So I went back through the thread looking for all of your personal insults, put downs, disparaging, condescending and disrespectful name calling. You're invited to post similar for me, but regarding who's the protagonist ITT and simply can't make his points absent pejorative, self promoting, pompous, high brow attitudinal protesting and stomping...uh... that'd be none other @indyrckstar his own words:
Your experience of killing people makes you an expert of Israel vs Palestine? That's cute...
We both agreed that you enjoy killing.
You enjoy Palestine killing, correct?
How many children did you kill?
I actually respect your hypocrisy.
You like killing and then it makes you laugh about it.
Brainwashed as you have enjoyed killing with ummmm... accidental children/babies since they are Hamas..
I like your tunnel vision approach. Well done.
Enjoyed your honesty with killing, wanting genocide, and you playing the cute game of not thinking Israel/IDF is as much terrorist as Hamas.
You're welcome to keep making more dumbass posts when you get back.
We could use NY Times or CNN to dumb it down for you..
Dave is the dumbest guy in every room.
I was waiting for you puppet.
Is this from your fake Bible again or real Bible this time? We want to know...
let's make fun of your fake Bible....
That's what made you a clown