"If Trump wins, we riot."


Hall of Famer
May 29, 2001

I cannot wait...

idiot deleted the tweet... others copied it...

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We will never win another election! lol, you dumbasses just call statistics fake news, ya better hope ya get yer tribe to the polls cause Donnie is gonna have every democrat and independent voting to end this circus. he won by about 80,000 votes spread over three states, not sure why anyone imagines his job performance is gonna add anyone to his deplorable tribe of enablers, now It's almost Mueller time, lol, I bet his tiny lil fingers are itching to live tweet to you twits, For winners ya all awful busy on here 24 - 7 defending the crap yer hero is peddling.

I cannot wait...The concept of the Electoral College was introduced by the ‘framers ‘ In an attempt to make this a Country with ALL States having as much equality as possible. Seems that the current Leftists are not for equality and want rule by the larger/more powerful States. Still stuck in a limited vision from the 1770’s.
Now we see the outcome of our educational system failing to really educate our youth. Understanding of government and, especially , the Constitution leads to shallow understanding of so much that is vital for a highly functional society.Otherwise we produce folks nearly devoid of understanding that was so prominent in past eras.

We will never win another election! lol, you dumbasses just call statistics fake news, ya better hope ya get yer tribe to the polls cause Donnie is gonna have every democrat and independent voting to end this circus. he won by about 80,000 votes spread over three states, not sure why anyone imagines his job performance is gonna add anyone to his deplorable tribe of enablers, now It's almost Mueller time, lol, I bet his tiny lil fingers are itching to live tweet to you twits, For winners ya all awful busy on here 24 - 7 defending the crap yer hero is peddling.
Major problem with KEYSTERs post is that Muellers beer has gone stale and flat, Haven't observed that amount of stammering/stuttering since Pelosi's speech yesterday, Maybe they spent the night together practicing today's agenda....