Americans Must Watch This ! Also pay attention how Anti-American Neo-Marxist try to interrupt and hijack the thread.


The Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation has sued the Tides Foundation, claiming that the Soros-backed progressive non-profit engaged in fraudulent practices and withheld millions in donations.

BLM Global terminated its relationship with Tides in 2022, however, the foundation allegedly failed to return over $33 million in donations to the group, instead allocating some of the money to unaffiliated BLM groups across the country, the New York Post reported.


The groups doing the Rioting got the money over the ones buying Mansions.
Watch to the end. How the CCP is using Amazon and Crony Capitalism to destroy our manufacturing.

Good it was self defense anyways. Don't point communist guns at people and you won't get shot.

Texas Gov. Abbott issues full pardon for Army sergeant who killed BLM protester​

Daniel Perry was convicted last month in the 2020 shooting of a BLM protester who was legally carrying an AK-47 rifle​

Here's a book people probably should read.

Cpt. James E. Fanell: How America’s Elites Have Became The Modern Bolsheviks​

Captain James E. Fanell, U.S. Navy (Retired), served as a career naval intelligence officer whose positions included the senior intelligence officer for China at the Office of Naval Intelligence and the chief of intelligence for CTF-70, 7th Fleet, and the U.S. Pacific Fleet. He retired from the Navy in 2015 and currently is a government fellow at the Geneva Centre for Security Policy in Geneva, Switzerland.

Listen to what she is saying.


Leigh Wambsganss Discusses The Fight Between Parents And Leftists On Schoolboards Nationwide​


"Woke" is a Maoist/Communist Struggle Session to advance their agenda by beating people into submission. Once Old School Liberals like Maher start calling it out for what it really is then I believe they truly understand what we are all up against.

Then we can be friends but until then. Stop voting for them would go along ways too.