Just to be clear...

Being a Trump apologist is a full-time job but I'm sure you're up to it.
I’ve asked you many times in the past, what exactly did Trump do? I get he broke your heart and shattered your feelings. You need to get over it. Now, answer me. Did Trump get a tax break? Probably. Did Trump use loopholes in his taxes? Probably. It’s not a crime. It’s legal. Blame the IRS. And blame every other American doing the same. Whether it’s a child tax credit or a new roof on your home.
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I guess no one here remembers that time that Trump held up $400M in security funding to Ukraine for a personal and political vendetta. Hopefully hair paint Rudy is still in Kiev trolling the streets.

That's all bullshit, but ok.

They were held up trying to get Germany to pay their fair share, as the administration said multiple times. The funds were paid by the deadline date.
Let’s focus our attention on politicians who became wealthy while in office. Care to explain how Nancy Pelosi has a net worth of 140 million? She currently makes $174k per year. She’s been in some form of political office since 1981. Let’s do the math, shall we? 41 years? Although we know her many roles over the years have changed, including salary. Let’s just hypothetically say she was making $174k since 1981. Although we know she was much less over those years. I’m getting 7.134 million earned. Hmmm…maybe we need her tax returns? I’ll wait….lol
Trump wasn't impeached for withholding money from Ukraine. He was impeached because he was doing a great job and the left controlled the House and needed to make him look bad after failing miserably with their Russia collusion bullshit.
Didn't Biden do the exact same thing? Withhold Congressionally approved funds to the Ukraine until the prosecutor investigating corruption involving his cokehead son's energy company was fired?

The mental gymnastics it takes to pretend these are different is amazing.
Didn't Biden do the exact same thing? Withhold Congressionally approved funds to the Ukraine until the prosecutor investigating corruption involving his cokehead son's energy company was fired?

The mental gymnastics it takes to pretend these are different is amazing.
AND the most important part in this, we don’t owe Ukraine any aide. They aren’t apart of the United States. It’s not their tax money. If we want to withhold aide, so be it.
That's all bullshit, but ok.

They were held up trying to get Germany to pay their fair share, as the administration said multiple times. The funds were paid by the deadline date.
That's BS? OK. Trump didn't hold up funding in order to drum up information on Biden in Ukraine?
Didn't Biden do the exact same thing? Withhold Congressionally approved funds to the Ukraine until the prosecutor investigating corruption involving his cokehead son's energy company was fired?

The mental gymnastics it takes to pretend these are different is amazing.

He actually did what they accuse Trump of doing, but Trump didn't. It's truly amazing.
That's BS? OK. Trump didn't hold up funding in order to drum up information on Biden in Ukraine?
There was exactly zero evidence that what you claim happened. None. In fact after several hours of hearing it was proven to be falsely claimed.
twice impeached lying loser. quit being lazy, do your own research
Found not guilty

WASHINGTON — Former President Donald Trump has once again been acquitted by the Senate in an impeachment trial.

Trump was acquitted on February 5, 2020 on two charges.
On Article I, abuse of power, the vote was 48 for conviction, 52 for acquittal. On Article II, obstruction of Congress, the vote was 47 for conviction, 53 for acquittal.

The Senate voted 57-43 on Saturday, February 13 2021 to acquit Trump of the charge of “incitement of insurrection.”
Found not guilty

WASHINGTON — Former President Donald Trump has once again been acquitted by the Senate in an impeachment trial.

Trump was acquitted on February 5, 2020 on two charges.
On Article I, abuse of power, the vote was 48 for conviction, 52 for acquittal. On Article II, obstruction of Congress, the vote was 47 for conviction, 53 for acquittal.

The Senate voted 57-43 on Saturday, February 13 2021 to acquit Trump of the charge of “incitement of insurrection.”
twice guilty but acquitted
And it wouldn't have happened if Trump were in office.
Why not?

John Bolton says Trump wouldn't have stood in Putin's way if a Russian invasion of Ukraine had happened during his term

:joy: :joy: :joy:

"It's hard for me to describe how little he knows," Bolton said in the interview with Vice.

"When you're operating on such a poor understanding of the circumstances you're talking about, ultimately, your opinions have to be totally unsound," Bolton added. "And ultimately reality triumphs, and these opinions are seen for the flimsy and twisted thoughts that they really are."

In the same interview, Bolton criticized Trump for his lack of understanding of "what the stakes were in Ukraine."

"He once asked (then-White House Chief of Staff) John Kelly if Finland was part of Russia. What he cared about was the DNC server, and Hunter Biden, and the 2016 election, and the 2020 election," Bolton said.
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Why not?

John Bolton says Trump wouldn't have stood in Putin's way if a Russian invasion of Ukraine had happened during his term

:joy: :joy: :joy:

"It's hard for me to describe how little he knows," Bolton said in the interview with Vice.

"When you're operating on such a poor understanding of the circumstances you're talking about, ultimately, your opinions have to be totally unsound," Bolton added. "And ultimately reality triumphs, and these opinions are seen for the flimsy and twisted thoughts that they really are."

In the same interview, Bolton criticized Trump for his lack of understanding of "what the stakes were in Ukraine."

"He once asked (then-White House Chief of Staff) John Kelly if Finland was part of Russia. What he cared about was the DNC server, and Hunter Biden, and the 2016 election, and the 2020 election," Bolton said.
Not only would Putin have over run Ukraine if biff were President, but biff would have branded it as a victory for America.
Not only would Putin have over run Ukraine if biff were President, but biff would have branded it as a victory for America.
So why didn't he. Why did Putin wait over a year in to the Biden administration to invade?
Not only would Putin have over run Ukraine if biff were President, but biff would have branded it as a victory for America.
Trump would have deferred to his pal Putin and stayed out of it. Trump hated NATO and there's no way he would have tried to unite it (and the world) like Biden has to oppose the war. Trump would have argued that Ukraine is nothing to us. He wasn't going to involve our military there.
Trump would have deferred to his pal Putin and stayed out of it. Trump hated NATO and there's no way he would have tried to unite it (and the world) like Biden has to oppose the war. Trump would have argued that Ukraine is nothing to us. He wasn't going to involve our military there.


Trump would have deferred to his pal Putin and stayed out of it. Trump hated NATO and there's no way he would have tried to unite it (and the world) like Biden has to oppose the war. Trump would have argued that Ukraine is nothing to us. He wasn't going to involve our military there.

Putin invaded Ukraine under Obama and Biden. That's all you need to understand. Let us know when Biden stops buying oil from Russia and opens up drilling here as well as bringing manufacturing of things vital to National Security back here. Right now regardless of what they say it looks like Biden and the Democrats are rolling with Putin and Xi.

China won't sanction Russia, vows to keep 'normal economic, trade and financial exchanges'​

China won't sanction Russia, vows to keep 'normal economic, trade and financial exchanges'

Chinese President Xi Jinping, right, and Russian President Vladimir Putin talk to each other during their meeting in Beijing, China on Feb. 4. (Alexei Druzhinin, Sputnik, Kremlin Pool Photo via AP)

China's bank regulator said Wednesday that Beijing won’t join the United States and European governments in imposing financial sanctions on Russia.
China is a top buyer of Russian oil and gas and is the only major government that has refrained from criticizing Moscow’s attack on Ukraine, according to the Associated Press.
Beijing disapproves of sanctions, which it believes lack a legal basis and “will not have a good effect,” said Guo Shuqing, the chairman of the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission.
“We will not join such sanctions, and we will keep normal economic, trade and financial exchanges with all the relevant parties,” Guo added at a news conference. “We disapprove of the financial sanctions."
The Associated Press contributed to this report.
Posted by Greg Norman