Mark Meadows’ Publisher Sues Him for Millions Over Election Lies in Book

Soaring Eagle 74

Jan 4, 2008
The publisher of Mark Meadows’ book The Chief’s Chief has filed suit against the former White House chief of staff seeking millions in damages after he reportedly copped to lying in the book about the 2020 election being “rigged” and “stolen.”
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The publisher of Mark Meadows’ book The Chief’s Chief has filed suit against the former White House chief of staff seeking millions in damages after he reportedly copped to lying in the book about the 2020 election being “rigged” and “stolen.”
How do they know they’re lies? Has it ever been investigated?
The publisher of Mark Meadows’ book The Chief’s Chief has filed suit against the former White House chief of staff seeking millions in damages after he reportedly copped to lying in the book about the 2020 election being “rigged” and “stolen.”
I’m not at all surprised by this. He lied his ass off in the book about biff and his election charade. And now his publisher has taken a beating over it after he sang like a canary under oath and now they are gonna destroy him.
So he was taking money from a Foreign Country to pay for his election? Democrats wouldn't have bothered going after him if he hadn't been complaining about illegal aliens.

He should take all the crooked NYC politicians down with him.

The home of a top fundraiser for New York City Mayor Eric Adams was raided by the FBI on Thursday morning with various electronic devices and paperwork confiscated in relation to a corruption investigation, according to The New York Times.

The federal agency searched the Brooklyn home of Brianna Suggs -- a 25-year-old campaign consultant for Adams – and seized three iPhones and two laptop computers, along with papers and other evidence.

Investigators also took something agents identified as a "manila folder labeled Eric Adams," as well as seven "contribution card binders" and other materials, the New York Times reported, citing a search warrant the publication had obtained.

What the FBI seized from the home of New York City Mayor Eric Adams' top fundraiser​

There's nothing worse than a liar. Election liars and seditionists can't be punished enough.
You should know. You voted for the biggest ass liar of what once was the free world until his ass became president.

Joe Biden has repeatedly lied about his family's business dealings.

These are just the most recent...

...there are 1,000's more.

5 lies Biden is telling you today about the economy

1) Wages and salaries are rising for American workers.
That was true in the month of July. But in 20 of the past 22 months, wages have fallen below inflation. The math here is simple.

The inflation rate for essentials like food, energy, mortgage payments, rent and utilities is up closer to 25% since President Donald Trump left office.

The bottom line: The average family income is down by roughly $5,000 since Biden entered office, according to an analysis by Heritage Foundation economists.

Since Biden entered office, wages and salaries are up roughly 12%. And inflation is up 15%.

2) Biden has created more jobs than any other modern president.
But that is counting the jobs that were mostly created under Trump but disappeared during COVID when the economy shut down. Biden is counting the millions of jobs that reappeared when businesses reopened.

3) America is producing record amounts of oil and gas.
The Biden administration says we are on a path to record domestic oil production. No.

A new study by University of Chicago economist Casey Mulligan finds that the United States would be producing roughly 2 million more barrels of oil a day if we had stuck with the Trump pro-American energy production. Oil is selling at $80 a barrel.

This means the Biden war on fossil fuels is costing the American economy $160 million A DAY.

Meanwhile the Strategic Petroleum Reserve has dwindled to its lowest level in three decades.

4) Biden has reduced the budget deficit by $1.7 trillion.

HeKeeps repeating this fib week after week even as fact-checkers keep informing the White House it’s a Pinocchio lie.

Over the past 12 months, the budget deficit has exceeded $2 trillion.

The 10-year forecast for the debt is more than $8 trillion HIGHER than when Trump left office.

5) Gas prices have fallen under Biden.

Biden was recently crowing about $3.39-a-gallon gasoline. Yes, that was a big improvement from the $5-a-gallon gas this time last year.

But when Trump left office, the gas price was $2.49 a gallon. And today it is $3.84 a gallon.

No matter you slice or dice it, the cost of filling up is about $20 higher today than under Trump.

The Biden administration PR machine is a master at twisting and torturing data until they say what it wants them to say.

Team Biden is frustrated that most polls show two-thirds of Americans think the economy is worse than it was under Trump. And that’s because … it is.

I suggest you worry less about Trump and more about the Biden destruction.

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Hey Mayor Adams. Remember when they came after Rudy for trying to stop open borders and supporting Trump's agenda. Well now they are coming after one of their own for something they are guilty of themselves. Might as well bring them down with you.

There's nothing worse than a liar. Election liars and seditionists can't be punished enough.
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I’m not at all surprised by this. He lied his ass off in the book about biff and his election charade. And now his publisher has taken a beating over it after he sang like a canary under oath and now they are gonna destroy him.
Joe Biden: "I've never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings."
I’m not at all surprised by this. He lied his ass off in the book about biff and his election charade. And now his publisher has taken a beating over it after he sang like a canary under oath and now they are gonna destroy him.
How would you know? You can't even read.
What country is paying you? These are not legal immigrants and they are not refugees. This is being done to bankrupt our country. This is an invasion that we do not have the infrastructure to support.

NEW YORK – New York Attorney General Letitia James, as part of a coalition of 22 attorneys general, today took legal action to stop the Trump Administration’s unlawful attempts to limit immigrants from accessing the nation’s asylum process. In an amicus brief — filed in support of the plaintiffs in O.A., et al. v. Trump — Attorney General James and the coalition ask the court to uphold a lower court decision that nullified a 2018 Trump Administration rule that blocked individuals who did not enter the United States through an official “port of entry” from seeking asylum. The district court previously voided the regulation, citing federal laws passed by Congress that allow all individuals who seek refuge in the United States to escape persecution in their countries of origin to apply for protection, regardless of how they enter the country.
There's nothing worse than a liar. Election liars and seditionists can't be punished enough.
Joe Biden stated on August 5, 2020 in an interview:
"There will not be another foot of wall constructed in my administration.”
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They don't care about the climate. They want you to buy CCP solar panels and batteries. Open borders speaks for itself. Follow the money and who is working with the Cartels.


Organizations such as the Sinaloa Cartel and Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generación receive fentanyl precursors from China that are then synthesized within clandestine laboratories into finished fentanyl at scale. China-based precursor chemical manufacturers ship precursors from mainland China by, among other methods, mislabeling the products being shipped and using containers and other packaging to mask their illicit contents.

Organizations such as the Sinaloa Cartel and Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generación receive fentanyl precursors from China that are then synthesized within clandestine laboratories into finished fentanyl at scale. China-based precursor chemical manufacturers ship precursors from mainland China by, among other methods, mislabeling the products being shipped and using containers and other packaging to mask their illicit contents.

Good work. Just a few questions though. Were they working with the Cartels or their competition?

So? Prove that he has. Got a transcript? Joe loves to talk about the weather.

Yes because there isn't already hundreds of post on here already showing it.

LISTEN: The moment Hunter Biden says his father will do anything he tells him to​

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How do they know they’re lies? Has it ever been investigated?
He admitted that there were lies in his book, but maybe he lied about his lies.

“Trump said the claim that he had COVID-19 during the debate was "fake news”.

Meadows, Trump's former chief of staff, later said: "The president's right. It's fake news."