Hey TVZ, what's up?

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What!!!?? @WVUFanForever get your ass in here and tell us this isn’t so!!!!! I’m stunned because I have complete faith in Herd’s instincts. Herd masterfully called out and humiliated @TownesVanZandt and his weird merry band of handles. Please defend yourself so we can quickly move forward with this 17 page Hall Of Fame Super Mega Thread. guys can't see the forest for the trees...

I've said a million times I rarely agree with anything tvz says politically...

On his 25 profiles or his texas fandom....i still laugh at how obsessed you guy are with him...does the average joe have 25 handles...of course is beyond weird...yes...but why you guys care so much about him, his texas fandom or his profiles is laughable...

And really...does low IQ terdboy thinking I'm him really surprise you....disappointed how much faith you have in really could distance yourself from the other two other assclowns (terd and osugrad) because you are better than them...but for some reason you want to stay attached at the hip with them....and now you are bringing WVallen down as well.

BTW...go ask Vernon how many accounts I have....I'll wait.
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I've said a million times I rarely agree with anything tvz says politically...

On his 25 profiles or his texas fandom....i still laugh at how obsessed you guy are with him...does the average joe have 25 handles...of course is beyond weird...yes...but why you guys care so much about him, his texas fandom or his profiles is laughable...

And really...does low IQ terdboy thinking I'm him really surprise you....disappointed how much faith you have in really could distance yourself from the other two other assclowns (terd and osugrad) because you are better than them...but for some reason you want to stay attached at the hip with them....and now you are bringing WVallen down as well.

BTW...go ask Vernon how many accounts I have....I'll wait.

OK just askin because Herd is pretty good at sniffing out Texass handles. @TownesVanZandt is such a loser
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@TownesVanZandt hey geek get in here on the whopping 18th page and explain why you, admittedly, have 25 handles. Why would someone be so weird? Do you have a method to your madness? What the hell is wrong with you? Please answer those questions in the proper order.
Greg: If you want to laugh your a$$ off, then place a mentally unstable poster on ignore, then watch him unravel as he insanely posts about you for years afterwards. I keep being told that a certain mentally deranged moron continues to post about me, even though I have not responded to any of his posts in years. That's true ownership right there, but do you really want to own such a simpleton? Good question...LOL
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@TownesVanZandt hey geek get in here on the whopping 18th page and explain why you, admittedly, have 25 handles. Why would someone be so weird? Do you have a method to your madness? What the hell is wrong with you? Please answer those questions in the proper order.
All great questions, but I would like to add a 3rd: Why would two or three of the profiles sit on this site and communicate to one another in the wee early morning hours, when reasonable, hard working people are in bed? It's one thing to have 25 profiles (borderline weirdo), but another to have said profiles hold a two hour conversation with one another (creepy weirdo).
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Greg: If you want to laugh your a$$ off, then place a mentally unstable poster on ignore, then watch him unravel as he insanely posts about you for years afterwards. I keep being told that a certain mentally deranged moron continues to post about me, even though I have not responded to any of his posts in years. That's true ownership right there, but do you really want to own such a simpleton? Good question...LOL
This is why I respect gregor.....after totally abusing you for 6-9 turn pussy and ignore me because you couldnt take it the little pos that you are...and I did totally own were on the verge or tears....gregor is a man and wouldn't do that.

Even had me on ignore...then would unignore me to read my posts...then ignore me again...LMAO...who does that?

And don't think so highly of yourself....your an afterthought...i mention you when I reference the know..,suckeye and terd fans that hang out on a WVU board...still strange don't you think?
Hey, Greg: You really might want to place TVZ on ignore, as I continue to hear that a mentally unstable fanboy of his who I haven't responded to in YEARS has deluded himself into believing that he owns me. Yeah, I haven't responded to his posts in YEARS, yet he owns me, but can't stop mentioning me in post after post, week after week, month after month, and year after year....LMAO at sub 80 IQ boy with a teenage girl's obsession. #BackStreetBoys

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This thread is going to make it to 25 pages/1,000 posts.

Who would have known Fan4Ever would assist in making this HOF post even more famous than it already was.

This thread has about eight or nine high quality contributors, 25 TVZ accounts, and now a band geek/water boy.

Obsessive trolling of one person doesn't work.

Have to be better trolls.

But like I have said...all of you behave like sheep.

Don't know if it can happen.
He can’t quit us Allen. Why on earth would someone let a handful of guys, who are goofin off, drag him around for several weeks and 18 page. I almost feel sorry for @TownesVanZandt.
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Because you aren't...

You are promoting my name without pay.

Don't think you have created a post without my name since July
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This thread is going to make it to 25 pages/1,000 posts.

Who would have known Fan4Ever would assist in making this HOF post even more famous than it already was.

This thread has about eight or nine high quality contributors, 25 TVZ accounts, and now a band geek/water boy.


The more the merrier
I know.
Y'all have continued to turn this into a sheep thread.
You are like CNN with Donald Trump.

TVZ family created the town I was born in. Nacogdoches was always the place before Marshall. Marshall wiped them off the map and became one of the richest cities on Earth.
Isaac Van Zandt and Peter Whetstone
Whetstone was from Arkansas. The Van Zandt name Tennessee. Franklin County.

This is a good song of his...
I see TVZ has forgotten what this thread is about.

Yep and all of these....

  1. bEastTexas

    Sep 2, 2018
  2. BigButtTranny

    Sep 24, 2018
  3. CrookedHillary

    Friday at 2:14 PM
  4. DonaldTrumpsHair

    Wednesday at 2:38 PM
  5. DrinkmoreMilk

    Saturday at 2:07 PM
  6. InterwebPolice

    Aug 18, 2018
  7. JustCallMeDad

    Yesterday at 4:32 PM
  8. LordLonghorn

    Sep 27, 2018
  9. MaleStripper

    Sep 30, 2018
  10. RockyTopVol1999

    Aug 29, 2018
  11. SheriffBufordTJustice

    4 minutes ago
  12. SmokeMoreMeth

    Sep 18, 2018
  13. StormyDaniels4Prez

    Yesterday at 5:42 AM
  14. TellMomHi

    Sep 2, 2018
  15. TexasisBack

    Friday at 8:13 PM
  16. TexasTrill2018

    Yesterday at 6:32 PM
  17. TheAlphaMale

    Friday at 7:30 AM
  18. TheFakeNewsMan

    Oct 1, 2018
  19. TheHomelessguy

    Sep 29, 2018
  20. TheOneandOnly77

    Yesterday at 10:18 PM
  21. TheRealMikeTyson

    Sep 26, 2018
  22. TheTruthof2018

    Yesterday at 8:41 PM
  23. TheUnKosherHebrew

    Saturday at 4:06 PM
  24. TownesVanZandt

    Today at 12:19 AM
  25. YourMomsButtPlug

    Sep 12, 2018
LMAO...look at those dates...two years ago....and you guys are still obsessed with it....why?
LMAO...look at those dates...two years ago....and you guys are still obsessed with it....why?

How many do you think he has now? But the TVZ keeps replying in the thread so that makes him even dumber than it really is. If you're so worried about TVZ then the both of you can quit replying in the thread and it probably disappears.
LMAO...look at those dates...two years ago....and you guys are still obsessed with it....why?
Obsessed? No, we're making fun of him. To place the jest of this thread into proper perspective, TVZ was ranting a few days prior to this thread being posted, accusing many legit posters of having multiple profiles, so I had to put a boot in his ass, and remind him of the day when Vernon outed him for having 25 profiles. Truth be told, I think he probably has close to 50. Why do you support this loser? . . .or, are you simply one of his alters?
Who said all those handles were for this message board...

Pratt/osugrad once again looks like an idiot.
Stick to your osugrad account

The only other handle I have is Glenn Quagmire when I trolled the VT board. I haven't been on that handle for years since it got banned.

And I've been here before you decided to be a male or a female....
Pratt, like you, is a big WVU fan, dumba$$ VanZandt/Jason/mofo/Bucky. One difference between Pratt and 30+ handle geek is that Pratt doesn't pretend to root for perennial underachiever, Texass. Look up the word, "projection," and see a pic of your ugly, scruffy face, Chrissy. You were the one outed for using dozens of profiles on this board, not me.

This is funny that he thinks I'm you since we've had our battles but its about mutual respect and a common interest in slapping trolls.
How many do you think he has now? But the TVZ keeps replying in the thread so that makes him even dumber than it really is. If you're so worried about TVZ then the both of you can quit replying in the thread and it probably disappears.
I don't really care how many he has...I have other things to worry about then how many profiles some guy I have never met has on this free board....and I don't think tvz or I are the ones keeping this thread alive....might want to re-read it.
Obsessed? No, we're making fun of him. To place the jest of this thread into proper perspective, TVZ was ranting a few days prior to this thread being posted, accusing many legit posters of having multiple profiles, so I had to put a boot in his ass, and remind him of the day when Vernon outed him for having 25 profiles. Truth be told, I think he probably has close to 50. Why do you support this loser? . . .or, are you simply one of his alters?
How am I supporting him? Because I think being obsessed with him makes you guys look really, really lame and stupid?

Again, ask Vernon how many accounts I that's a really easy problem to solve. I'll wait.
I knew the forum puppet could assist in getting this 5x Mega HOF thread across the 700 post line.

haha. This thread of Gold is going PLATINUM. Just seven more pages to go, and a few of us are going to be knighted with royalty.

who's next to join this mecca thread? get in now, so you can be a part of history.
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Well...I know you guys jack off to your mega threads and liked posts...if I can be helpful in any way...just ask...
Read above

You guys still never answer the question of why you care so much about tvz and his profiles.....vernon called him out on it two years ago....and you are...
Obsessed? No, we're making fun of him. To place the jest of this thread into proper perspective, TVZ was ranting a few days prior to this thread being posted, accusing many legit posters of having multiple profiles, so I had to put a boot in his ass, and remind him of the day when Vernon outed him for having 25 profiles. Truth be told, I think he probably has close to 50. Why do you support this loser? . . .or, are you simply one of his alters?
Read above

You guys still never answer the question of why you care so much about tvz and his profiles.....vernon called him out on it two years ago....and you are...
Read above
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How cute...stealing a concept from a puppet...

So your doing it to make fun of him? 18 pages later...where exactly has that gotten you?
The only other handle I have is Glenn Quagmire when I trolled the VT board. I haven't been on that handle for years since it got banned.

And I've been here before you decided to be a male or a female....

That handle is classic. Dude I’m going in Pitt/VT week as Glen Quagmires!!! If that does not take I’ll go in on a kamikaze mission with my Lot handle. Do you remember what got you banned? I’ll follow that up steroids style Haha.
I’m starting to believe Herd may be onto something fanforever. You are acting very Texass like. Why are you even going down the TVZ support group road? This should be an easy thread for you to get away from. This HOF Solid Gold Meca Mega Thread is a masterpiece calling out a weirdo with 25 handles. You’re kind of acting like the 26th handle. What the hell is going on here?
Wow, only 286 posts away from going PLATINUM.

Anybody seen JV lately? Jerk Vorhees leave Biden alone and tell us how great you felt when TVZ created your alter as a leftwing geek persona.
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I’m starting to believe Herd may be onto something fanforever. You are acting very Texass like. Why are you even going down the TVZ support group road? This should be an easy thread for you to get away from. This HOF Solid Gold Meca Mega Thread is a masterpiece calling out a weirdo with 25 handles. You’re kind of acting like the 26th handle. What the hell is going on here?
I've already answered ad nauseam to how I am supporting him?

It has nothing to do with supporting him and rather calling out the assclowns for how obsessed you guys are with this guy. Why do you make 18 page threads calling attention to him? Day after day after day....

To make fun of him? He doesnt seem to if he doesn't, why do you guys? Again...Vernon called him out TWO years ago...and you guys are still beating a dead horse. If that isnt an obsession then I don't know what is.

And I will say this for the last time...ask Vernon how many accounts I have here....I'm sort of over all this guys should be too.
Big game scheduled for tomorrow, even for a make-believe Texass fan. The sports media will announce the demise of the loser and declare the winner back in the CFP race. In fact, Oklahoma State is the only remaining Big 12 school with a legitimate shot at the CFP, but won't be a contender for long, if QB Spencer Sanders doesn't return from injury in the next couple of weeks, as the Pokes' schedule gets much harder beginning on 10/24/20.
You are very observant.....still doesnt mean I care...

and its cute how osuassclown likes post that reference me....

And again you reply in a thread you don't like that you think should die and end. Makes no sense to post in something you claim is useless but then contribute to that very thread. Toeshoe may very well do what you say in regards to liking every post that reference you. I don't really know what he does. I don't follow him to every board and thread he post in.
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And again you reply in a thread you don't like that you think should die and end. Makes no sense to post in something you claim is useless but then contribute to that very thread. Toeshoe may very well do what you say in regards to liking every post that reference you. I don't really know what he does. I don't follow him to every board and thread he post in.
Well stated. Fan4ever only posts in threads when people he claims he doesn't care for post in. Same thing TVZ does. I'm not really saying they're one and the same, but out of the 62 people that post here, at least 50 belong to the weirdo known as TVZ and Company.
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Wow, only 286 posts away from going PLATINUM.

Anybody seen JV lately? Jerk Vorhees leave Biden alone and tell us how great you felt when TVZ created your alter as a leftwing geek persona.

Great question Herd? That handle is the one TVZ chats with late at night when he wants to talk to himself if I remember correctly. That weirdo @Jason Voorhees has gone silent. Maybe Vernon banned his ass and kicked another @TownesVanZandt handle out the door.
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