ATL Official Bet on 4 more years of Trump

trump is impeached for eternity....Franklin Graham can't help him.
Um ok lol. Do you liberals even understand what impeachment is? It doesn’t mean guilty. In comparison, it is the equivalent of someone accusing a person of a crime. Which anyone can do, even to you. The Senate is the trial. The Senate essentially threw the case out. Remember, McConnell saying that going in? They voted to acquit almost immediately when it arrived. At least try and research basic governmental processes.
I was challenged to a bet about Biden's win by one of you losers. He offered a self ban, but I want to see some $$$$$$$$$$$$! He hasn't put any coin on the table.

Do you know why not?

I thought you Leftists liked to take money from rich guys? Especially if they're Black?

Why not do the ban thing though? It's simple. Everyone will know by being on the forums.
Correct, still the president. The question for him and even you is the same. As in deep down, in ya soul, you truly believe Trump will the president for next term?

Yes. His millions of votes were legitimate. Biden's? Not so much. Lots of fakes in there...kinda like you Leftists posting on this forum? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Um ok lol. Do you liberals even understand what impeachment is? It doesn’t mean guilty. In comparison, it is the equivalent of someone accusing a person of a crime. Which anyone can do, even to you. The Senate is the trial. The Senate essentially through the case out. Remember, McConnell saying that going in? They voted to acquit almost immediately when it arrived. At least try and research basic governmental processes.
did you say that with Clinton or just Trump?
Yes. His millions of votes were legitimate. Biden's? Not so much. Lots of fakes in there...kinda like you Leftists posting on this forum? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Then make the bet with @NYC_Eer

Should be an easy bet for you to win if you truly believe in that. RIght now, it seems like you are dancing around the proposal bet. IF you want money, then you should do both but that's highly unlikely the loser will pay. At least with message board ban, we will all know.
Everyone knows this was a fraudulent election. Even these morons arguing on this board. They don’t care. Cheating is ok if their party is the benefactor. Must suck going through life as a puppet repeating someone else’s beliefs and being either too dumb or too scared to make a stand on any issues.

Actually only deranged cultists think the election was fraudulent.
why would anybody bet you? you are a welcher......

I wouldn't bet me either...not for money anyway. I doubt many of you draw in weekly salaries what I typically pull down in monthly commissions. That's all OPM too! (other people's money) :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
I wouldn't bet me either...not for money anyway. I doubt many of you draw in weekly salaries what I typically pull down in monthly commissions. That's all OPM too! (other people's money) :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
noooo....Ive worked for the same company for 20 years....I don't know what a paycheck looks like.....please enlighten me.....but i don't bet with welchers......low scum.
Maybe, but none of you are willing to risk your hard earned money on that before he taxes it all away from 'ya are you?

Seems like "money" is more meaningful than a harmless one year message board ban. Make the bet with him and whoever loses, owns up. Really, this isn't even hard to do. Everyone on here will be a witness. I will be the first to call out NYCeer or you if either doesn't own up. Everyone should call it out as this isn't about Lefty/Righty/Democrat/Republican/etc... as much as being exposed by the bet from however loses.
Then make the bet with @NYC_Eer

Should be an easy bet for you to win if you truly believe in that. RIght now, it seems like you are dancing around the proposal bet. IF you want money, then you should do both but that's highly unlikely the loser will pay. At least with message board ban, we will all know.

It was his bet. I asked him if he was willing to put some coin behind it? I'm not interested in any "self ban"...most of ya'll will be gone anyway once Trump wins his legal challenges to this sham election. I asked how confident he was in Biden's victory and those millions of record votes to the tune of backing it with his own hard earned $$$$$$$.

He has not offered a penny. Tells me all I need to know.
Seems like "money" is more meaningful than a harmless one year message board ban. Make the bet with him and whoever loses, owns up. Really, this isn't even hard to do. Everyone on here will be a witness. I will be the first to call out NYCeer or you if either doesn't own up. Everyone should call it out as this isn't about Lefty/Righty/Democrat/Republican/etc... as much as being exposed by the bet from however loses. money. Otherwise I have no interest in it.
It was his bet. I asked him if he was willing to put some coin behind it? I'm not interested in any "self ban"...most of ya'll will be gone anyway once Trump wins his legal challenges to this sham election. I asked how confident he was in Biden's victory and those millions of record votes to the tune of backing it with his own hard earned $$$$$$$.

He has not offered a penny. Tells me all I need to know.
Biden and his 80 million owns you......
It was his bet. I asked him if he was willing to put some coin behind it? I'm not interested in any "self ban"...most of ya'll will be gone anyway once Trump wins his legal challenges to this sham election. I asked how confident he was in Biden's victory and those millions of record votes to the tune of backing it with his own hard earned $$$$$$$.

He has not offered a penny. Tells me all I need to know.

You won't be self ban because you stated Trump will win next term.

Money? F'ck... come on man. We all know that never works on a forum. You can't be this naive...

Seems like you are scared or you would have easily accepted the bet.
You won't be self ban because you stated Trump will win next term.

Money? F'ck... come on man. We all know that never works on a forum. You can't be this naive...

Seems like you are scared or you would have easily accepted the bet.

Why are you so interested in a bet someone else offered? If he wants the bet, I've given him what I'm willing to risk. My own earned $$$$$$$$$$. Waiting to hear what his risk is based on the confidence he has in the legitimacy of Biden's record votes? If he doesn't want that bet, cool. What's it to you?
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Why are you so interested in a bet someone else offered? If he wants the bet, I've given him what I'm willing to risk. My own earned $$$$$$$$$$. Waiting to hear what his risk is based on the confidence he has in the legitimacy of Biden's record votes? If he doesn't want that bet, cool. What's it to you?

You guys could easily use Venmo.

Put up or shut up, lying welcher.
Why are you so interested in a bet someone else offered? If he wants the bet, I've given him what I'm willing to risk. My own earned $$$$$$$$$$. Waiting to hear what his risk is based on the confidence he has in the legitimacy of Biden's record votes? If he doesn't want that bet, cool. What's it to you?

Everyone thinks you are poor to be honest. Probably would wHelch paying...

If you TRULY believe that Trump will be the next President, you would have already accepted the bet. Not doing so has basically proved the OP's is right.
Hmm, really? When did Trump give a statement under oath? Was he proven to have lied? Last I checked, he was acquitted because of no evidence.

He wasn’t acquitted, moron. The Senate decides whether or not to remove from office. He is forever impeached....and a one-term President.
i don't care to put a hundred on welchers

You're smarter than I thought. But 100.00 is laughably bush league. This is a big race....for all the marbles. 100? willing to surrender almost all of their $$$$$ to the government without a fight, but getting one of you to put the confidence of your convictions behind your own fraudulent candidate... all you can come up with is 100.00 bucks?

Even I thought I was worth more than 100 measly dollars to my supporters atl? Just Damn!