Idiot in Chief at it again

He's like the drunk uncle with no social graces who always sticks his foot in his mouth.

"Most people don't realize Lincoln was a Republican."

He's like the drunk uncle with no social graces who always sticks his foot in his mouth.

"Most people don't realize Lincoln was a Republican."

Are you kidding me? Most people, dont realize he's a republican. I'd wager 20% of the populace has no idea what Lincoln did, when he was President, or how he died.
Didn't hear any one complain when Bill Clinton was raping them. Trump just complimented her and the hypocrites howls
Bbbbbbbut Clinton, lmfao, not a very good comparison when you are defending Pussy grabber in chief. Trump is smarter than one group, his supporters. Man has Russian dirty money all over him which is why I assume he won't let us see his tax returns. Only a matter of time, intelligent folks knew he was a buffoon long before he hoodwinked the GOP rube base. Amurica.
Bbbbbbbut Clinton, lmfao, not a very good comparison when you are defending Pussy grabber in chief. Trump is smarter than one group, his supporters. Man has Russian dirty money all over him which is why I assume he won't let us see his tax returns. Only a matter of time, intelligent folks knew he was a buffoon long before he hoodwinked the GOP rube base. Amurica.
When Trump supporters defend Biff's incompetence with a Clinton post, they have zilch.
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Now they are giving Putin exactly what he wants. Brilliant.
You could be right that Putin's plan here was just to give the appearance of impropriety. Junior fell for it. He's a political nube. Manafort should have known better. Regardless you have to investigate, if for no other reason than to learn how to avoid this in future elections.