If he shuts down the Govt

Read your article dimwit. It says it was budget reconciliation. Your source that you didnt read.
The bill was able to pass with a “simple majority” of votes because of a Senate mechanism known as “budge reconciliation”
LOL! You are the gift that keeps on giving. That's not budget reconciliation.
Reread your article, the quote I posted was copy and pasted directly from your article.
The bill was able to pass with a “simple majority” of votes because of a Senate mechanism known as “budge reconciliation”

Reread your article, the quote I posted was copy and pasted directly from your article.

@countryroads89 The post above seems to make clear that you were exposed on this and have made a fool of yourself?

Would you like to comment?

I actually am more pissed about that change than I would be for legislation
In November 2013, Senate Democrats led by Harry Reid used the nuclear option to eliminate the 60-vote rule on executive branch nominations and federal judicial appointments, but not for the Supreme Court[1]
................ the change you speak of was first introduced by Senate Democrats led by Harry Reid when Dems controlled the Senate in 2013.
In November 2013, Senate Democrats led by Harry Reid used the nuclear option to eliminate the 60-vote rule on executive branch nominations and federal judicial appointments, but not for the Supreme Court[1]
................ the change you speak of was first introduced by Senate Democrats led by Harry Reid when Dems controlled the Senate in 2013.

And done again by Mitch the bitch in 2017 and it is not limited to judicial nominees.
And done again by Mitch the bitch in 2017 and it is not limited to judicial nominees.
In the middle of all the speculation, a very pertinent video from 2013 returned. It was then Minority Senate Leader Mitch McConnell (Republican), warning then Majority Leader Henry Reid (Democrat) about the consequences of changing a rule in the U.S. Senate called the "nuclear option". Long story short, it means that Republicans need only 51 votes to stop any possible filibuster of Trump's pick.

That November, Senate Democrats used the nuclear option on Obama nominations. In April 2017, McConnell and Senate Republicans then used it to eliminate an exception for Supreme Court nominees to help Trump nominee Neal Gorsuch get confirmed.

In the video, McConnell is warning Reid and Democrats about using the "nuclear option" that was preserved on video and is now returning to haunt Democrats who hope to block Trump's nominee to the Supreme Court.

McConnell tells Reid and the Democrats simply, “You’ll regret this, and you may regret this a lot sooner than you think."
You can try to argue whatever nonesense you want. At tyis point everyone is just mocking you.
Hole-in-the-Ground (Northeast of Crater Lake, near Oregon Route 31) is about a mile wide and 400 feet deep. , ..........................
The fact that so many of you don't understand how our Senate operates amazes me. You don't enact a "Filibuster". In the Senate debate is most always unlimited debate. However, when some Senators would "Filibuster" and not allow debate to end Rule-22 was create to enact cloture, which is the process by which debate is ended.

Certainly rule changes have occurred in the past to allow for debate to end under certain circumstance, such as Budget Reconciliation and the appointment of judges, but without 60 votes debate on legislation can not end.

Now enough of the idiocy.
The fact that so many of you don't understand how our Senate operates amazes me. You don't enact a "Filibuster". In the Senate debate is most always unlimited debate. However, when some Senators would "Filibuster" and not allow debate to end Rule-22 was create to enact cloture, which is the process by which debate is ended.

Certainly rule changes have occurred in the past to allow for debate to end under certain circumstance, such as Budget Reconciliation and the appointment of judges, but without 60 votes debate on legislation can not end.

Now enough of the idiocy.
So could Republicans, or a future Democrat majority Senate, not pass a BUDGET through the BUDGET reconciliation and avoid a shutdown? That's what has me confused, ie - this silly $5,000,000,000 request for that boondoggle wall. Legit question. I guess I just don't understand the budget reconciliation process.
I thought I earlier in the thread that I didn’t like how it or the ACA was done through reconciliation.

The two most significant pieces of legislation of the Trump Era have been the tax cuts and the bill to repeal ACA. Both were attempted through reconciliation, of course the tax bill passed and ACA repeal failed. They have clearly been willing to use reconciliation when they really want to get something done. There are also enough clever republican legislators to have worked out a way to fund the wall that they could defend as deficit neutral (even if, like the tax cuts, we know isn't). So if they thought they had the votes they would have ran with it. The reason we don't have a funded wall is that the republicans didn't have the votes in their own caucus to pass it and I doubt they actually have those votes in the Senate now. Of course with Democrats controlling the house there isn't really any chance that a wall gets funded now through congress without significant concessions from Trump. I'm not even sure there is anything the Democrats want enough that he could give up to fund this wall considering the trophy that he has built it in to. The only thing I could think of is if they could get him to eat a poison pill for his 2020 chances like giving funding for the wall in exchange for amnesty for everyone here illegally without a violent crime or something like that.
So could Republicans, or a future Democrat majority Senate, not pass a BUDGET through the BUDGET reconciliation and avoid a shutdown? That's what has me confused, ie - this silly $5,000,000,000 request for that boondoggle wall. Legit question. I guess I just don't understand the budget reconciliation process.

The minority party would be forced to vote down a budget that usually has a lot of things in it that nobody wants to vote against, like funding for the military or education. Things that they would get hammered with during their next election. So once that is done you kind of just hijack the bill and add in what you really want through committee and find a way to make it not increase the deficit, or atleast be able to make an argument that it is. The check is that you can only use it three times a year, so you can't just use it to pass every little thing you want.

Editing again because I reread your question....

You have to have a budget resolution that has passed both houses to append to for it to qualify. There also have to be reconciliation instructions in that bill which directs it to the proper committee to edit the bill as needed. So, you kind of are passing a budget using it, but not before you have already passed one under normal rules.
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Editing again because I reread your question....

You have to have a budget resolution that has passed both houses to append to for it to qualify. There also have to be reconciliation instructions in that bill which directs it to the proper committee to edit the bill as needed. So, you kind of are passing a budget using it, but not before you have already passed one under normal rules.
Thanks. Clear as mud.
You can try to argue whatever nonesense you want. At tyis point everyone is just mocking you.
At this point, I just pray that he or his wife are unable to procreate. Anything that keeps his retard seed from passing on.

It’d be akin to having crack babies. It’s really just not fair to the kids.
At this point, I just pray that he or his wife are unable to procreate. Anything that keeps his retard seed from passing on.

It’d be akin to having crack babies. It’s really just not fair to the kids.

This is from your reference.

"With only 52 Senate seats, Republicans are far from having a supermajority. It raises the question, is there a way around one of the minority party's few defensive weapons—the filibuster? The answer is yes and it’s called reconciliation and it only requires a simple majority vote in both chambers."

Thanks! You're the best.

And here comes dumb dave to chime in.

He didnt have the senate.
This is from your reference.

"With only 52 Senate seats, Republicans are far from having a supermajority. It raises the question, is there a way around one of the minority party's few defensive weapons—the filibuster? The answer is yes and it’s called reconciliation and it only requires a simple majority vote in both chambers."

Thanks! You're the best.

And here comes dumb dave to chime in.
Hey, look at that!!! You’re finally catching up to the rest of us. We’ve said that all through the thread. Glad you’re learning to actually read links that are posted. If you read further, you’ll also learn that reconciliation can only be used 3 times per year, there are a lot of stipulations to using reconciliation, and I said on page 1 of this thread that I’m not in favor of it. Congrats, you’re stupid on 4 pages.
This is from your reference.

"With only 52 Senate seats, Republicans are far from having a supermajority. It raises the question, is there a way around one of the minority party's few defensive weapons—the filibuster? The answer is yes and it’s called reconciliation and it only requires a simple majority vote in both chambers."

Thanks! You're the best.

And here comes dumb dave to chime in.
Its like you want to be right so bad you suspend reality.
Hey, look at that!!! You’re finally catching up to the rest of us. We’ve said that all through the thread. Glad you’re learning to actually read links that are posted. If you read further, you’ll also learn that reconciliation can only be used 3 times per year, there are a lot of stipulations to using reconciliation, and I said on page 1 of this thread that I’m not in favor of it. Congrats, you’re stupid on 4 pages.

Pretty much what I said, for 4 pages worth of posts.

Tax Cuts was pushed through on reconciliation, right? Judges went nuclear to only requiring a simple majority.

Could it have been changed to only require a simple majority? I don’t know. Maybe. Dangerous road to go down though for basic legislation.

And honestly, I’m not comfortable for any legislation (tax cuts or ACA through reconciliation) to pass through the senate on a simple majority.

Why, to understand how reconciliation works? This sidestepped the cloture requirement. There are unique circumstances which allow for reconciliation to be used as it’s not a blanket means to sidestep the supermajority necessary for all legislation.

Through budget reconciliation.

I thought I earlier in the thread that I didn’t like how it or the ACA was done through reconciliation.

Hey, look at that!!! You’re finally catching up to the rest of us. We’ve said that all through the thread. Glad you’re learning to actually read links that are posted. If you read further, you’ll also learn that reconciliation can only be used 3 times per year, there are a lot of stipulations to using reconciliation, and I said on page 1 of this thread that I’m not in favor of it. Congrats, you’re stupid on 4 pages.
So if he shuts down the government, and the DOJ isn't funded after the 21st... does the investigation get put on hold?

Ah HA! I see Trumps evil plan at work!