Newsom's green dream is a nightmare for most of California


Heisman Winner
Gold Member
May 29, 2001
Williamstown, WV
Leftists are destroying our country

LINK: It looks like the Democrats are done trying to make it work with Pedo-Joe. His approval rating, terrible. Even the media is propping him up. He still can't swing it and he just called half the country fascist while looking like the emperor from Star Wars.

So, if the Democrats are having their, "It's not you, it's me," talk with Pedo-Joe, who are they going to turn to for 2024? No one wants Kamala. Mayor Pete can't get anything done and we've all had enough of Hilliary. So in steps Gavin Newsom. The Golden State's pretty boy is starting to look like the front-runner for the Democrats in 2024 and they're already clearing the runway. Newsom stopped by the White House earlier this summer --- remember — just to get a feel of the place.

California didn't really look that free when it was locked down for two years, but that doesn't matter to Newsom. He doesn't care about facts or results. So, it's no surprise he went to war against fossil fuels. He's already banned the sale of gas-powered lawnmowers in his state. You actually have to mow your lawn with an extension cord, dragging entangled in between your legs, and now he's going after gas-powered cars, looking to get them off the road by 2035. So, good luck driving from L.A. to San Francisco on a single charge.

I don't think freedom is having to stop and plug in for three hours, but while Newsom sells his green dream, it's become a nightmare for most of that state. California's power grid can't even handle the demand now. Wait until you have a gazillion electric cars charging at the same time. Last night, 35,000 people in Silicon Valley went without power. The state's on the brink of rolling blackouts, but don't worry, Newsom has it covered.
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Got em, just where he wants em. The sheeples there will follow his ass into the ocean and drown.
but they could be lured back with the promise of more free-money, paid time off, disability, a handicap placard, or teleworking (cough, cough, tele-lounging). Works every time.