John Solomon: DOJ/FBI knew dossier was opposition research

Trump never released the cracker did he? Soon? Cause this is just more of the same old shit.
lmfao, Tarheel is always on the cusp of the final smoking gun that will prove everyone else in the universe is a liar except Donnie.
We have been down this John Solomon road before....always ends up in the same place. He's barely nore credible than a Qanon drop at this point.
The FBI pretty clearly explained in the FISA, as we saw over the summer, that information came from someone wanting to discredit Trump, which was obviously the Clinton campaign.

Keep acting like this is some smoking gun of a conspiracy theory. The FBI did their job, and well.

So yeah, more of what Solomon has done for most of his career, frame stuff to seem like more than it is.

I guess Wray and Horowitz need to go down too? A lot of my understanding of the ambiguities of this investigation come from their definitive statements on the matter.

Oh finally, hey, there you are. Horowitz, why?

Wray, I never got a feel for. He's very squirmy. We'll see how it plays out.
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