Gronk telling the world that CTE is reversible...


Now that's funny too! :joy:

That thing just needs Blonde hair! Dead ringer!

Good one 30CAT!
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Do my cousins and other BLACK family members count?

Why have you never mentioned them before? What makes them Black? By Marriage? When is the last time you insisted one of them wasn't Black? If they're family, do they have other Black relatives you know?

Do you have any Black acquaintances outside of your Family? Do your kids play with other Black children? Do you worship with Black folks? Invite any of them into your home for fellowship?

Do you like Black people? Do you enjoy being around them or are you uncomfortable when someone Black is around?

Only you know the Truth and your answers quite frankly are unncessary because I have no way to prove it and you'll probably lie just like you do about being Christian.

I suspect though the opposite of everything I've asked you is true. You don't know many Black people. You've never mentioned your Black relatives before today trying to pretend you both know Black people and invite them into your home, you don't have many if any Black friends and I'll remain convinced you are a racist because you did question my race before you knew anything else about me, just because I don't vote Democrat and disagreed with YOU.

If you said that to your Black relatives, they'd probably think you were a racist too. They'd be right...I know you are.
Why have you never mentioned them before? What makes them Black? By Marriage? When is the last time you insisted one of them wasn't Black? If they're family, do they have other Black relatives you know?

Do you have any Black acquaintances outside of your Family? Do your kids play with other Black children? Do you worship with Black folks? Invite any of them into your home for fellowship?

Do you like Black people? Do you enjoy being around them or are you uncomfortable when someone Black is around?

Only you know the Truth and your answers quite frankly are unncessary because I have no way to prove it and you'll probably lie just like you do about being Christian.

I suspect though the opposite of everything I've asked you is true. You don't know many Black people. You've never mentioned your Black relatives before today trying to pretend you both know Black people and invite them into your home, you don't have many if any Black friends and I'll remain convinced you are a racist because you did question my race before you knew anything else about me, just because I don't vote Democrat and disagreed with YOU.

If you said that to your Black relatives, they'd probably think you were a racist too. They'd be right...I know you are.

Why is it a big deal that I haven't mentioned them before? This is a message board.

We all know your racist behavior..... help. How many racist jokes did you laugh at today?

You will always be a racist to me, but you first were a bald faced liar. You have steadfastly remained both and each time you open your racist lying mouth you confrim my initial assessment with irrefutable incontrovertible evidence. are consistent if nothing else.
Why is it a big deal that I haven't mentioned them before? This is a message board.

We all know your racist behavior.....

You only mentioned them after I accused you of not knowing any Black folks. That's classic for someone trying to avoid exposure for who they really are. If they were a proud part of your Family, you would have mentioned them prior to today.

I can't prove you have Black family members but I can prove you're a liar. I choose to believe you're lying. It fits your character.
You will always be a racist to me, but you first were a bald faced liar. You have steadfastly remained both and each time you open your racist lying mouth you confrim my initial assessment with irrefutable incontrovertible evidence. are consistent if nothing else.

Did I laugh at a man who referred to Michelle Obama as a gorilla? Nope. That was you. Did I refer to black on black crimes as "against their own KIND"? Nope. That was you. Besides, it doesn't matter what you think of me.......this is a message aren't anything other than another crazy person behind a computer who thinks they are all the rest of us.
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You only mentioned them after I accused you of not knowing any Black folks. That's classic for someone trying to avoid exposure for who they really are. If they were a proud part of your Family, you would have mentioned them prior to today.

I can't prove you have Black family members but I can prove you're a liar. I choose to believe you're lying. It fits your character.

That's classic? Or it's rational to not mention my family at all on here until being challenged by an ignorant, racist man who should be changing oil right now.........

EDIT: I've also never mentioned by d!ck size yet............I don't see the need to discuss it at LENGTH......
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Why is it a big deal that I haven't mentioned them before? This is a message board.

We all know your racist behavior.....

Who is last Black person you questioned if they were Black? That's as racist as a racist comes. That's as bad as country saying "I'm Black too". That was a bald faced lie spoken by country who was getting raked in an argument and country resorted to that tactic to avoid exposure.

This is the same suddenly claiming to have Black relatives because I exposed your segregationist life.

You're a miserable liar. You drip dishonesty.
Holy shit, dude. Not only are you triggered, but you are one creepy-ass weirdo. Talking about how "fine" your mother is? God damn! That is creepy as f'uck.

Seriously, what the f'uck is wrong with you? Do you have some sort of mental disease? Do you have a learning disability? You have certainly tied us right back into the thread title. Were you ever hit in the head really hard? You seriously have a mental disorder.
This coming from a guy who proudly stalked my wife, mom and sister and tried to talk shit about them on this very board.

Funny how you just pointed out your own mental disorder.
Who is last Black person you questioned if they were Black? That's as racist as a racist comes. That's as bad as country saying "I'm Black too". That was a bald faced lie spoken by country who was getting raked in an argument and country resorted to that tactic to avoid exposure.

This is the same suddenly claiming to have Black relatives because I exposed your segregationist life.

You're a miserable liar. You drip dishonesty. But you are behind a computer screen, posting pictures of yourself, and we all know that everyone tells the truth on the Internet.........[roll]

But going on my many trips to Atlanta, I found the truth..............:popcorn:
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That's classic? Or it's rational to not mention my family at all on here until being challenged by an ignorant, racist man who should be changing oil right now.........

EDIT: I've also never mentioned by d!ck size yet............I don't see the need to discuss it at LENGTH......

Who wants to know? I should accuse you of having the opposite of a penis but that would not only be paying you a compliment, it might not be true. Then again maybe it would be? You certainly act like one.(begins with a "c" and ends in a "t") But you are behind a computer screen, posting pictures of yourself, and we all know that everyone tells the truth on the Internet.........[roll]

But going on my many trips to Atlanta, I found the truth..............:popcorn:

Lying seems to be what comes naturally to you, so you keep working on your craft.
This coming from a guy who proudly stalked my wife, mom and sister and tried to talk shit about them on this very board.

Funny how you just pointed out your own mental disorder.

I didn’t stalk any of your family members, you f’ucking liar. I can’t help that your family is as dumb as shit and twice as ugly. Don’t be a f’ucking liar.
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Guess you’ve never been given signs, or were clueless on how to read them. Some women (I’d say most) like to be dominated by someone they are attracted to. They’re repulsed by the attempt by someone they aren’t attracted to. Reading the signs isn’t hard. D-bag creeps don’t respect women enough to try to read, or they don’t care. I take Trump as the don’t care type.

"Reading signs" is not asking consent.
I didn’t stalk any of your family members, you f’ucking liar. I can’t help that your family is as dumb as shit and twice as ugly. Don’t be a f’ucking liar.
You absolutely did. You bragged about doing it. You just did it again while calling me a liar you fool.
Triggered...........and about to be jobless.......

I told your sorry behind weeks ago where you could find me. I invited your coward ass to meet me here in Atlanta, in Morgantown when we play Iowa State, even at my job.

I offered to fly you in, offered you my seat assignment at MPS....offered you to meet my Black ass anywhere, any time. What's been the response to my generous offers?

Punk ass silence. So I stopped offering. Waste of time, probably a waste of effort too because if you ever were brave enough to come say to my face what you hide behind tapping on a keyboard, you know you'd leave that encounter permanenty disabled.

Lies only travel as far as those dumb enough to believe them. Your lies don't travel very far with me.
You need to take a break from the board. It is really getting to you. Your mental health is suffering. You are triggered.

YOU need to find a needy charity and donate. I thought Leftists were so concerned about the poor? You must be one of those "evil rich" who don't care?
Punk ass silence. So I stopped offering. Waste of time, probably a waste of effort too because if you ever were brave enough to come say to my face what you hide behind tapping on a keyboard, you know you'd leave that encounter permanenty disabled.

That is a physical threat -illegal I might add. You really need to take a break. You are triggered. Seriously, give it a rest.
That is a physical threat -illegal I might add. You really need to take a break. You are triggered. Seriously, give it a rest.

Why don't you go find some Black people you can share common experiences with? I'm sure they'd like to know why you dont help out your own race with financial donations to those in need.
Sorry to interrupt, but it looks like Gronk is hawking CBD products. Not sure he is specifically saying CBD fixed his CTE, but probably where he is heading. @bamaEER
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Did I laugh at a man who referred to Michelle Obama as a gorilla? Nope. That was you. Did I refer to black on black crimes as "against their own KIND"? Nope. That was you. Besides, it doesn't matter what you think of me.......this is a message aren't anything other than another crazy person behind a computer who thinks they are all the rest of us.

It's amazing to me how this message board easily exposes liars. It has worked wonders exposing YOU. You can't hide beind your lies and this board exposes yours fluently!
I would think it would help honestly. Cure? No.
Meh. I wonder. Is it "better" than Miracle Water.....probably. Does it fix, aide, cure, help...? I'm not sold. In Colorado over the summer and they had CBD oil for this, CBD water for that. CBD cream for this. Very gimmicky. Now the edibles "helped".
I don't drugs....or sleep around on my wife......I do have a potty mouth though......

But you do lie, and do it so effortlessly that one lie is simply an appetizer to the main course. You lie as casually as most people breathe. The lies surround you like carbon monoxide which you ingest, inhale and allow to circulate into the empty and long ago vacated caverns of your dormant mind.

There they sit, matasticizing, waiting to be called up like a damaged computer file burried deep inside your rotting RAM until suddenly activated by more poisonous exhaust emanating from your carbon filled tongue. They release a noxious elixir that permeates all the surrounding pristine air, the result is a dirty, decaying, soot filled landscape that deserves to be condemned as a permanent environmentally hazardous waste dump disguised as your lying tongue.

I guess though when one lives in a sewer of deceit, it's hard to tell where the clean water flows?
I told your sorry behind weeks ago where you could find me. I invited your coward ass to meet me here in Atlanta, in Morgantown when we play Iowa State, even at my job.

I offered to fly you in, offered you my seat assignment at MPS....offered you to meet my Black ass anywhere, any time. What's been the response to my generous offers?

Punk ass silence. So I stopped offering. Waste of time, probably a waste of effort too because if you ever were brave enough to come say to my face what you hide behind tapping on a keyboard, you know you'd leave that encounter permanenty disabled.

Lies only travel as far as those dumb enough to believe them. Your lies don't travel very far with me.

You mean I didn't meet you? Are you sure?
But you do lie, and do it so effortlessly that one lie is simply an appetizer to the main course. You lie as casually as most people breathe. The lies surround you like carbon monoxide which you ingest, inhale and allow to circulate into the empty and long ago vacated caverns of your dormant mind.

There they sit, matasticizing, waiting to be called up like a damaged computer file burried deep inside your rotting RAM until suddenly activated by more poisonous exhaust emanating from your carbon filled tongue. They release a noxious elixir that permeates all the surrounding pristine air, the result is a dirty, decaying, soot filled landscape that deserves to be condemned as a permanent environmentally hazardous waste dump disguised as your lying tongue.

I guess though when one lives in a sewer of deceit, it's hard to tell where the clean water flows? many mistakes, so little time.
Tiny hands tj reminds me of Elmer Fudd, goofy hat wearing hunter with a speech impediment and lack of social skills. Always trying to hunt the twittersphere to find damaging stories on President Donald J Trump only for them to blow up in his face.


I like to come over here and read threads, I might even jump in from time to time but this made me spit coffee on my screen..........Damn you!
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