If he shuts down the Govt

LOL! You're using words like you think you know what they mean.


Bye bye dave.
I am using big words that you dont understand.

Here is some help.

The cloture rule–Rule 22–is the only formal procedure that Senate rules provide for breaking a filibuster. A filibuster is an attempt to block or delay Senate action on a bill or other matter. Under cloture, the Senate may limit consideration of a pending matter to 30 additional hours of debate.
The wall was a stupid f'ing idea.

Trump needs to keep working where he does his best, the economy, trade, judges.

He has to now know he could walk in to a press conference with the cure to cancer and that press and a lot of jag offs on this board would bitch and moan about how long it took him.

People so focused on delivery instead of substance. The hate for the orange doucher truly is a derangement. Something to behold really..

What amazes me most is POTUS hasn't had an attempt on his life. He does the rally's and is always out in the open.....really can't believe someone like a few of the liberal zealots that infest this board haven't tried a feeble assassination attempt.
Budget reconciliation is not subject to filibuster because of a bipartisan agreement by the senate. It is a completely different animal.

LOL! You are the gift that keeps on giving. That's not budget reconciliation. HAHAHAHAHAHA! That's a bill (that became law). Just like passing the budget is passing a bill.

I shit you not, posting with you is like having a conversation with a 7-year old. You never know what kind of stupid shit you're going to say. It's hilarious.
I really don’t think he’s prepared for dealing with this. His house is gone. His cabinet is a mess. And he can’t find a chief of staff.

Meanwhile, the wall continues to be a drumbeat he beats to the death for his 40% base. Yeah.
You,dear Sir, are way off base. You and so many others have a closed mind and miss the major secuity problems that exist. Vote for the socialist Dems and suffer through the entirity of their term. When will it become obvious to even those with super hard skulls that Trump has moved this Country ahead so far in such a short time they should develop the good sense to join him and abandon the radical left.
LOL! You are the gift that keeps on giving. That's not budget reconciliation. HAHAHAHAHAHA! That's a bill (that became law). Just like passing the budget is passing a bill.

I shit you not, posting with you is like having a conversation with a 7-year old. You never know what kind of stupid shit you're going to say. It's hilarious.
Read your article dimwit. It says it was budget reconciliation. Your source that you didnt read.
LOL! You are the gift that keeps on giving. That's not budget reconciliation. HAHAHAHAHAHA! That's a bill (that became law). Just like passing the budget is passing a bill.

I shit you not, posting with you is like having a conversation with a 7-year old. You never know what kind of stupid shit you're going to say. It's hilarious.


It's EXACTLY budget reconciliation.

Jesus man... admit you're wrong and move on.
Maybe you should look up the votes on PL 115-97 like I told you earlier.

Why, to understand how reconciliation works? This sidestepped the cloture requirement. There are unique circumstances which allow for reconciliation to be used as it’s not a blanket means to sidestep the supermajority necessary for all legislation.

The fvck is happening in this thread? I concentrate on work for several hours and come back to a monkey fvcking the proverbial football of sanity and knowledge.
I showed you a bill that actually passed with 51 votes in the Senate by Republicans.

Through budget reconciliation.


You’re going to post what you did about us, wrong as it was, and die on the same hill as this fvcking retard? And then not even realize why you’re considered a hypocritical blowhard? Hilarious.
@any of the board liberals

You all wanna pickup your friend? He’s embarrassing you all right now.
@any of the board liberals

You all wanna pickup your friend? He’s embarrassing you all right now.

Conservative Coop will be here in any second to LOL at country like he does all board liberals. Oh wait.

Don't worry about it. Not interested in any conversation with scum
I thought I did - and I thought only in the case of filibuster, was the supermajority needed.
You did. I didn't give any opinion on the subject matter. I only commented on the behavior of an individual with his deflection, which is his normal tactic. But to his credit, he eventually answered and I found his post to be pretty good.

What I see in this thread is several people saying practically the same thing but in different manners and a bunch of posturing. But I haven't been part of any of the subject matter and won't be.
You did. I didn't give any opinion on the subject matter. I only commented on the behavior of an individual with his deflection, which is his normal tactic. But to his credit, he eventually answered and I found his post to be pretty good.

What I see in this thread is several people saying practically the same thing but in different manners and a bunch of posturing. But I haven't been part of any of the subject matter and won't be.
I thought I did - and I thought only in the case of filibuster, was the supermajority needed.

Supermajority is needed for:
1. Stopping filibuster
2. approving treaties
3. changing Constitution
4. expelling a member

...and a few other things......

Fact is that he doesn't need 60 votes to get the funding bill passed. He doesn't want to go through with it because it will show how many Republicans also do not support the wall.
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Don't worry about it. Not interested in any conversation with scum
Let me translate for the board. Bru is acknowledging after the years of abuse I’ve given him that he’s not intellectually equipped to debate me. Solid admission in his part. Stand up guy.
This just in: Senate votes 56-41 to end US support of Saudi Arabia for war in Yemen.

Oh but wait, how can that be? Right wingers on this board told us it takes 60 votes.
