A Colorado court makes it official: Trump is an insurrectionist

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

The cops near the end of Part 3 is interesting. Someone should try to go interview them. As I mentioned before the Non-Lethal munitions fired into the crowd while it was still peaceful without warning violates SOP'S on crowd dynamics and deployment of those munitions. Someone in the media needs to get the SOP's of all agencies involved. It's exactly the opposite of what you should do because it turns a peaceful protest into a riot. Leaders of all agencies need to be dragged into Congress and explain the escalation of force used from asking people to disperse and time lines of warnings given to the crowd.
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Biden and Garland won't spend much energy on this. It was there voters.

It says a lot about Repubs who support Trump and deny reality daily on this board.

A Colorado court makes it official: Trump is an insurrectionist

In the meantime, we should not underestimate the significance of this moment. The Colorado court has put on the record what the former president has long denied, namely that Donald Trump engaged in an insurrection designed to overthrow the American Constitution and keep him in office in defiance of the people’s will.

As historian Timothy Snyder reminds us, “to abandon facts is to abandon freedom.” Because Judge Wallace has stood firmly by the facts, she delivered a decisive rebuke to those in our own country who would “abandon freedom” by ignoring the truth of what Donald Trump did on Jan. 6.

Dumbass. Her opinion means squat. What punishment did she hand down for this felony?
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She should organize a class action lawsuit. Like I said above. Were you warned to leave the area first? If not that's a problem for those responsible.

As his trials unfold, his role in the insurrection will become more concrete.
Among the many things he obviously had to do to cause an "insurrection" name the worst thing he did? I mean "insurrection" is a mighty serious charge which involves some pretty drastic & even violent behaviors does it not? As a matter of simple fact there had to be a whole series of obnoxious behaviors Trump engaged in attempting to overthrow the government "unarmed" I might add too!

So describe for us on the OT forum in as graphic detail as you can, what was the absolute worst thing he did to cause this "insurrection" against our honest, reliable, trustworthy, open minded, transparent, benign government? None of the small time stuff now... give us the big kahuna...the venerable coup d'etat!!!!!

And don't give us the "silent treatment" either! You guys have been carping daily about Trump causing an "insurrection" ad nauseum so surely at least one of you can describe for us what was the worst thing he did to carry it out?

So what cha got?
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Folks I have a purpose in asking these mind numbed Leftists to put some substance behind their specious "insurrection" charge against Trump. For as often as they repeat it, few of them have ever described exactly what Trump did that constituted an "insurrection". So I not only want to hear how many of them can factually support that charge, but just how Trump did it?

Shouldn't be too hard considering how often they repeat the accusation, now let's see how many of them can actually pin some behaviors behind their smear?

  • The act or an instance of open revolt against civil authority or a constituted government
  • A rising up; uprising
  • The act of rising against civil authority or governmental restraint; specifically, the armed resistance of a number of persons to the power of the state;
It's that last definition most sane folks appropriate to mean an "insurrection" ie: the violent overthrow of a sitting government.

Webster's describes it this way: "attempt by a group of people to defeat their government and take control of their country, usually by violence or armed insurrection.

See that? "ARMED INSURRECTION'. Now, I've asked any one of them to tell me when at any time in human history (which is full of "insurrections" btw) which one was ever pulled off without using arms? Amazing how none of them ever answers that, yet they daily bark how Trump caused an "insurrection" or he led an "insurrection", yet not one person gathered on the steps of the Capitol building on Jan 6th had one firearm on them! Not one.

So I'm going to issue my infamous 100% guarantee here and see if one of these Leftists who accuses Trump of sparking an "insurrection" can tell me how he "led an armed revolt" of a violent mob storming the Capitol? I 100% guarantee not one of them will answer with any facts proving that's exactly what he did.

Not one of them will answer me!
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If the judge says you're an insurrectionist, then you're an insurrectionist
Fair enough @moe. So can YOU tell us what specifically Trump did that makes him an "insurrectionist"?

Here's the definition:
insurrectionist: a person who takes part in an armed rebellion against the constituted authority
  1. One who favors, excites, or is engaged in insurrection; an insurgent
  2. A person who provokes or takes part in an insurrection.
and for the record here is the definition of an "insurrection":
An insurrection is violent action that is taken by a large group of people (usually armed) against the rulers of their country, usually in order to remove them from office.

So @moe at what time did the Jan 6th protest become an "armed insurgency" and what exactly did Trump do leading it?

You don't really expect me to answer you and expose myself as the mind numbed, lobotomized, media manipulated myrmidon I'm trying not to expose myself as do 'ya?

Well gee @moe, I thought you've done a pretty good job of that already! ;)
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Fair enough @moe. So can YOU tell us what specifically Trump did that makes him an "insurrectionist"?

Here's the definition:
insurrectionist: a person who takes part in an armed rebellion against the constituted authority
  1. One who favors, excites, or is engaged in insurrection; an insurgent
  2. A person who provokes or takes part in an insurrection.
and for the record here is the definition of an "insurrection":
An insurrection is violent action that is taken by a large group of people (usually armed) against the rulers of their country, usually in order to remove them from office.

So @moe at what time did the Jan 6th protest become an "armed insurgency" and what exactly did Trump do to lead it?

You don't really expect me to answer you and expose myself as the mind numbed, lobotomized, media manipulated myrmidon I'm trying not to expose myself as do 'ya?

Well gee @moe, I thought you've done a pretty good job of that already! ;)

That's a definition but the criminal code is much bigger. Jack Smith would have to be an idiot to even try.
Folks I have a purpose in asking these mind numbed Leftists to put some substance behind their specious "insurrection" charge against Trump. For as often as they repeat it, few of them have ever described exactly what Trump did that constituted an "insurrection". So I not only want to hear how many of them can factually support that charge, but just how Trump did it?

Shouldn't be too hard considering how often they repeat the accusation, now let's see how many of them can actually pin some behaviors behind their smear?

  • The act or an instance of open revolt against civil authority or a constituted government
  • A rising up; uprising
  • The act of rising against civil authority or governmental restraint; specifically, the armed resistance of a number of persons to the power of the state;
It's that last definition most sane folks appropriate to mean an "insurrection" ie: the violent overthrow of a sitting government.

Webster's describes it this way: "attempt by a group of people to defeat their government and take control of their country, usually by violence or armed insurrection.

See that? "ARMED INSURRECTION'. Now, I've asked any one of them to tell me when at any time in human history (which is full of "insurrections" btw) which one was ever pulled off without using arms? Amazing how none of them ever answers that, yet they daily bark how Trump caused an "insurrection" or he led an "insurrection", yet not one person gathered on the steps of the Capitol building on Jan 6th had one firearm on them! Not one.

So I'm going to issue my infamous 100% guarantee here and see if one of these Leftists who accuses Trump of sparking an "insurrection" can tell me how he "led an armed revolt" of a violent mob storming the Capitol? I 100% guarantee not one of them will answer with any facts proving that's exactly what he did.

Not one of them will answer me!
They haven't learned the definition of racist and your gonna throw that at them ....
Adam Schiff hasn't released the proof he had on the Russian collusion or the insurrection so all they can do is quote opinions as facts and get all giddy...
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That's a definition but the criminal code is much bigger. Jack Smith would have to be an idiot to even try.
It doesn't matter. @moe and his media manipulated myrmidons on the Left are 100% convinced Trump planned, organized and ultimately personally led a violent armed insurrection against the U.S. government to "overthrow" it and place himself in power. :rolleyes:

The only thing more comical than them believing that caca is how neither he nor any of the rest of the bots on the Left can tell you exactly what he did executing his diabolical plot? That's where it goes from being funny to downright hysterical.
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They haven't learned the definition of racist and your gonna throw that at them ....
Adam Schiff hasn't released the proof he had on the Russian collusion or the insurrection so all they can do is quote opinions as facts and get all giddy...
It's amazing how convinced they are of something they can't even define? Unreal.
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How a Marxist/Maoist Struggle Session rots a brain.

Louisville bank shooter wanted to massacre 'upper-class white people' to highlight lax gun laws: journal​

Connor Sturgeon gunned down 5 co-workers at Old National Bank in Kentucky on April 10​

No evidence of CTE in Louisville bank shooter's brain, medical experts say

"A person in Tennessee walked into one of your schools and shot up a bunch of your Christian daughters. That’s not the last of them if you don’t shut your f—king mouth."A Nashville trans activist has been federally charged for allegedly being so inspired by trans school shooter Audrey Hale that she then made threats to kill more Christian children. Jason Lee Willie, aka Alexia N. Willie, has a social media account full of leftist, anti-Christian posts.

"A person in Tennessee walked into one of your schools and shot up a bunch of your Christian daughters. That’s not the last of them if you don’t shut your f—king mouth."A Nashville trans activist has been federally charged for allegedly being so inspired by trans school shooter Audrey Hale that she then made threats to kill more Christian children. Jason Lee Willie, aka Alexia N. Willie, has a social media account full of leftist, anti-Christian posts.
A while back many of you questioned why that queer's manifesto should't be released to the public. This is the reason many didn't want made available to the public.
A while back many of you questioned why that queer's manifesto should't be released to the public. This is the reason many didn't want made available to the public.

No that's bullshit. You release them all then educate people on why they shouldn't listen to the propaganda and struggle sessions that are radicalizing people. Without doing that you fix nothing. One of us understands how to defeat chicom propaganda and the other seems to want to defend it. You are repeating a talking points from those that specialize in propaganda and psychological operations. They lose power if you learn how to run counter psychological operations.

That includes MSM as well as governments. Just tell the truth and provide all the evidence and that will satisfy the majority. You will always have a few nutjobs that live in a different reality.
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First they got Black Americans to kill other Black Americans. Now they got White Americans killing other White Americans. They have been trying to start a race war since the 1960's. That's some powerful propaganda. So that we don't have to violate Americans Constitutional rights. It's time to start educating Americans on the propaganda that is being used to do it. You might want to start with CRT and DEI.

That goes for this Nazi Socialist too. When you dig into who radicalized him you might discover he really was a racist pos or was radicalized by propaganda from people pretending to agree with him.

Bodycam footage shows Ohio police finding grisly aftermath of Walmart mass shooting​

"Got 'em — shooter's down," a Beavercreek Police Department officer can be heard saying as he discovered shooter Benjamin Jones' lifeless body.​

That didn't take long.

The mass shooting at a Walmart in Beavercreek, Ohio was possibly motivated by racist beliefs, according to the FBI and local authorities.

Police say 20-year-old Benjamin Charles Jones shot and wounded four shoppers inside the store Monday night before taking his own life.

Two of the victims are Black women, the others are a white man and a white woman, officials said.
Oh. Release it all so people can be educated.

Police: Walmart shooter had racial motivation, past mental health hospitalization​

Beavercreek Police, FBI cite journal writings of Benjamin Jones on racial issue; Fairborn Police were called to home twice in 2022 for Jones’ ‘suicidal ideation’
What was on his social media and who was he communicating with? Were they calling for violence? A crime has now been committed so getting a warrant should be easy. Why was this informatiin released so quickly but others not?

FBI and Beavercreek Police Provide Investigative Update​

As the investigation into the November 20 shooting at the Walmart in Beavercreek, Ohio, continues, the FBI and the Beavercreek Police Department are providing an investigative update.
The victims injured during the attack include a Caucasian female, two African American females, and a Caucasian male.
To date, the investigation has revealed the following information:
  • Based on evidence collected—including journal writings from the attacker, Benjamin Charles Jones—the attack may have been at least partially inspired by racially motivated violent extremist (RMVE) ideology. The FBI will continue to investigate the motivating factors leading to this attack.
  • The attacker used a Hi-Point .45 caliber carbine with one nine-round magazine. The weapon was purchased on November 18 from a store in the Dayton, Ohio, area. Investigators are continuing to look at the background of the subject to determine if any of his answers on the ATF Form 4473 were inaccurate.
This investigation remains very active as the FBI thoroughly examines the attacker’s background, motive, connections, and online activity. Anyone with information regarding Benjamin Charles Jones is asked to contact the FBI at 1-800-CALL-FBI or online at
Dear Moderate Democrats. You will now be targeted. They will not stop with Trump. You probably should have worked with him.

Apparently Adams didn't cut enough police or won't stop complaining about illegal aliens.

City Hall denies reported sexual assault allegations against Mayor Eric Adams​

A City Hall spokesperson denied the sexual assault allegation on behalf of Mayor Adams​

No that's bullshit. You release them all then educate people on why they shouldn't listen to the propaganda and struggle sessions that are radicalizing people. Without doing that you fix nothing. One of us understands how to defeat chicom propaganda and the other seems to want to defend it. You are repeating a talking points from those that specialize in propaganda and psychological operations. They lose power if you learn how to run counter psychological operations.

That includes MSM as well as governments. Just tell the truth and provide all the evidence and that will satisfy the majority. You will always have a few nutjobs that live in a different reality.
I’m not suggesting it should or should not have been released but we are already seeing copycats. wait until the next one who quotes language from this queers manifesto. there is a reason bin Laden was dumped at sea. No martyrs. Releasing the manifesto likely created one.

Isnt your go-to excuse to blame mental illness and not firearms when this shit happens? Now you pretend you are going to educate the mentally sick so they don’t act out. Good luck with that, 007.

try thinking through the dumb shit you pimp.
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I’m not suggesting it should or should not have been released but we are already seeing copycats. wait until the next one who quotes language from this queers manifesto. there is a reason bin Laden was dumped at sea. No martyrs. Releasing the manifesto likely created one.

Isnt your go-to excuse to blame mental illness and not firearms when this shit happens? Now you pretend you are going to educate the mentally sick so they don’t act out. Good luck with that, 007.

try thinking through the dumb shit you pimp.

No not all gun violence is about mental illness. There's also evil people out there. Hence why I insist on hanging onto mine. No one can defend me better than me.

As far as releasing it because you are worried about copycats I explained that. It actually causes more problems when they hide it. The best way to defeat struggle sessions, psychological operations, that turn people violent is to release all the information and educate people on it.

Only giving out information quickly on one group isn't going to fix anything like the example I gave above.

As far as 007 he was British. No self respecting red blooded American wants to work for them. But you hangout on Discord so I look forward to more of your hot takes about shit you know nothing about.
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