Do we fund Homeland Security

Death by a thousand cuts.

Let's control the internet (potentially tamping down dissent), eventually strike blows against citizens right to defend themselves, open our borders like some freaking pinata exploded so deviants from numerous countries can exploit our ever-decreasing lack of defense (including an air force that is at its lowest numbers since its creation in the 1940's), and then have more people than ever in our history relying on federal aid of some type, thereby increasing the likelihood of their compliance.

Nahhhhh ........... death by a thousands cuts is some conspiracy theory hatched in some church or something.
Where I was going a little different

President attempts to make law. Congress refuses to fund a law that is clearly in opposition to constitution. That three equal branches thing.

Everyone sworn to uphold the constitution? How can Repubs fund something that is unconstitutional?

Of course the media only sees the Repubs shutting down the government. If they don't have balls to stand for the constitution, they all should be impeached.
It's what I have stated on other occasions.

Republicans and Democrats are wings off the same bird. That is why you are seeing what you are seeing. It's also why I stated that the biggest fool is one who is partisan in nature.

Do we think that one party has a lesser affinity for collectivism than the others? They are herding the sheep. It was Bush that ushered in the Patriot Act. Obama is only expanding it to the depths of globalization (along with Soros and numerous other "leaders").

It wasn't George Orwell or an Aldous Huxley that saw this coming. There was another book that saw it coming from a lot further away.


This post was edited on 3/1 12:08 PM by Wolf J. Flywheel
Re: It's what I have stated on other occasions.

How about instead of funding a department of homeland security, we give that money back to the American citizens to buy their own guns and ammunition?
Because strangely, public SERVANTS became our masters.

Just as the founding fathers (and other doctrine) predicted.

It's not the innocuous American citizens who are seeking control and eventually .............. compliance. It's the umbrella of authority, which is why the United States government has horded bullets at an alarming rate, strangely, at a time when our military has been cut to staggeringly sparse numbers.

The good news for all those folks here fine by these alarming changes, is those of us whackjobs and lovers of Christ who fail to submit, will be imprisoned (or worse).

It's strange that those who feel that is stuff of 'conspiracy' so readily accept it as reality in other countries and regions (Middle East being one and much of Europe - see old school and modern day 'Russia"), yet, feel America is impervious to such atrocities.

It's coming here and truthfully, those of us willing to be imprisoned or perish will actually be the ones set free.


This post was edited on 3/1 2:21 PM by Wolf J. Flywheel

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