Hey TVZ, what's up?

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She should go log onto another account and argue about a coach that has already been replaced....

Never seen such stupidity in my life.

Who continues to argue about coaches from 20 years ago.
That is all she does on multiple handles
Notice after this humiliation....

I have copied and pasted the same message 18 know how many times low IQ has responded to that same message?

18 times.

...that assclown runs away again like the huge pussy he truly is?
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You're an insane little stalking fvcktard, who can't count. You must have run out of fingers and toes, if you think that you didn't post the same stupid sh!t more than 20 times. Now, dance for me, Pinocchio, and post the same stupid sh!t it comes in 3, 2, and 1....
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You're an insane little stalking fvcktard, who can't count. You must have run out of fingers and toes, if you think that you didn't post the same stupid sh!t more than 20 times. Now, dance for me, Pinocchio, and post the same stupid sh!t it comes in 3, 2, and 1....
What a piece of shit osugrad is

"find a friend who wouldn't kill himself just so he wouldn't have to listen to your whore mouth anymore."

This is what king coal/osugrad actually posted over the weekend about my friend who was molested as a child and shot himself at 18.

Imagine a guy so pathetic to make fun of abuse of a minor and suicide that he finds it funny and uses it as message board fodder.
Ha ha, my little puppet is still it again, TVZForever!
What a piece of shit osugrad is

"find a friend who wouldn't kill himself just so he wouldn't have to listen to your whore mouth anymore."

This is what king coal/osugrad actually posted over the weekend about my friend who was molested as a child and shot himself at 18.

Imagine a guy so pathetic to make fun of abuse of a minor and suicide that he finds it funny and uses it as message board fodder.
You're an insane little stalking fvcktard, who can't count. You must have run out of fingers and toes, if you think that you didn't post the same stupid sh!t more than 20 times. Now, dance for me, Pinocchio, and post the same stupid sh!t it comes in 3, 2, and 1....

🤡 Boy Lives Matter.

I am here for you.
Response 23 to the same message....LMAO...LOW IQ!

Keep dancing for me bitch is right....LMAO
You're such an unemployed loser that you're now counting how many times that you post the same stupid sh!t. Nobody is a lamer dumb a$$ than you. Now, post the same tantrum, my little hypersensitive biotch!

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You're such an unemployed loser that you're now counting how many times that you post the same stupid sh!t. Nobody is a lamer dumb a$$ than you. Now, post the same tantrum, my little hypersensitive biotch!

What a piece of shit osugrad is

"find a friend who wouldn't kill himself just so he wouldn't have to listen to your whore mouth anymore."

This is what king coal/osugrad actually posted over the weekend about my friend who was molested as a child and shot himself at 18.

Imagine a guy so pathetic to make fun of abuse of a minor and suicide that he finds it funny and uses it as message board fodder.
Didn't catch anything did you, loser? I mean, other than genital herpes.

What a piece of shit osugrad is

"find a friend who wouldn't kill himself just so he wouldn't have to listen to your whore mouth anymore."

This is what king coal/osugrad actually posted over the weekend about my friend who was molested as a child and shot himself at 18.

Imagine a guy so pathetic to make fun of abuse of a minor and suicide that he finds it funny and uses it as message board fodder.
Response 23 to the same message....LMAO...LOW IQ!

Keep dancing for me bitch is right....LMAO
Keep dancing for me, psychobiotch. I own you so much that you're posting about me in four different threads, and I'm limiting my responses to your dumb sh!t to this thread. Yes, I dictate the terms to you, and you are doing a great job of being my dancing puppet! Keep posting the same stupid sh!t in this thread, imbecile...go!!!
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Keep dancing for me, psychobiotch. I own you so much that you're posting about me in four different threads, and I'm limiting my responses to your dumb sh!t to this thread. Yes, I dictate the terms to you, and you are doing a great job of being my dancing puppet! Keep posting the same stupid sh!t in this thread, imbecile...go!!!
What a piece of shit osugrad is

"find a friend who wouldn't kill himself just so he wouldn't have to listen to your whore mouth anymore."

This is what king coal/osugrad actually posted over the weekend about my friend who was molested as a child and shot himself at 18.

Imagine a guy so pathetic to make fun of abuse of a minor and suicide that he finds it funny and uses it as message board fodder.
You still see me everywhere, TrollVanZandt. Was I on your boat today, too? LMAO!
What a piece of shit osugrad is

"find a friend who wouldn't kill himself just so he wouldn't have to listen to your whore mouth anymore."

This is what king coal/osugrad actually posted over the weekend about my friend who was molested as a child and shot himself at 18.

Imagine a guy so pathetic to make fun of abuse of a minor and suicide that he finds it funny and uses it as message board fodder.
FIFY, and no kidding, psychob!tch
What a piece of shit osugrad is

"find a friend who wouldn't kill himself just so he wouldn't have to listen to your whore mouth anymore."

This is what king coal/osugrad actually posted over the weekend about my friend who was molested as a child and shot himself at 18.

Imagine a guy so pathetic to make fun of abuse of a minor and suicide that he finds it funny and uses it as message board fodder.

Enjoying life. Right now is the best time for speckled trout fishing.

You on the otherhand. Don't know.

But like I said if you just took a step back and realized how stupid you sound it would be a good start
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You can hear me now, too, TrollVanZandt?
What a piece of shit osugrad is

"find a friend who wouldn't kill himself just so he wouldn't have to listen to your whore mouth anymore."

This is what king coal/osugrad actually posted over the weekend about my friend who was molested as a child and shot himself at 18.

Imagine a guy so pathetic to make fun of abuse of a minor and suicide that he finds it funny and uses it as message board fodder.
Guy has posted the same thing 30 consecutive times and you continue to respond...
Why must you continue to lie, TrollVanZandt? Or, are you really ForeverCuck, too? Pull the sh!t out of your eyes and look above in this thread or three other threads, or keep lying, I don't care.
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It gets to almost a point where instead of laughing at him all almost feel sorry for low IQ...I mean he can't help it that he is really that stupid.

I have been at that point with him.

He just doesn't understand..
He is like a dog who has been mistreated. Always thinking everyone is after him regardless
  • Haha
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It gets to almost a point where instead of laughing at him all almost feel sorry for low IQ...I mean he can't help it that he is really that stupid.
Oops, you screwed up, and didn't post the same stupid sh!t, my puppet. Get back to making a complete babbling fool out of yourself...
Oops, you screwed up, and didn't post the same stupid sh!t, my puppet. Get back to making a complete babbling fool out of yourself...
I will speak with tvz....a piece of shit like get this.

What a piece of shit osugrad is

"find a friend who wouldn't kill himself just so he wouldn't have to listen to your whore mouth anymore."

This is what king coal/osugrad actually posted over the weekend about my friend who was molested as a child and shot himself at 18.

Imagine a guy so pathetic to make fun of abuse of a minor and suicide that he finds it funny and uses it as message board fodder.
TrollVanZandt is a chronic liar, who thinks that people can't plainly see responses to posts on a message board. Do all 35 of TVZ's chronically lie? Maybe, the handful of his Texas fan handles are more honest?

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Hey, I'm responding to your cuck's new post, TrollVanZandt. Do you see the difference, imbecile?

Something really really wrong with you...

You think like one of those lowlife criminals I have dealt with before.

They think they can talk their way out of shit but end up hanging themselves everytime they open their mouth
Something really really wrong with you...

You think like one of those lowlife criminals I have dealt with before.

They think they can talk their way out of shit but end up hanging themselves everytime they open their mouth
And think...if assclown is employed...and he had today off for MLK Day....he spent the morning digging up month and year old posts that I made for some strange reason then responded to the same copy and paste 40 times this afternoon.

This is how you want to spend your day off?

And he doesn't think he is low IQ?
Hey, I'm responding to your cuck's new post, TrollVanZandt. Do you see the difference, imbecile?
What a piece of shit osugrad is

"find a friend who wouldn't kill himself just so he wouldn't have to listen to your whore mouth anymore."

This is what king coal/osugrad actually posted over the weekend about my friend who was molested as a child and shot himself at 18.

Imagine a guy so pathetic to make fun of abuse of a minor and suicide that he finds it funny and uses it as message board fodder.
He is the worst troll I have ever seen.

The sad thing is he thinks he is clever

When I was in the USMC those were the type who gave the most issues.
Too stupid to realize they aren't as clever as they think
He is the worst troll I have ever seen.

The sad thing is he thinks he is clever

When I was in the USMC those were the type who gave the most issues.
Too stupid to realize they aren't as clever as they think
Lying about military service is a crime, isn't it? You were outed for having 25+ known profiles, but you think that you're clever, and call me stupid?

Lying about military service is a crime, isn't it? You were outed for having 25+ known profiles, but you think that you're clever, and call me stupid?


You are not an attorney. You are clueless about any law.

Once again a delusion of grandeur on a message board.
People like message boards because they think they can hide behind a screen.

Maybe the reason you talk to people in a certain way.

You can change by how you speak to people.
Even if it is behind a screen.
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Lying about military service is a crime, isn't it? You were outed for having 25+ known profiles, but you think that you're clever, and call me stupid?

What a piece of shit osugrad is

"find a friend who wouldn't kill himself just so he wouldn't have to listen to your whore mouth anymore."

This is what king coal/osugrad actually posted over the weekend about my friend who was molested as a child and shot himself at 18.

Imagine a guy so pathetic to make fun of abuse of a minor and suicide that he finds it funny and uses it as message board fodder.
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