It's another Trump boat & car parade weekend !


Hall of Famer
May 29, 2001
Clearwater, FL

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Outstanding. Freedom on display, and it looks glorious!

Go Trump!

We're gonna bury the Socialists atl, Black folks loser Dems think changed races actually just changed parties!


I know DJT...we're going to make your landslide the largest in American history!

Creepy Joe Biden and Kamala "Hoe" Harris...tough duo huh DJT?
I love our POTUS and so do all in that parade. Wow!

That was just awesome Dog! Fired me up seeing all of those boats out there on the water in support of our Commander-in-Chief.

Now you know why atl and @Dog Rescueer I'm not worried about losing to a bunch of losers on the other side. It's because of YOU guys and those boaters!

We got 'ya back DJT!

I wish I had a bunch of boaters sailing for me

Why would they're a creepy loser!
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Love it go President Trump

I LOVE it! LOVE it! LOVE it! LOVE it! Freedom is hard to kill even more so when you try to deny it.

Landslide coming...Black folks leading the way. Trump gets 24% of Black vote and Dems crash and burn even with all of their phony "fake ballots".

I can't wait atl to see that chick screaming again when I win!

Oh, you mean this nutbar DJT?

Yup her...she was in PAIN atl!!!!! I Loved it!

Me too DJT....I figure we'll have plenty more just like her after November 3rd!
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They had a nice size boat parade up here in Jersey last weekend, I think , my buddy was in it ....said it was a blast

I love the boat's an impressive visual scene and there's no way Leftists can stop any of it! The more we see of them, the more they grow. Leftists have shut down the Trump rallies, but they're impotent like Fish out of the water over these boat parades.

I love it!
Trump supporters need to have a protest..ya know cant catch the rona during a protest.....have a anti abortion or 2nd amendment protest ...
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Trump supporters need to have a protest..ya know cant catch the rona during a protest.....have a anti abortion or 2nd amendment protest ...

Great idea. Hold up signs with numbers of the "survivors" of the killer 'rona' and bitch the media is not giving them "equal time" with all the fatalities! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
More polls please, ........ love it.

Know what I just Love 79eer? The fact Leftists can't match this. I mean the flotilla is impressive by itself, but the whole idea of a "boat parade" with watercraft festooned with American flags and Patriots is something anti-American Leftists would never think of!

It just pisses them off how ingenious the American people are, and they can't keep up with us. They thought for sure they had nailed shut Trump's massive indoor rallies with this phony virus hype...and boom....Trump supporters come up with this idea & take to the coastlines, and to the waters in their boats where stupid masks are worthless & aren't needed, and where there is even more room for literally miles of vessels to show support for our President!

And the Left can't match it. Those photos were impressive, and sent a powerful message about America and Americans. You can't kill our Freedom!

I just absolutely Love it. More please? Let's make 'em bigger, better. On Lakes, off the coasts...from sea to shinning sea....let the boat parades continue and grow!




I love it too atl.....looks like a landslide to me!

Yes Mr. President...we're all aboard your "Trump boat" [thumbsup]
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This was me and Kamala's "flotilla" atl

Why does that guy Trump do everything better than me?

'Cause you're a loser creepy Joe...just like your voters
Hey creepy Joe, you do realize these Trump boat parades are going viral now don't 'ya...and will only grow more massive?

I know atl, I don't even have a boat
Next Leftists will claim the corona virus can be spread by the wakes of small watercraft lined up one behind the other like this. The virus "floats" on top of the waves, and splashes up onto the deck infecting everyone within six feet of the spray!

"Trumptilla" spreading the killer 'rona' virus

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To say I'm jealous of these Trump boaters would be a lie....I'm devastated

What's the matter creepy 'ol Joe....can't find anyone to jump in a boat for 'ya?