "new blood" either)

And don't say "YOUR pals" to me. I've been very clear on here that I'm independent and feel that both parties are equally corrupt.
Outstanding dating advice...

Originally posted by mneilmont:

You are attempting to insert yourself into something older than you. Walk away.
"I'm independent", thats a good one,now for your NEXT joke... thats

Let me also remind you that the Unions are NOT what they were back in the days of my grandfather,father and uncle (all miners) and they sure are not the same as the ones that I was a member of for 21 years. My cousin who still lives in MoTown and was a lifelong Union guy and Democrat agrees. They SOLD they souls to politics and the Democrat Party. WHY do you think that workers have REPEATEDLY voted NOT to unionize in recent years. It's not real hard to figure out. But just in case, it's because they get BETTER wages and Benefits. And they don't have to pay costly dues that they know were being paid to support their leaders lifestyles and to line the pockets of Democrat hacks. Are you a Union member?
Re: Triple Prick

Don't know how old you are, but you apparently have not learned enough to refrain from discussions that don't concern you. If I am wrong, tell me your interest or investment in the difference we are discussing?
Re: Triple Prick

I am old enough to know that when people can't keep up in an argument
and have no substance to offer, they resort to name calling.

I am old enough to know that internet tough guys are usually big pussies.
Please tell me more about me ... I'm dying to know more

I am independent. Would you like me to show you my voter registration card?
Originally posted by bornaneer:
WHY do you think that workers have REPEATEDLY voted NOT to unionize in recent years. It's not real hard to figure out. But just in case, it's because they get BETTER wages and Benefits.
"Thousands of people came to the West Virginia Capitol building in Charleston on Saturday to hear from the leaders of America's most prominent labor unions at a rally to protest against the agenda of the new Republican majority in the Legislature."
"There was the United Mine Workers in camouflage, United Food and Commercial Workers in yellow, School Service Personnel Association in blue, Service Employees International in purple, United Steelworkers in neon yellow, the American Federation of Government Employees in navy blue, the Laborer's International Union in orange and the Teamsters in blue beanies."

That was just this weekend, and you're trying to tell me that workers don't want unions? It appears thousands of union employees disagree with you.

Originally posted by bornaneer:
Are you a Union member?
There is no union that I'm aware of for my field, and no reason to join one if there was(which is probably why there isn't one). I'm not in danger, I get great benefits and a good salary.

Union Protest in Charleston