Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders delivers Republican response to Biden's SOTU:

Hahahahha I’ve been smacking your ass around for the last 2 days. Maybe you should take a break. You’re wrong.
Really I am hearing an idiot talking like he knows something that he really does not. But thay is typical from a Newmax person
It's so funny that the Dems on here don't agree with mainstreaming CRT ideology and Gender fluidity while a large part of their party is pushing it.
Dems need to get their heads out of the sand and see what kind of radicalism they're voting for. Many have woken up to it.
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It's so funny that the Dems on here don't agree with mainstreaming CRT ideology and Gender fluidity while a large part of their party is pushing it.
Dems need to get their heads out of the sand and see what kind of radicalism they're voting for. Many have woken up to it.
No a large part does not agree with it.
Explain what that has to do w/ CRT? You're so concerned that Columbus gets credit for discovering America? And I think having a holiday or every thing under the sun is a stupid waste of time, but not sure what the specific issue w/ Indigenous People's Day would be.
CRT is structured by the left to argue it’s a black / white thing. It’s not. It’s oppressor / oppressed. The application is most commonly used by people like the 1619 Project toward B/W racial aspects but that’s not the full context. It’s to reframe history from the vision of the oppressed and conquered and away from the “colonialist” European lens. The goals are rooted firmly in Marxism. Its workers unite bullshit. They want to flip over the pyramid and destroy it all for their egalitarian nonsense at the expense of meritocracy. CRT applies across gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, etc. In its absolute purest form, it actually promotes racism but from the standpoint of the oppressed. So, that kind of racism is good, according to CRT based thinkers.

And yes, if your kids are in public school, they’re getting elements of it. Even in some private schools, kids are getting it. I audit my kids classes on occasion and review with them what they’re being taught. It’s rare, but it even makes it into our Private School’s
curriculum. They’re quick to add context in follow-ups with the kids when it’s caught and called out.

Sammy can blather on all he wants, you’ve known me on here long enough to know I’m not an idiot and I don’t lie. So, when I tell you it’s happening, it is indeed happening.
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Really I am hearing an idiot talking like he knows something that he really does not. But thay is typical from a Newmax person
I don’t watch Fox or Newsmax. Another assumption you’re incorrect on. I listen to and follow independent journalists so I can actually learn and not be propagandized.
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CRT is structured by the left to argue it’s a black / white thing. It’s not. It’s oppressor / oppressed. The application is most commonly used by people like the 1619 Project toward B/W racial aspects but that’s not the full context. It’s to reframe history from the vision of the oppressed and conquered and away from the “colonialist” European lens. The goals are rooted firmly in Marxism. Its workers unite bullshit. They want to flip over the pyramid and destroy it all for their egalitarian nonsense at the expense of meritocracy. CRT applies across gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, etc. In its absolute purest form, it actually promotes racism but from the standpoint of the oppressed. So, that kind of racism is good, according to CRT based thinkers.

And yes, if your kids are in public school, they’re getting elements of it. Even in some private schools, kids are getting it. I audit my kids classes on occasion and review with them what they’re being taught. It’s rare, but it even makes it into our Private School’s
curriculum. They’re quick to add context in follow-ups with the kids when it’s caught and called out.

Sammy can blather on all he wants, you’ve known me on here long enough to know I’m not an idiot and I don’t lie. So, when I tell you it’s happening, it is indeed happening.
CRT is structured by the left to argue it’s a black / white thing. It’s not. It’s oppressor / oppressed. The application is most commonly used by people like the 1619 Project toward B/W racial aspects but that’s not the full context. It’s to reframe history from the vision of the oppressed and conquered and away from the “colonialist” European lens. The goals are rooted firmly in Marxism. Its workers unite bullshit. They want to flip over the pyramid and destroy it all for their egalitarian nonsense at the expense of meritocracy. CRT applies across gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, etc. In its absolute purest form, it actually promotes racism but from the standpoint of the oppressed. So, that kind of racism is good, according to CRT based thinkers.

And yes, if your kids are in public school, they’re getting elements of it. Even in some private schools, kids are getting it. I audit my kids classes on occasion and review with them what they’re being taught. It’s rare, but it even makes it into our Private School’s
curriculum. They’re quick to add context in follow-ups with the kids when it’s caught and called out.

Sammy can blather on all he wants, you’ve known me on here long enough to know I’m not an idiot and I don’t lie. So, when I tell you it’s happening, it is indeed happening.
You don't have to lie to be wrong. My wife is a Behavior Therapist specializing in children and has a teacher's cert. She's an executive with the PTSA, a non-profit education foundation that supports our district, and started an organization to teach kids and parents how to deal w/ phone and social media use. She's literally in the schools on a weekly if not daily basis. She helps guide the policies our schools use. In one of our businesses we partner and provide services to school districts.

She and I are aware of what our kids are being taught. They aren't being taught anything about LGBGT stuff...although its pretty out there amongst some of the more liberal people in our town. So, its discussed amongst the kids, but our kids haven't been "taught" anything other than to be tolerant. There hasn't been one thing spoken about transgender BS. If so, we'd have an issue with it. My kids are too young to understand that shit.

As far as CRT, I think you have a different definition of it if you're including Lief Erikson in that. Although, I see where you're coming from regarding the oppressed versus the oppressors. Again, they teach history differently now than when I was in school, but I haven't seen anything like what you're talking about. Specifically regarding Indigenous People's Day, they spoke about the the whole thing for maybe 10 minutes. My kids didn't even take notice. They aren't being indoctrinated by anything at this point.

Again, maybe some districts, schools or individual teachers are doing their own thing. If fact, I'm sure they are. But we haven't run into it. Doesn't mean its not a big issue, but from my perspective its overblown social media BS.
How cute. Did retard get his widdle dnc talking points in his email.
He absolutely kills me the way he comes on here either calling names or spouting all his media fed TPs. Yet if he's asked anything about any specific policy or to defend one, he will either ignore the question or google some Left wing link he thinks provides an answer. He has to be one THE most uninformed posters ever to Bless us on the OT forum with pure unbridled ignorance.
You don't have to lie to be wrong. My wife is a Behavior Therapist specializing in children and has a teacher's cert. She's an executive with the PTSA, a non-profit education foundation that supports our district, and started an organization to teach kids and parents how to deal w/ phone and social media use. She's literally in the schools on a weekly if not daily basis. She helps guide the policies our schools use. In one of our businesses we partner and provide services to school districts.

She and I are aware of what our kids are being taught. They aren't being taught anything about LGBGT stuff...although its pretty out there amongst some of the more liberal people in our town. So, its discussed amongst the kids, but our kids haven't been "taught" anything other than to be tolerant. There hasn't been one thing spoken about transgender BS. If so, we'd have an issue with it. My kids are too young to understand that shit.

As far as CRT, I think you have a different definition of it if you're including Lief Erikson in that. Although, I see where you're coming from regarding the oppressed versus the oppressors. Again, they teach history differently now than when I was in school, but I haven't seen anything like what you're talking about. Specifically regarding Indigenous People's Day, they spoke about the the whole thing for maybe 10 minutes. My kids didn't even take notice. They aren't being indoctrinated by anything at this point.

Again, maybe some districts, schools or individual teachers are doing their own thing. If fact, I'm sure they are. But we haven't run into it. Doesn't mean its not a big issue, but from my perspective its overblown social media BS.
I didn’t actually even know what CRT was until it was brought up in the debates by Chris Wallace and framed as being against teaching Black History. I’m not at all against teaching black history. I think teaching the historical aspects are good so we don’t regress to a point where that could ever come back. I don’t think we’re even remotely pointed in that direction nor do I think there is a push from anyone to do so.

Once it was raised in the debates I started doing more research on it and realized CRT is simply the catch-all way to encapsulate it for understanding, with the 1619 Project being the most poignant example. That it was tied to the 1619 Project is the reason it was likely misunderstood to be a race based thing. Given that it was an election year, the Dems had to fan the flames of racism and the GOP being Nazis as there was a demographic shift happening so the whole argument got reframed. It’s actually pretty interesting psychology case study to see the evolution of the argument within society.

The whole thing in Virginia really blew the doors open on it. If you go back and track the ground roots effort on it, it was actually a Muslim immigrant and self professed liberal that started the grass roots effort to combat it. It was combined with some efforts by parents with kids in prestigious NYC Private Schools. There are some critical books and papers I’ve read to better educate me on it.

If you say it’s not happening in your kid’s schools, that’s great. The reframing of the viewpoints and how things are being instructed is occurring though.
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They don't have "skin in the game" if the government provides them with vouchers. Duh. And that still doesn't fix the problem. The kids "trying" are the ones performing well already in public schools. The ones that aren't, will never perform well, no matter the setting. So if you take the ones out that are trying, that doesn't fix anything.

Again, it's really not hard to understand if you would allow yourself to get past the political division and stance on public education.
Time will tell what works best .
Plenty of states has started doing it . I truly hate the big schools and classrooms and I believe smaller classes is the way to go for many reasons. Vouchers will accomplish this . I think young kids 13- 18 get lost in the big school systems and forgotten not enough room on teams or plays ... if gonna spend tax payers money on education do it by having smaller classes. It's truly not politics on this .
Well I can see that reasoning is not your strength. Watch the republican response last night it was about division that is not gaslighting its fact. And McCarthy has left the far right run his party. He gave away the candy store for a few a$$holes
Damn. You are stupidm
I read through the thread without commenting simply to see how the arguments flowed. A lot has been said that is accurate about CRT, and wrong about Government run schools.

Where I'm concerned is failing schools, in predominantly minority areas. Lots of factors at play, but ironically money isn't one of them! Atlanta Public schools near where I live have the highest teacher salaries and spend the most per pupil than any other Georgia school system! Guess where they rank in Statewide academic ratings?

Almost dead last. Fact.

School choice vouchers introduces a new dynamic into that equation, simply by transferring existing dollars being spent per pupil directly to parents who then are free to investigate competing education alternatives. Charter schools, magnet schools, Private schools (non denominational) Parochial schools, home schools, trade schools, even other Governent schools....whatever works!

School choice vouchers are favored in poll after poll by more than 75% of minority parents. They simply want better options for their children besides failing government schools. Putting those same education dollars under their direct control as opposed to bureaucrats running APS gives Atlanta parents a chance to dramatically shift that equation for their kids.
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In every instance it has turned out better than public systems using public funds.

Every time, reagrdless of income, ability, demographics, or race. Private schools side-by-side, outperform their government competition and even the poorest private schools produce results better than the vast majority of government schools. The data is unarguable.
Really(missing ?) I am hearing (wrong verb, should be "reading") an idiot (useless adjective) talking like he knows something that he really does not. But (never begin a sentence with a conjunction) thay (misspelled) is typical from (wrong transitive objective, should be "of") a Newmax (misspelled) person (missing period at end of sentence)

I'm reading a name calling malcontent talking like he can judge what someone knows yet he can't even grammatically proofread his own errant punctuation & spelling. 😏
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Here we go again, ya'll always want to work together, but you have no idea what that means.

Compromise is not getting half of what you want. Compromise is you getting some of what you want, and me getting some of what I want. Until you idiot leftist learn this, there will always be division.

tl;dr, shorter summary:


Biden "if you pass a national ban on abortion rights, I WILL VETO IT!" (applause)

Some "olive branch" 😏
Can you explain how our education system is "failing"?

1. We educate EVERYONE......some nations do not.
2. We offer a FREE education system to EVERYONE......some nations do not
3. Our education system has students who are more diverse than anyone else.........

I did a quick Internet search and found that the US ranks at the top in public education. I say the reason the misinformation of "our schools are failing" is because the ridiculous standardized tests that our educational leaders have whored themselves out is the reason. We still produce a quality education and produce a quality product when students graduate.

Furthermore, if someone else on the Left were to say "the United States healthcare is failing", and there is proof to that, then you guys would have an opposite viewpoint and would oppose any actions to help lower the cost of healthcare.
Statement 1 is incorrect on its merits. While seemingly true on its face, comparing the US to underdeveloped or 3rd world countries is unfair. Almost all developed countries educate all their students.

Statement 2 is wrong. It isn't free. It is paid for by tax dollars, in which the majority come from state and localities for public schools while coming out of the parents pockets for private.

Statement 3 is a cop out. "Diversity" is a pseudonym for dumb or poor kids. Again, almost all developed countries educate all their children - at least up to a certain point - no matter the diversity. The US, which is the richest country in the world, should be able to do it and do it well, which leads one to wonder why we aren't doing it better.

Our schools are failing - that isn't misinformation. The only real question we need to ask is why. I would say we both would agree comes from a multitude of reasons.

In no general order:
1) Kids today spend more time with a phone or ball in their hand rather than a book.
2) The emphasis on schools moving away from education as the primary focus and more towards sports as the reason to come.
3) The rise of technology and social media
4) Parental apathy towards the educational side (while giving good lip service) while having an active involvement on the sports side.
5) The quality and quantity of teachers has been in decline for years. Its so bad today schools will hire anyone just out of necessity of having a body to teach a class.
6) The standardized test movement
7) Social promotion
8) Age-based rather than merit-based groupings
9) Lack of competition has led to a bloated, top-heavy, monopolized public education system that has no desire and no push to get better.
10) Fill in the blank with your own reason(s)
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I think some of you are mistaking the fact that some random teachers here and there are teaching the left-wing CRT/LBQ garbage that they are doing so because it is coming from mandate.

It isn't. Yet, anyway.

It's still at this point randomized teachers doing so because its their own personal agenda. Public school teachers still have a lot of power not only in what they teach in their classrooms but also in how they teach it.

It's true most public school teachers are liberal. However, most want and join unions not because of collective bargaining and better benefits, but rather the legal protections union memberships bring that allow them to keep that academic freedom.
I think some of you are mistaking the fact that some random teachers here and there are teaching the left-wing CRT/LBQ garbage that they are doing so because it is coming from mandate.

It isn't. Yet, anyway.

It's still at this point randomized teachers doing so because its their own personal agenda. Public school teachers still have a lot of power not only in what they teach in their classrooms but also in how they teach it.

It's true most public school teachers are liberal. However, most want and join unions not because of collective bargaining and better benefits, but rather the legal protections union memberships bring that allow them to keep that academic freedom.

This in part is the promise behind the movement towards school choice vouchers. Less bureaucracy and more autonomy among administrators, teachers, and parents for innovation in educational instruction that meets specific individual identified needs.
So have public funds to fund a private system. Nope not a good idea. What could go wrong
The better answer is to give the funds to the parents. It really belongs to their child anyway. Let them give it to the system that best educates their child.

This is one reason why the public school system isn't anywhere as good as is should be. A lot of that money is wasted on people who simply aren't needed.

Did you know that nationally, your child's teacher, the person most responsible for your child's learning while he/she is in school, only receives about 20-25 cents per every educational dollar spent?

Where does the rest go?

Don't you think someone with age and wisdom could take say 6 kids at 10K a pop (about what every kid gets on average) and teach them more in their home than some 22 year old college graduate with a worthless degree can in an institutionalized setting?

Instead, that 22 year old get's 20 cents per dollar for the 20-25 kids she has in her class, most of which have no skin in the game and couldn't care one way or the other.

Let the parents have that money, require that they spend it on education, and have them put some skin in the game. Then, allow the free market to determine who the best teachers are. Let supply and demand get involved and things will begin to fix themselves.
This in part is the promise behind the movement towards school choice vouchers. Less bureaucracy and more autonomy among administrators, teachers, and parents for innovation in educational instruction that meets specific individual identified needs.

If you are a public school teacher, and you are good at your job, you have nothing to worry about. Competition will get you a higher paying job with better benefits just simply because you are in demand. On the other hand, accountability will rise also, which is also good.

If you aren't, you'll get weeded out by the market and our children will benefit.

That's the fear of the public education teacher - accountability. There isn't any in today's school unless you molest or assault a child. If you are bad, they'll just give you a job doing something else.

There is no reason why a PE teacher, which are a dime a dozen, should get paid the same as the Chemistry, Math, or History teacher. That's the public education system.

There is no reason why the people who only push paper and have no dealings with children should get paid more than the teachers on the front lines. That's the public education system.
The better answer is to give the funds to the parents. It really belongs to their child anyway. Let them give it to the system that best educates their child.

This is one reason why the public school system isn't anywhere as good as is should be. A lot of that money is wasted on people who simply aren't needed.

Did you know that nationally, your child's teacher, the person most responsible for your child's learning while he/she is in school, only receives about 20-25 cents per every educational dollar spent?

Where does the rest go?

Don't you think someone with age and wisdom could take say 6 kids at 10K a pop (about what every kid gets on average) and teach them more in their home than some 22 year old college graduate with a worthless degree can in an institutionalized setting?

Instead, that 22 year old get's 20 cents per dollar for the 20-25 kids she has in her class, most of which have no skin in the game and couldn't care one way or the other.

Let the parents have that money, require that they spend it on education, and have them put some skin in the game. Then, allow the free market to determine who the best teachers are. Let supply and demand get involved and things will begin to fix themselves.
I absolutely think the vouchers or tax breaks for people who elect to send their kids to private schools should be enacted. I’m biased, obviously, I’d love a $50k write off every year.
They don't have "skin in the game" if the government provides them with vouchers. Duh. And that still doesn't fix the problem. The kids "trying" are the ones performing well already in public schools. The ones that aren't, will never perform well, no matter the setting. So if you take the ones out that are trying, that doesn't fix anything.

Again, it's really not hard to understand if you would allow yourself to get past the political division and stance on public education.
Yes, they will have skin in the game. When some money comes from tax dollars, and maybe the option of some coming from the parent's pocket, then maybe there will be more accountability. More investment. More involvement. More and better education being provided.

It's true that the kids "trying" are the ones performing better. However, your assumption that other kids will never perform well is faulty logic. Your argument assumes that apathy and ability go hand in hand equally.

They don't.

Right now, what is the reason for "trying"? You are just going to get promoted anyway. The tax dollars are still going to be there for you next year and the year after. There is no accountability on your part to try - you get the same benefits as the person who does.

Give the tax money the school system gets on a per-pupil ratio and give it to the parent. Let them spend it on the teacher(s) they think will best educate their child. If you are any good, you'll be able to take on 6 or 7 suddenly caring students, teach them the way you deem best, and still make as much or more than you do now with those 15-20 kids who don't care to learn.

Everyone benefits. You get every penny coming your way. The ivory tower administrators who push paper can get a real job now instead of getting the majority of the lion's share, and the kids learn more and better.
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If you are a public school teacher, and you are good at your job, you have nothing to worry about. Competition will get you a higher paying job with better benefits just simply because you are in demand. On the other hand, accountability will rise also, which is also good.

If you aren't, you'll get weeded out by the market and our children will benefit.

That's the fear of the public education teacher - accountability. There isn't any in today's school unless you molest or assault a child. If you are bad, they'll just give you a job doing something else.

There is no reason why a PE teacher, which are a dime a dozen, should get paid the same as the Chemistry, Math, or History teacher. That's the public education system.

There is no reason why the people who only push paper and have no dealings with children should get paid more than the teachers on the front lines. That's the public education system.
Yea all this will fix the teachers shortage. Be prepared to have Public education outsourced in America.
Yea all this will fix the teachers shortage. Be prepared to have Public education outsourced in America.
The teacher’s Union has screwed up any chance of fixing issues. The union limits the ability for substantive change to benefit teachers, the classrooms, and the students to protect their whole. Until teacher’s sign up for performance based compensation and diversity of compensation based on fields, it’ll be nothing more than a bloated jobs program. Parents can see very clearly there are a large percentage who should be fired for performance issues. We all had those teachers that long ago stopped giving a shit but they can’t be fired.
The teacher’s Union has screwed up any chance of fixing issues. The union limits the ability for substantive change to benefit teachers, the classrooms, and the students to protect their whole. Until teacher’s sign up for performance based compensation and diversity of compensation based on fields, it’ll be nothing more than a bloated jobs program. Parents can see very clearly there are a large percentage who should be fired for performance issues. We all had those teachers that long ago stopped giving a shit but they can’t be fired.
Again who has a teachers Union????????? And places that do have a teachers union often do better than those who do not.

Union states seem to do rather well. In fact almost all of the bottom 10-15 are right to work states
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The teacher’s Union has screwed up any chance of fixing issues. The union limits the ability for substantive change to benefit teachers, the classrooms, and the students to protect their whole. Until teacher’s sign up for performance based compensation and diversity of compensation based on fields, it’ll be nothing more than a bloated jobs program. Parents can see very clearly there are a large percentage who should be fired for performance issues. We all had those teachers that long ago stopped giving a shit but they can’t be fired.
Many charter schools, Montessori schools, private schools and trade schools also employ willing working professionals who both know how to teach and have expertise in the working world that kids can learn from while they're learning. This vastly expands the pool of potential teachers to address staffing needs as more schools are set up using vouchers. These working professionals, some retired, are using this opportunity to both expand the available potential pool of teachers as well as supplement their incomes while helping to hold down costs of hiring full time teachers. They also do not have to worry about unions.
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Yea all this will fix the teachers shortage. Be prepared to have Public education outsourced in America.

ITT Sammy the dolt admits that teachers are the lowest form of employment in the United States, and they don't even want to compete with each other.

I do not look up to the profession, and I most certainly do not consider teachers having a part in raising my children. You are there to teach them the subjects you're assigned. Nothing else, nothing more.
ITT Sammy the dolt admits that teachers are the lowest form of employment in the United States, and they don't even want to compete with each other.

I do not look up to the profession, and I most certainly do not consider teachers having a part in raising my children. You are there to teach them the subjects you're assigned. Nothing else, nothing more.
Yea so good luck finding anyone to teach your little Johnny. And thats all I do is teach math and go home. And I do not look up to stupid redneck parents either. And man I would love to come on down to Randolph county where you are and say Hi. Punk. Typical redneck poster. Could not even handle classes in Greensboro because of snowflake feelings. What a punk. Suprised anyone would breed with you. Must be a peach
Yea so good luck finding anyone to teach your little Johnny. And thats all I do is teach math and go home. And I do not look up to stupid redneck parents either. And man I would love to come on down to Randolph county where you are and say Hi. Punk. Typical redneck poster. Could not even handle classes in Greensboro because of snowflake feelings. What a punk. Suprised anyone would breed with you. Must be a peach

Wow, shazam, you're worse than Knox with your fortune-telling.
Again who has a teachers Union????????? And places that do have a teachers union often do better than those who do not.

Union states seem to do rather well. In fact almost all of the bottom 10-15 are right to work states
Teaches math, doesn’t understand irregular variables in statistical analysis. They certainly have a teacher’s Union in Maryland, and the public schools here suck, outside of the affluent rural/suburban schools. Hence why everyone with means sends out kids to private schools.
Wow, shazam, you're worse than Knox with your fortune-telling.

He calls some parents of his students "red necks" who he doesn't look up to, but only teaches Math then goes home?

Can't imagine how he'd discuss with one of those "red neck" parents any difficulties their child may be having with the math concepts he obviously only teaches to the children of "non red necks". 😏
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Teaches math, doesn’t understand irregular variables in statistical analysis. They certainly have a teacher’s Union in Maryland, and the public schools here suck, outside of the affluent rural/suburban schools. Hence why everyone with means sends out kids to private schools.

Just be glad he's not teaching your kids. Especially if you have a "red neck". 😏
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