Jan 6th don't need to know


Heisman Winner
Gold Member
Jul 9, 2004
That's essentially the message coming from the Left having their "hissy fit" over Speaker McCarthy's recent decision to release over 44,000 hours of raw footage filmed during the so called Jan 6 "insurrection". Nancy Pelosi when she was speaker just wanted us to take her word for what was in those videos, but we couldn't actually "see" it for ourselves right? speaker McCarthy decides to release the video to Fox commentator Tucker Carlson, and the Left has gone apoplectic. Why? "he's a Putin puppet"...he's a "Right wing propagandist" or he spreads "disinformation" as various Left wing Democrats have whined. However, Carlson and his staff promise to show viewers what we haven't protestors that day actually got inside the Capitol building...who was armed and who wasn't? Who was calling for violence, and who wasn't?

Democrats aren't OK with letting the American people decide for themselves what actually happened that day, so they're making sure Tucker Carlson is thoroughly smeared before he even gets a chance to let the rest of us see for ourselves if January 6th was truly a planned "insurrection" or a giant set up?

Heck, the Democrats didn’t even think we could be trusted with knowing how much surveillance video existed. For months, we have been told there were 14,000 hours of raw footage, but now we find out it is actually as much as 44,000 hours. Did anyone on the Jan. 6 committee even try to wade through that footage to see if it confirms their pre-established narrative of an armed insurrection? Or were they afraid of what they would find?

Whatever they thought then, it is obvious what they think now – that it will be dangerous for the American public to see what really happened. And until the footage is aired on “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” there’s no guarantee we will see it. You can be sure that Democrats in the House will be working overtime to keep that from happening, just as Democrats in the White House worked feverishly to convince Twitter and Facebook to suppress Hunter’s damning laptop.
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That's essentially the message coming from the Left having their "hissy fit" over Speaker McCarthy's recent decision to release over 44,000 hours of raw footage filmed during the so called Jan 6 "insurrection". Nancy Pelosi when she was speaker just wanted us to take her word for what was in those videos, but we couldn't actually "see" it for ourselves right? speaker McCarthy decides to release the video to Fox commentator Tucker Carlson, and the Left has gone apoplectic. Why? "he's a Putin puppet"...he's a "Right wing propagandist" or he spreads "disinformation" as various Left wing Democrats have whined. However, Carlson and his staff promise to show viewers what we haven't protestors that day actually got inside the Capitol building...who was armed and who wasn't? Who was calling for violence, and who wasn't?

Democrats aren't OK with letting the American people decide for themselves what actually happened that day, so they're making sure Tucker Carlson is thoroughly smeared before he even gets a chance to let the rest of us see for ourselves if January 6th was truly a planned "insurrection" or a giant set up?

Heck, the Democrats didn’t even think we could be trusted with knowing how much surveillance video existed. For months, we have been told there were 14,000 hours of raw footage, but now we find out it is actually as much as 44,000 hours. Did anyone on the Jan. 6 committee even try to wade through that footage to see if it confirms their pre-established narrative of an armed insurrection? Or were they afraid of what they would find?

Whatever they thought then, it is obvious what they think now – that it will be dangerous for the American public to see what really happened. And until the footage is aired on “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” there’s no guarantee we will see it. You can be sure that Democrats in the House will be working overtime to keep that from happening, just as Democrats in the White House worked feverishly to convince Twitter and Facebook to suppress Hunter’s damning laptop.
Needs to be given to other journalists.
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I don't have a problem with other news sources getting the footage but none of them would even show the footage of Trump telling the protestors to "march peacefully, and let your voices be heard".

Why not?
MSM is diligently attempting to smear Trump in order to preveny him running for president again. Lies are easier to defend than policies, especially leftist policy.
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MSM is diligently attempting to smear Trump in order to preveny him running for president again. Lies are easier to defend than policies, especially leftist policy.
I just find it ironic if not downright comical how they're so upset over not being given this footage when that entire committee refused to even acknowledge Trump on video tape clearly admonishing the protestors to "remain peaceful". They never even mentioned that! Now they're upset they don't get to filter raw footage of the entire incident?

I wouldn't trust them if they did!
It was already given to other journalists and they used selected video for the Netflix documentary.
Was the other journalist given all that Tucker has been given? I truly don't have a clue and haven't watched the Netflix on it . I like Tucker most of the time
Needs to be given to other journalists.

They pushed the leftist narrative. They don't deserve it. Why didn't they push for transparency like Fox did?

Because they didn't care. They and their leftist leaders were and are out to destroy Trump. That's all they cared about.

So why not give first dibs to the ONE news outlet that demanded the truth and transparency first?

Give it to them after Fox reports on it.

F a bunch of leftists and their media that conspired with them.

Again, ultimately share to all, but let Fox get what it has been asking for from the beginning. No one else pushed. They all tried to help "get Trump."

Let them bleat tears.

Only Fox reported how ridiculous it was to not let the accusations be defended against. Only Fox reported how ridiculous it was that the entire committee was made up of leftists and Trump haters.

Again...Screw them.
I just find it ironic if not downright comical how they're so upset over not being given this footage when that entire committee refused to even acknowledge Trump on video tape clearly admonishing the protestors to "remain peaceful". They never even mentioned that! Now they're upset they don't get to filter raw footage of the entire incident?

I wouldn't trust them if they did!
Nowdays When driving , I make 3 right turns rather than turn left. Conservative fetish - Yes