Is there any reason to keep the AP around?


Oct 28, 2005
Is local journalism that dead and lazy that they have to pay AP to use their stories for coverage in local newspapers? Is the AP even useful anymore? Seems like they are just a propaganda wing of the media.
Is local journalism that dead and lazy that they have to pay AP to use their stories for coverage in local newspapers? Is the AP even useful anymore? Seems like they are just a propaganda wing of the media.

Local newspapers aren't using the AP to get news about the local school board meeting but rather to get news from around the country and the world, which the local newspaper can't afford to send people to cover.
Remember a couple of years ago when I posted information that linked DSA, BLM, Antifa, and the Squad to designated terrorist organizations operating in the Middle East. Some of the board Marxist tried to deny it.

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Newspapers have no staff. WV HS pitcher from my hometown threw back to back no hitters, second occurring last week, no article, no mention.

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Local newspapers aren't using the AP to get news about the local school board meeting but rather to get news from around the country and the world, which the local newspaper can't afford to send people to cover.

I know that. But in this day and age, do they really need to outsource that news? They don’t have staff that can write articles on bigger events? It doesn’t matter since local news sells more papers by putting crappy headlines about Trump than they do actually discussing any WV/local news. The Gazette is pure trash these days. Best part about it these days are the coupons In the Sunday edition.
Local newspapers aren't using the AP to get news about the local school board meeting but rather to get news from around the country and the world, which the local newspaper can't afford to send people to cover.

Generally that's true, but if you look at the case of Trump's "alleged" phone call to the Georgia S.O.S. urging him to "find the votes" AP picked that story up from an erroneous report in the Washington Post and it spread like wildfire throughout Newsrooms around the country without ever being checked out.

Both recently were forced to issue major mea culpa retractions on that story, but not many who ran with it from the AP did the same. AP is not a reliable objective source of information, but very few main news media outlets today are.
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Newspapers have no staff. WV HS pitcher from my hometown threw back to back no hitters, second occurring last week, no article, no mention.
Beckley used to have a decent paper with good local coverage. Now they only publish five days a week. A lot of their articles are about Bluefield issues, borrowed from their sister paper in Bluefield. Down to one section now. And local coverage is almost nonexistent.
Beckley used to have a decent paper with good local coverage. Now they only publish five days a week. A lot of their articles are about Bluefield issues, borrowed from their sister paper in Bluefield. Down to one section now. And local coverage is almost nonexistent.
Several of the papers here in Va are owned by the same conglomerate. Just combine everything.