Hey TVZ, what's up?

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Only clown is the one who continues to post in here and actually thinks it bothers me

Maybe we could get 2 pages for MichiganHerdgirl.

Watching the same dance over and over...

Like the sign of insanity. If this hasn't chased me away yet I don't think it ever will.
But some of you continue to try.

Why you might be insane. Check it out. Call your local mental health department
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Only clown is the one who continues to post in here and actually thinks it bothers me

Maybe we could get 2 pages for MichiganHerdgirl.

Watching the same dance over and over...

Like the sign of insanity. If this hasn't chased me away yet I don't think it ever will.
But some of you continue to try.

Why you might be insane. Check it out. Call your local mental health department
I wonder if now that it hit 30 if it means that bitchgregor won't be calling me out in every one of his post seeking my attention?

There are 7 billion people in this world and only three that cared that this reached 30 pages...if that doesn't make assclown, herdgirl and bitchgregor total douchebag losers...I don't know what will.
Here she is...

First few times it was entertaining. Not anymore.

Do something else Greggy. Entertain us.
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bitchgregor is sort of a one-trick geek, puppet, stings, blah, blah, blah...

He has been doing the same routine now for it seems like forever.
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I think bitchgregor considers his last post as trolling us...i dunno...everything he does of late is hot garbage...I think we broke him.

20 pages of them obsessing over you then us for the last 10 and some how they are proud of it...

They are probably the weirdest ****s I have ever seen.

When 95 percent of his posts has my name in it....something isn't right with that kid.
Thread has outlived it's usefulness. The truth of the thread is and always has been...

Vernon said:

Yep and all of these....

  1. bEastTexas

    Sep 2, 2018
  2. BigButtTranny

    Sep 24, 2018
  3. CrookedHillary

    Friday at 2:14 PM
  4. DonaldTrumpsHair

    Wednesday at 2:38 PM
  5. DrinkmoreMilk

    Saturday at 2:07 PM
  6. InterwebPolice

    Aug 18, 2018
  7. JustCallMeDad

    Yesterday at 4:32 PM
  8. LordLonghorn

    Sep 27, 2018
  9. MaleStripper

    Sep 30, 2018
  10. RockyTopVol1999

    Aug 29, 2018
  11. SheriffBufordTJustice

    4 minutes ago
  12. SmokeMoreMeth

    Sep 18, 2018
  13. StormyDaniels4Prez

    Yesterday at 5:42 AM
  14. TellMomHi

    Sep 2, 2018
  15. TexasisBack

    Friday at 8:13 PM
  16. TexasTrill2018

    Yesterday at 6:32 PM
  17. TheAlphaMale

    Friday at 7:30 AM
  18. TheFakeNewsMan

    Oct 1, 2018
  19. TheHomelessguy

    Sep 29, 2018
  20. TheOneandOnly77

    Yesterday at 10:18 PM
  21. TheRealMikeTyson

    Sep 26, 2018
  22. TheTruthof2018

    Yesterday at 8:41 PM
  23. TheUnKosherHebrew

    Saturday at 4:06 PM
  24. TownesVanZandt

    Today at 12:19 AM
  25. YourMomsButtPlug

    Sep 12, 2018
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Well...after we broke bitchgregor and now there are 30 full pages for the world to see how obsessed the assclowns were with tvz...there isn't much left to say.

Mission Accomplished!
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You aren't using anyone Greggy

You are a lowlife who uses a message board to sound like he is somebody

You get so triggered when someone calls you on your bullshit

Just sad.
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Anyone who attempts to treat a message board as a popularity contest should have more important things to do..

Words don't hurt. Not going change anything with words.

At least shouldn't. But some people allow words to become swords

No swords on a message board unless you allow it.
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Look guys haha. 30 pages later we still got em dancing on strings. You guys are the the gifts that keep giving haha.
I'd say you are the one obsessed bitch gregor...tvz and i closed up shop...can you not read?

30 pages of your weird obsession about him and three are some weirdos for sure...we didn't create a 30 page thread for you....because we don't give a **** about you.
I'd say you are the one obsessed bitch gregor...tvz and i closed up shop...can you not read?

30 pages of your weird obsession about him and three are some weirdos for sure...we didn't create a 30 page thread for you....because we don't give a **** about you.
When the great Greg Jacobs says dance, you dance. Keep dancing, TVZ geek handle.

Haha, the great one shows his prowess over band geek whenever he wants to do so, and there's nothing the flute can do but move his little feet.

Yo, dance
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I've been telling Tom Herman, Jr. forever to make his 31st profile, "Boomer Sooner," but he insists upon hitching his wagon to losers.
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When the great Greg Jacobs says dance, you dance. Keep dancing, TVZ geek handle.

Haha, the great one shows his prowess over band geek whenever he wants to do so, and there's nothing the flute can do but move his little feet.

Yo, dance
And when I post turd boy comes running to it like a bitch in heat....

Right on cue son.

You never disappoint...I post and you are just a few minutes behind. The obsession you have with me will never end. What a sick **** you are.

No wonder why so many people on this board think you three are weirdos.
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Wow @TownesVanZandt I thought you and your angry alter fella @WVUFanForever would be done at 30 pages of pure humiliation but apparently you enjoy the abuse. I guess a little Stockholm Syndrome going on with you Texass.
That's funny...tvz and I thought you would be done at 30...but turd boy follows me around here, especially in this thread. like a freaking weirdo stalker and you can't keep my name out of your posts because you too are obsessed with me.

You both are creepy bastards.

Go get some professional help and then just don't post in this thread anymore you freaky obsessed stalkers.
What were you saying about Oklahoma last week, ClownVanZandt? The Sooners looked pretty damn good to me, and are playing much better defense than usual under Alex Grinch.
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Your fingers must be even more sore than usual, bounching back and forth between your TVZ and Vorsleeze handles, fake Texas fan. You suck at this.
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Your fingers must be even more sore than usual, bounching back and forth between your TVZ and Vorsleeze handles, fake Texas fan. You suck at this.
I and the other two ass clowns just devoted tons of time and energy into a pointless and meaningless 30 page thread about him. I'd say he is pretty good at this.

And it appears you followed him in here last night.
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band geek, weak as usual, and totally clueless
And right on cue....30 minutes after I is turd boy following me around again.

And great content too turd boy, that was a really, really high IQ post from you.

band geek...never seen that used here before...
Because it's funny.

Obviously, participating isnt beneath your own time and effort.
I guess you and I have different ideas of funny.

and I spent about 1/100 the time here as the three assclowns...that and every post here from bitchgregor had my name in it even when i ignored this the thread for the first 15-20 pages.
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