Good morning Indy! I got up a few minutes ago this morning logged on and see you're still at it! As I said earlier...from our discussion on BL I really like you, so I don't want anything to come between us on that over this since you've wandered over here discussing politics with us right wing rabble rousers.
You've said a lot about this conflict ITT but let me ask you two questions (based in fact) that you have not so far mentioned, then I promise I'll leave it alone because obviously your mind is made up.
1st question:
Do you believe in history, or at least a documented historical record? History exists does it not? If you believe in history as a historical record of events recorded that happened on Earth in distant past time does history confirm or deny the Jews captivity as slaves in Egypt? Does it confirm their miraculous and somewhat incredible escape after 400 years in bondage with aid of no weapons, no army, and no homeland to go to?
Clearly the answer to both those question is "yes", it indeed does! (weather you're Religious or not) The historical fact of the Israelites' incredible escape from slavery in Egypt is not in dispute. It happened Indy!
2nd question:
When they (Jews) escaped, where did they settle to? What does history confirm as the land they next called home... the so called "promised land"? Was it Syria? Jordan? Lebanon? History clearly shows where
that land was and what it was called. Israel.
There is no other historical record saying otherwise (matter of fact all ALL the nations mentioned above were part of that land called Israel!)
These facts are indisputable Indy and confirmed by history itself. The video I linked to earlier ITT explains this, as well as the article I linked to detailing how these historical facts line up with the promises Almighty God made to Abraham, Isaac and their descendants after the escape from slavery in Egypt, about who was to occupy that land
forever. (forever means always btw
So if you believe history Indy as I do, there really isn't any dispute over who that land
today belongs to and always has and always WILL belong to. For that reason my friend, we have nothing else to discuss about it. As I said last night, either Almighty God's word is true and correct and infallible or it is not. There is no in between. Either history is correct, or it is not. If you do not believe Almighty God's promises made to the Jewish people, or even if you don't believe those promises were ever made, it is irrelevant to our discussion. Because as I say, history confirms Israel's existence, its present day situation and the Bible also confirms through prophecy that Israel will remain standing as the home of the Jewish people as the entire World is destroyed over it!
So I won't ask you any more questions about this conflict nor should you ask me any more because quite frankly history has already spoken on it and the historical facts are not in dispute. OK my Man? Now I'm off to worship services this morning to give Thanks and Praise to Almighty God for his awesome promises both to the Jewish people and to each one of us for Life everlasting through Christ our Lord and Savior...Amen?
Good talking with you Indy. Carry on ( oh and btw...and go Mountaineers...don't you just love the O line recruits we're hauling in?)
When you have the horses up front, everyone else riding in the wagon will easily follow!