Americans Must Watch This ! Also pay attention how Anti-American Neo-Marxist try to interrupt and hijack the thread.

You are so f'ng clueless with reality. :smiley:
You are so f'ng clueless with reality. :smiley:
You are so f'ng clueless with reality. :smiley:

Does your mom know you are on the internet or is she still walking the streets working overtime?
another obiden regime member who can't answer a simple question...

That's why they wanted to defund the police and why they want to discourage Patriots to not join the military.


We are not perfect but pot meet kettle. There are those that are conquered and those that are not. We don't want to be the one's conquered. It's really that simple at the end of all the finger pointing and academic discussions. I suggest everyone get on board with that concept.
You all who read the board knew this a long time ago. The only thing Col Harvey is missing is it was investigated. These organizations were also infiltrated. Your Intelligence Agencies and DOJ has the truth. Certain people within those groups don't want you to have the truth because it would cause the Democrats to lose power. What they don't understand is the Old Democrat Party has already lost power to the Radicals.

His recommendation on more investigations is correct. But Trump will need to win again and have Congress and Senate that willing to clean house for real this time. Then the truth can be released.

Ret. Col. Derek Harvey Warns Of Deep International Conspiracy At Work In Our Universities​

Me and Prince don't agree on several things when it comes to solutions. However he is correct on the problem and how it's all connected.

Prince Sounds Alarm Of Organized Muslim Brotherhood Organizing The Overthrow Of Western Institutions​

Message over Messenger. Listen to both. You don't have to like them but the message is clear and appears through out this thread. It should be easy to connect the dots at this point.
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CCP selling green energy and making money to fund a military + Marxism+ open borders equals a conquered Western Civilization and a end to your freedom. It is all connected and it might be too late for the UK.