Biden: Get vaccinated or wear a mask forever. "Your choice."

So the CDC now claims they have data showing that vaccinated people dont spread the virus so they will allow them to not wear masks.

This is simply proof that our government took peoples freedoms without scientific data to back their claims by forcing vaccinated people to wear masks.
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So the CDC now claims they have data showing that vaccinated people dont spread the virus so they will allow them to not wear masks.

This is simply proof that our government took peoples freedoms without scientific data to back their claims by forcing vaccinated people to wear masks.
We have a multitude of idiots posing as leaders. We have many of these ‘idiots’ totally incapable of telling the truth and being consistent with what they seem to support and advocate. We have many ‘idiotic leaders’ who have NO INTEREST in our ‘representative’ form of government or doing what is best fir the population that elects them. Corruption is rampant and is spearheaded by an ultra corrupt media. Our population must wise up and return to the country that was prominent while following the constitution. It is becoming a true DO or DIE decision. SAD BUT TRUE!
Just left the bar ...yep belly up sucking down an ice cold beer & a black bush ...yes I said I have the whatever it is shot ( I dont )told the bartender who is a friend , only way to tell was by giving me a blowjob....needless to say, she didn't take the time to check me ..l
I've already thought about this. If I'm asked, then maybe I'll ask them "have you had a vasectomy? An abortion? Breast implants? Sex change?" Yeah, it's NONE OF MY F**KING BUSINESS. Same as them asking me about my body.
This is a thread for anti vax losers to find something else to handwring about. lol
Says the guy whose been hiding in his basement
So the CDC now claims they have data showing that vaccinated people dont spread the virus so they will allow them to not wear masks.

This is simply proof that our government took peoples freedoms without scientific data to back their claims by forcing vaccinated people to wear masks.

This is exactly what happened. They have known all along...even before Covid was a thing...we have been attacked by our gov and now they are looking for a way to make it disappear....liberals like Moe will try and hide it but the fact is our gov is failing us and Biden will just make it worse.

Hydroxychloroquine could have prevented all of the ridiculousness of the past year in a very low risk, simple and cheap manner.

Which is precisely why they had to outlaw and censor all discussion of the decades old drug.

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